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    The Dilemma and Effective Path of the Mainstream ldcological Education in Colleges and Universities in the Big Data Era
    XIANG Liping
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (1): 1-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.01.001
    Abstract199)      PDF(pc) (1144KB)(133)       Save
    Ideological wok is the work of setting up the heart for the country and the soul for the nation.Colleges and universities are the forefront position of developing mainstream ideological education.Underthe background of big data ena ,strengthening the mainstream ideological education of young students hasbecome an import ant task of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. At present,the mainstream ideology education in colleges and universities in our country is faced up with many chal-lenges and problems , such as the slow application of the platfom of coopenative education,the education-al mode being hit , the dispelling of the authbority of the mainstream ideology and the bluwring of the identi-fication degree of the mainstream ideology. 'Therefore ,the mainstream ideological education in collegesand universities should meet the new requirements of the big data era,build the cooperative educationplatfom,innovate the educ ational model,optimize the educational system and mecharnism ,and enrichthe content constnuction to improve the dissemination ,attraction,leading and identification of the main-stream ideological education in colleges and umiversities,and to explore the effective path of the main-stream ideological education in colleges and universities,strengthen the leading ability of the mainstream ideology to all kinds of ideas and social trends of thought,consolidate and strengthen the leading positionof the mainstream ideology in colleges and umiversities,and ensure that colleges and universities alwaysbecome a strong position of setting up morality and cultivating people.
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    ResearchontheTeam Constructionof“DoubleQualified”Teachers#br# UndertheBackgroundof“HighLevelHigherVocationalColleges”
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2021, 37 (4): 5-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.04.002
    Abstract140)      PDF(pc) (1024KB)(109)       Save
    highervocationalcolleges”,andform anewtypeof“doublequalified”teacherteam thatcombinesschoolenterpriseandprofessionaleducation,innovatestheteacherteambuildingmechanismandformsanoperatingmodeforthecommondevelopmentofhighervocationaleducationandenterprisetraining
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    DesignandPracticeofIdeologicalandPoliticalEducationThroughCurriculum#br# inHigherMathematicsCourseinHigherVocationalColleges
    WANGMin, WUXiongjuan, WANGQionghua, ZHANGCaimeng
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2021, 37 (4): 35-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.04.008
    Abstract76)      PDF(pc) (1026KB)(102)       Save
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    TheLeadingRoleofIdeologicalandPoliticalCourseinCollegesand#br# UniversitiesintheWorkof“ThreeRoundEducation”
    YANGKangxian, MAHui
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2021, 37 (4): 26-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.04.006
    Abstract67)      PDF(pc) (1077KB)(93)       Save


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    InvestigationandAnalysisoftheStructureofCollegeStudentsMental#br# Accounts:TakingSomeUniversitiesinYunnanProvinceasanExample
    LIXina, YUYanb, TONGXiaoxia, LIUYinga, WANGXiaolianga, LILi
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2021, 37 (4): 94-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.04.020
    Abstract58)      PDF(pc) (1029KB)(83)       Save
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    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2021, 37 (4): 31-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.04.007
    Abstract59)      PDF(pc) (1018KB)(80)       Save
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    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2021, 37 (4): 1-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.04.001
    Abstract191)      PDF(pc) (1100KB)(78)       Save


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    AnalysisontheDevelopmentofYunnanCrossBorderLogisticsAlliance#br# UndertheBackgroundofthe“BeltandRoad”Initiative
    TANGKeshenga, QIANMinb
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2021, 37 (4): 113-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.04.024
    Abstract62)      PDF(pc) (1063KB)(78)       Save
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    Investigation and Research on Graduation Practice of Vocational College Students: Based on the Survey of Six Vocational Colleges in a Western Province
    WANG Haiyan
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (1): 5-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.01.002
    Abstract81)      PDF(pc) (1091KB)(74)       Save
    To further grasp the current situation of vocational college students’ graduation practice,through the self-designed questionnaire on graduation internship of vocational colleges ( jumnior colleges) ,this paper conducts a questiomnaire survey on the graduates of 6 vocational colleges in a westem povince.The results show that the ovemll satisfaction of graduation pwactice is not high and at different levels ofgraduation pactice , students' scores are significantly different ; “Internship instructors” have a big impacton " students' experience and gains ". It is suggested that the graduates’risk awareness of the graduationpractice should be improved and the practice procedures should be standardized,improve the organizationand management ability of colleges and universities and internship units,and earnestly implement themain responsibility, further reduce the differences between different stuent groups in graduation practiceand attach importance to the role of practice instructors.

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    An Analysis of the Difficult Problems and Countermeasures of SocialInsurance Management from the Perspective of Reform: Taking Yunnan Province as an Example
    DONG Xu, WEI Weikuan, JIANG Xi, WANG Xing
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2022, 38 (3): 88-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.016
    Abstract22)      PDF(pc) (929KB)(70)       Save
    The management and service capalilities of social security agencies directly affect the realiza-tion of various social insuance systems. 'This paper takes social secunity agencies in Yumnan Province asthe research object. 'This paper analyzes the current situation of social secuity administration services atprovincial level from six aspects; service capacity,progress of pension insurance reform , fumction of col-lection and management , risk pwrevention and control of pension fund,construction of public service plat-form and construction of handling service of pension management,and puts forward countenmeasumes tosolve the problems to adapt to the social insurance system reform requirements of constantly improvementand improve the public satisfaction demand.
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    A Study on the Ecological Heritage of Local Nationalities in theSpirit of Xichou:'Taking the Zhuang Ethnic Group as an Example
    QI Yongchao
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (1): 103-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.01.017
    Abstract24)      PDF(pc) (1071KB)(66)       Save
    Xichou spirit is the lofty spiritual quality with " working hanl”as the core formed by the peo-ple of Xichou in the practice of closing mountains for afforestation and transfoming natural ecology in re-cent 30 years. It is the product of the concrete activities of the traditional ecological ideas of various eth-nic groups in Xichou. To vigorously inherit and carry forward the Xichou spirit ,we should not only publi-cize its "red”color , but also excavate its "green”color. 'Therefore , systematically excavating and analy-zing the ecological and environmental protection concept of Xichou local nationalities is not only the basicwork of inheriting the Xichou spirit , but also a necessary link to carry forward its value of the times.'Tak-ing the Zhuang ethnic group as the research object ,starting from the national historical and cultural per-spective of the formation of the Xichou spirit ,this paper analyzes the traditional ecological and environ-mental protection concept of the Zhuang ethnic group , so as to strengthen the understanding of the conno-tation of the Xichou spirit anwl better promote the construction of regional ecological civilization.
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    Investigation and Countermeasures of Students’ Learning Situation in the Enrollment Expansion of Higher Vocational Colleges: Taking Kunming Metallurgy College as an Example
    TU Wei, WU Guangli, ZHAO Kuncan, JIANG Li, CHEN Chunhua
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (1): 24-.  
    Abstract90)      PDF(pc) (1348KB)(63)       Save
    For higher vocational colleges,the expansion of enrolment is not only opportunities lut alsochallenges. Due to the unbalanced foundation of educational background,diversified learning demandsand inconsistency of learning time,the nontraditional students of the extension enrollment,which ac-counts for a large proportion , will have a great impact on the existing education and teaching model of thecollege. In onder to formulate a teaching strategy due to the chawacteristics of the expansion group,teachstudents in accordance with their aptitude. Taking the grade 2020 and grade 2021 expansion students ofKurming Metallurgy College as the survey targets ,questionnaires of 4 dimensions ane formulated,whichare the basic situation of students ,technical and skills foundation,learning alility , learning willingnessand expectation. 'The survey results show that the expansion group has the characteristics of clear learningmotivation,umbalanced foundation of technical skills,weak leaming ability ,and outstanding contradic-tions between working and learning.On the basis of the conlitions of the expansion group,we can ex-plore from the following aspects when fomulating their specific strategies ; first,we must deepen school-enterprise cooperation and explore the “ dual subject”cultivation model; second,we must deepen the re-form of credit system,and explore“ 1 + N merm ”talent cultivation model; third,we must promote thereform of the teacher,the teaching method and the textbook,and explore the“Learn through practice”teaching model ; fourth,we must speed up the construction of “smart campus”and explore the flexiblemanagement model.
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    The Mechanism Innovation Practice of "Strong in Politics" of ldeological and Political Teachers in Colleges and Universities in the New Era
    WEI Jiongwen, Ll Huanling, HU Yaonan
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (1): 12-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.01.003
    Abstract63)      PDF(pc) (1061KB)(63)       Save
    To be strong in politics”means to have firm political belief,solid political theory , strict po-litical discipline and strong political responsibility. I is the first requirement and core quality of ideolog-ical and political teachers in colleges anml umiversities in the new ema. It is also an important premise tofinmly cast ideological security lines , play the key role of ideological and political teachers , and do a goodjob of “four guides ”for college students. In order to promote the teachers of ideological and politicalcourses in colleges and universities to fully implement the requirements of “to be stiong in politics”andmake up for the deficiencies in ideals and beliefs , theoretical skills ,political discipline and responsibili-ty ,put forward the“five-in-one”pwactice mechanism irnmnovation countermeasures,such as access andexit mecharnism ,leaming and training mechanism,dynamic evaluation mechanism of political quality,assessment and evaluation mechanism,and organization and management mechanism.
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    ResearchontheCausesandGovernanceMechanism ofRuralBachelors
    KONGYanchun1a, SUWeibin2, YANGXueqiong1b
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2021, 37 (4): 46-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.04.010
    Abstract73)      PDF(pc) (1308KB)(62)       Save
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    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2021, 37 (4): 85-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.04.018
    Abstract83)      PDF(pc) (1105KB)(58)       Save
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    A Method for Automatic Generation of Contour Linesfrom Tilt Image Data of UAVLIU 
    Zhouwei, ZHENG Qinfang, ZHAO Huan, REN Yunru, GUl Haipeng
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (4): 51-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.007
    Abstract27)      PDF(pc) (1951KB)(57)       Save

    In the process of topographic map production, it takes a lot of time to collect and compilecontour line, and it requires high experience of operators. To this end, the paper aims to generate tiltedimage point cloud by Context Capture software, extract ground points and critical points by the functionmodule of Terrasolid software to obtain the final ground points, and generate vector contour lines basedon the final critical ground points. After compilation and modification , the contour results can providereliable contour data for the production of topographic maps and improve the production efficiency of con-tour lines and topographic maps.

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    Reform and Practice in the Teaching of Higher Mathematics Under the Background of New Engineering
    ZHOU Shaoyan, SHEN Fanqi, ZHANG Chaoyuan, ZHU Xingwen, WANG Pengde
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (4): 97-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.015
    Abstract20)      PDF(pc) (968KB)(57)       Save
    Based on the curriculum concept of the new engineering, this paper studies the current situation and problems of the curriculum from the perspectives of curriculum, universities, teachers andstudents, puts forward some suggestions for curriculum reform and carries out practical exploration. Infinds out that the current curriculum concept is outdated, the curriculum content and system emphasizethe academic and knowledge system , and the isolation from engineering practice is strong , and the curriculum evaluation system is relatively simple. Curriculum reform should emphasize the innovation of curriculum idea, the reconstruction of knowledge system and the multi-dimensional curriculum evaluationmode. In universities , there is a shortage of Higher Mathematics teachers. Teachers' teaching tasks areheavy, and the teaching facilities are outdated. Curriculum reform should strengthen the introduction ofpublic course teachers and teacher training, pay attention to the upgrading of teaching facilities.Someteachers'teaching mode is relatively simple and teaching interaction is less. Curriculum reform shouldadvocate teachers to adopt modern teaching and interaction mode, and introduce engineering cases in thecontent. Students'interest in learning is low, and the phenomenon of playing with mobile phones inclass is relatively common. Teaching reform should guide students to participate in, make the curriculum more suitable for students'needs, so that teaching implementation can stimulate students' interest.
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    An Empirical Research on Integration of General Education intothe Talent Cultivation with Technical Skills in Higher Vocational Colleges
    LUO Jie, YANG Tianrong, ZHAO Yuan ' e
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (1): 17-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.01.004
    Abstract74)      PDF(pc) (1282KB)(55)       Save
    As the educational function of general etucation goes well in colleges,extending to the broaderand deeper areas ,it is significant to enhance the overall qualities of students in higher vocational collegeand to promote their bodly and mind with the harmoniou and healthy personality development. Focusingon the new target of talent cultivation in higher vocational colleges for comprehensive and complex techni-cal skills required in the society of new era,this study tuies to explore the true situation of generaleducation 's function thwough empirical research and analysis.Based on the analysis of the problems foundin the survey,relevant approaches and strategies for the integration of geneal education into the talentcultiv ation ane discussed,hoping to strengthen the lominant role and function of genenal education in thefield of talent cultivation with technical skills in higher vocational education.Besides , it is expected toprovide some reference for higher vocational education and talent cultivation in the new period.

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    A New Measure of the Higher Vocational Colleges to Build Morality and Cultivatc People: Establishing a Class Teacher for Ideological and Political Education
    YANG Guoying, YANG Yulan
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (1): 31-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.01.006
    Abstract67)      PDF(pc) (1071KB)(55)       Save
    The teacher of ideological and political theory couse is the guide to the healthy growth of col-lege students,and the backbone force to complete the fundamental task of cultivating morality and culri-vating people.Freshmen are in a crucial period of the fomation of world outlook,outlook on life and val-ues. It is the national strategy to educate and cultivate them well , and it is the fundamental task of colle-ges and universities. In order to give full play to the role of ideological and political theory teachers in ed-ucation,Lijiang 'Teachers College takes advantage of the class teacher,the grass-roots organization ,which is the most important and has a core influence on the growth of students , to create the position of i-deological and political class teacher for the freshmen who lack the cultural foundation and learning hab-its , and the ideological and political theory teachers stick to this position.Though this measume,theschool will strengthen and deepen the ideological and political education , open up the last kilometer of i-deological and political education , promote the ideological and political theory course teachers to shoulder  the real responsibility ,and pomote the connotative development of ideological and political education.According to the law of the growth of students , the limited ideological and political teacher resources areappointed in the education of the most need,arnd the most important stage and key classes ,make theteachers understand the responsibilities and assessment system , and use the system to improve the qualityof education.This is a measure to consolidate teachers’responsibilities with posts , to encourage teachersto combine teaching with pactice ,to take pwactical measumes in education and teaching ,and to steadilypromote and build morality and cultivate people.

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    Genesis and Metallogenic Model of Bauxite in Bacun ofYuzhou City in Henan Province
    CHEN Bafu, CHAI Wang , HUANG Xinglin, LEI Yangyin
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2022, 38 (6): 19-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.06.004
    Abstract4)      PDF(pc) (1349KB)(54)       Save
    Based on the synthetic studies both in field and laboratory of bauxite in Bacun of Yuzhou Cityin Henan Province, this paper analyzes the metallogenetic environment and mineralization , metallogenicmechanism and metallogenic model of the ore from the perspectives of regional background, geologicafeatures, quality, composition, genesis and the ore-forming environments. The comparative analysisshows that this ore mainly occurs in the Upper Carboniferous Benxi Formation of the Ordos Basin and be-ongs to lacustrine colloidal deposit. The research results can give insights into the searching of bauxite inthe Upper Carboniferous Benxi Formation in the paraplatform of North China.
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    Exploration and Practice of Empowering Higher Vocational Talentsin the Skills Master Studio:Taking the Intelligent Manufacturing Skills Master Studio of Shanxi Engineering Vocational College as an Example
    YAO Ruimin, CHEN Qingsheng, BAl Xueqing, YANG Yining
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (4): 92-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.014
    Abstract14)      PDF(pc) (1221KB)(53)       Save
    Vocational colleges have generally established skill master studios, but there is currently nomature and reference model for how to use skill master studios to cultivate high-quality talents. Takingthe Intelligent Manufacturing Skills Master Studio of Shanxi Engineering Vocational College as an exam-ple, this paper analyzes the necessity of jointly building an intelligent manufacturing skills master studiobetween schools and enterprises from two aspects : adapting to the optimization and upgrading of industrialstructure and improving the guarantee of talent cultivation and teaching staff. This article introduces thepath of implementing vocational talent cultivation through the use of intelligent manufacturing skills mastelstudios, focusing on three aspects, which are innovating institutional mechanisms , building educationaolatforms, deepening the integration of industry and education , innovating talent cultivation modelsand implementing the “ Three Reforms in Teaching”to promote the improvement of professional groupsquality and efficiency. Finally, four strategies were proposed to improve the management mechanism.implement dynamic assessment, strengthen performance management, highlight positive incentives , integrate high-quality resources establish linkage mechanisms, strengthen effectiveness promotion , andcreate brand effects, which will contribute to the sustainable development of the intelligent manufacturing skills master studio.
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    Application of Critical Thinking-Oriented Micro-Lectures in Blended Teaching of Higher Vocational English
    ZHANG Yu
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (1): 66-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.01.011
    Abstract37)      PDF(pc) (1376KB)(48)       Save
    The application of cnitical thinking-oriented English micro-lectures can facilitate the develop-ment of students’ four core competencies , i e. , competency in international communication in vocationalsettings,competency in multicultural exchange,competeney in advanced thinking and competency inhigher-level learning autonomy. 'The design,development and application of micro-lectures should be inaccordance with students’cognition development , second language acquisition parinciples and the featuresof modern learning methods. The teaching is designed based on the situated learning theory and students'practical needs; the micro-lectures are developed in concordance with schema theory and multimedialeaming theory with well-balanced cognitive load and“figure-groundl”relationship,whereafter some de-sign and development principles of micro-lectures are proposed. 'The student-centered interactive micro-lectues are applied in the thinking-oriented blended teaching ,which is to promote the effective applica-tion of micro-lectures in higher vocational English and give full play to the role of vocational English as apromoter of thinking abilities as well as a tool for communication.
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    ThinkingandPracticeofCollegeChineseTeachingBasedonthe#br# IdeasofCurriculum IdeologyandPolitics
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2021, 37 (4): 22-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.04.005
    Abstract81)      PDF(pc) (1015KB)(47)       Save
    TheideologicalandpoliticaleducationofCollegeChineseshouldfollowthecharacteristicsof“educatingpeoplewithliterature”andcarryoutteachingbasedonthetext.Itshouldhaveaclearideologicalandpoliticalobjectivebeforeclassandconstructtopicsbyselectingtexts.Theclassroom teachingneedstousethetexttounderstandthewritersspiritandcharacter,usethewayofdiscussiontotastethetexttoexcavatetheideologicalandpoliticalconnotationsofthetext.Inaddition,itisnecessarytostrengthenwritingteachinginsideandoutsidetheclass,encourageandguidestudentstocreatetexts,thusrootingtheinvisibleideologicalandpoliticaleducationintheexplicittextteachingandcreation,graduallypenetratingandtheninternalizingandsubtlyrealizingthegoalofideologicalandpoliticaleducation.
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    IdeologicalandPoliticalPracticeandAnalysisofNondestructive#br# TestingTechnologyCourse
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2021, 37 (4): 14-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.04.004
    Abstract89)      PDF(pc) (3262KB)(41)       Save
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    Hydrogeological Characteristics and Curtain Grouting Water Control Scheme of Maoping Lead-Zinc Mine in Yiliang
    HUANG Guanghong, SUN Bangtao, ZHOU Gaoming
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (4): 32-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.005
    Abstract12)      PDF(pc) (2432KB)(41)       Save
     Curtain grouting is the most common and effective method for mine water disaster control athome and abroad , and it is a more mature technology. With the progress of science and technology , thekey technologies such as grouting drilling technology , slunry ratio , curtain deformation monitoring, real.time automatic monitoring of mine hydrogeological information and so on have made great progress andoreakthroughs. lt is urgent to sum up the successful experience in this field and enrich the connotation ofthe traditional technology of curtain grouting for water control. Maoping lead-Zinc Mine is the first bigwater mine in Yunnan province to achieve remarkable results by using curtain grouting water controlscheme. Taking the curtain grouting water control project of Maoping lead-Zinc Mine in Yiliang as an ex.ample , on the basis of analysis and study of mine hydrogeological conditions , the construction conditionsand grouting technology of curtain grouting in Maoping lead-Zinc Mine are introduced, and the qualita.tive and quantitative evaluation methods of curtain quality and water plugging effect are summarized. Thenew technology and method used in grouting curtain water control project are refined.
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    The Practice and Exploration of ldeological and Political Education in Metallurgical Specialty : Taking Iron and Steel Production Technology as an Example
    MA Lei, DUAN Liping, ZHANG Songyuan
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (1): 57-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.01.010
    Abstract52)      PDF(pc) (1997KB)(38)       Save
    For sufficiently exeting the positive effects of the ideological and political education for train-ing the high-quality technical talent in the higher vocational colleges,and exploring the solutions to thecommon challenges in the practice of ideological and political education for science and technology cour-ses,taking lron anl Steel Production Technology the core course of the metalluwgical specialty as an ex-ample ,a practical framework of ideological and political education based on six general requirements,seven integration strategies,and eight teaching segments was developed.'The effectiveness of ideologicaland political education was demonstrated from the aspects of the learning efficiency,academic perfom-ance ,anml ideological and political consciousness of students , and the morl quality ,teaching ability andteaching teams of teachers and so forth.Meanwhile,the divection for further mesearch was discussed. It isexpected to provide a reference for the construction of ideological and political educ ation and the cultiva-tion of high-quality talent in the relevant colleges and universities.
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    Grimas’s Narrative Perspective on The Clever Girl Tunes Romance
    WEI Ligen
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (1): 87-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.01.014
    Abstract37)      PDF(pc) (1092KB)(38)       Save
    The Clever Girl Tunes Romance is one of Guan Hanqing's representative works. It tells the storyof maidservant Yanyan,who was lumed by the youmg Qianhu and regretted,but after fighting,she finallygot rid of the slave identity , and became the young Qianhu's little lady.Using greimas’structuralist nar-rate theory, the complex ideological connotation of the text can be clarified. When interpreting The CleverGirl Tunes Romance,the suface structure of the text can be seen as the continuous development ofYanyan's resistance consciousness and her urmemitting pursuit of personal freedom.The deep stnucture isthe conftont ation between “fighting for human rights”and"feudal oppression", so as to deeply under-stand the author Guan Hanqings creative intention of praising the insignificant and affiming humanrights.
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    The Relationship Between Metacognition and Community of Inquiry Model: Based on College English Blended Teaching Practice
    HE Yayun, HUANG Yanyan
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (1): 78-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.01.013
    Abstract34)      PDF(pc) (1168KB)(37)       Save
    As the ability to monitor and control one's cognitive processing ,metacognition is fundamentalto language learning. To explore the structure of metacognition anadl its relationships with online presencein college English learning community of inquiry,312 freshmen were measured with scales.'The resultsshowed that : 1) Metacognition was composed of self-rnegulation aad co-regulation;2) 'Teaching presencecan predict cognitive presence ; 3 ) Self-regulation,co-regulation and social presence served to mediatethe effects of teaching presence and cognitive presence.The research suggested that ,in order to buildand develop the blended college English leaming community of inquiry,attention should be given to thekey role of teaching presence,leamers’metacognition should be lrought into full play and socialpresence 's positive effects on interactive language learning envitonment should be enhanced.

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    An Experimental Study on Acid Leaching of a Copper Oxide Ore in Yunnan
    YANG Zhihong, Ll Yongjia, ZHANG Jinliang, Ll Yingjuan
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (6): 1-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.06.001
    Abstract17)      PDF(pc) (1424KB)(36)       Save
    Aiming at a low-grade oxidized copper ore resource in Yunnan province , this paper adopts thetreatment process of sulfuric acid leaching with low investment , fast effectiveness and low pollution, andfocuses on the influence of leaching agent coneentration, mineral particle size, liquid-solid ratio , leac.hing time , leaching temperature and stirring intensity on copper leaching rate. Through the experimentalresearch , it was found that the low-grade oxidized copper ore is suitable for sulfuric acid leaching treat.ment. The optimum parameters are obtained, namely, concentration of leaching agent is 220 g/kg, themineral size is 40 mesh, the liquid-solid ratio is 3: 1 , leaching for 4 h, the leaching temperature is 60℃Cand the stirring intensity is 500 r/min. Under the conditions of the best acid leaching parameters, theleaching rate of the oxidized ore reaches 84% , the concentration of copper ion in the leaching solutionreaches 6. 9 g/L, and the grade of copper in the leaching residue is reduced to about 0. 26% . The exper-imental results make the low-grade copper resources that have not been effectively developed and utilizedin the past can be gradually developed, effectively expand the scope of copper resources, and have cer-tain economic and social benefits , providing a reference for similar mineral treatment and utilization oflow-grade copper resources.
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    The Promotion Mechanism,Typical Models and Innovation Scales of the Combination of Science and Technology and Finance
    SHI Guanqing, PENG Cong, OUYANG Tianzhi
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (1): 107-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.01.018
    Abstract22)      PDF(pc) (1133KB)(35)       Save
    The effective connection between teclmnology as the smart side and finance as the capital side isthe driving force for the enlogenous growth of the national economy. 'Tlhe article first analyzes the achieve-ments andl problems of the coumtry's teclmology and financial integration development , then summarizes theconnection mechanism of technology and finance from five aspects.Based on the three successful models ofGerman bank-led,Japanese government-led and Israeli government and fund co-led,it puts forward thethree aspects of the country's science and technology finance innov ation.The tlwee standards,namely thebalance of govemment functions and market mechanisms,encounagement of innovation and prevention ofrisks,anml top-level design and implementation routes,provide directions for deepening the reform ofscience and technology fimance.
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    ZHANGBaoqinga, YUYunanb
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2021, 37 (4): 10-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.04.003
    Abstract91)      PDF(pc) (1156KB)(30)       Save
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    Analysis of the Evolution of Urban Landscape Expansion Pattern Based on Multi-Order Adjacency Index: A Case Study of Chenggong District, Kunming City
    YI Junhua , WANG Xiao, XU Quanli
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (4): 42-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.006
    Abstract17)      PDF(pc) (2610KB)(30)       Save
    Urban landscape is not only a typical characteristic of urban expansion , but also an importantindicator to evaluate the level of urbanization. Measuring landscape characteristic and analyzing its spa-tio-temporal evolution pattem is helpful to reveal the trend of urban expansion and provide a support forrational urban planning. Taking Chenggong district of Kunming of Yunnan province of China as the casestudy, this issue measured the characteristics of urban landscape expansion with Multi-order AdjacencIndex ( MAl) and analyzed its geographic cluster pattern using spatial autocorrelation analysis methodfrom 2005 to 2020 (every 5 years is a calculation period, and there are three periods in total). Firstly.we measured the characteristic of urban landscape according to the MAl values, and then , based on theMAl value , the spatial autocorrelation analysis method was adopted to detect the geographic cluster patterns and the urbanization trend. The results showed that: l) Sprawl type and edge type were the maintypes of urban landscape expansion in the study area, while the other types were more average and haveobvious gap compared with the above two types; 2) In the early stage of urban development ( the first 10years) , the sprawl type dominated , and then the trend was obviously declining in the later stage; 3 )The high-high cluster areas of MAl showed the trend of urban expansion from the center to the surround-ing areas, and the pace of urbanization was developing towards the direction of “ compact". These re-sults indicated that the combination of MAl and spatial autocorrelation is an effective way to measure anddetect the characteristics of urban landscape expansion and its spatio-temporal evolution process.
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    Application and Research of Case Teaching Method in Engineering Drawing
    TU Xin
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (1): 72-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.01.012
    Abstract43)      PDF(pc) (1279KB)(26)       Save
    Engineering drawing course is a compulsory basic course for all engineering majors in highervocational colleges. It pays attention to the training of practical ability, meticulous pwofessional spirit andappropriate inmovative thinking. ln order to improve the teaching quality and guarantee the teachingeffect , the teaching method reform of this course has always been caried out aound the new trend of thehigher vocational talents training goal. From the perspective of the teaching reform of engineering draw-ing , this paper introduces a new idea of case teaching method ,and takes the application of the basicknowledge points of the national standards in the teaching process;drawing plane graphic cases. 'Thispaper discusses the situation of this method in teaching practice. 'The application of engineering drawingcase teaching method reshaped the form of teaching anm broke the boundary of the class and it is a benefi-cial attempt to implement the reform of “three education”reforms. lt not only trains the students' interestin engineering drawing,guides them to think independently,solves the pwactical problems with creativemethods,but also improves the students’cooperative leaming ability.'The teaching reform of engineeringdrawing needs to solve the problem of“le arning"and“teaching". But in the whole course , the differentcontent needs the different method to cany on.'Therefore , the teaching reform exploration should be con-timuously deepened and updated.
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    An Ideological and Political Teaching Design and Practice of NewAdvanced College English Book 4 in Higher Vocational College Based on the Theory of Production-Oriented Approach
    WANG Jianying
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (1): 37-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.01.007
    Abstract40)      PDF(pc) (2090KB)(26)       Save
    This paper reports a two-unit classroom experiment including Unit 1 and Unit 2 in New Ad-xanced College English Book 4 (Edition 3 ) on Production-oriented Approach (POA) as the teaching the-ory. The paper shows the teaching design based on the theory and teaching process , highlights the ideo-logical and political educ ation,and reports thwough questionnaires ,interviews ,class online learning re-sources of students learning data analysis ,learning effect evaluation and the evaluation of teaching andthe teaching reflections based on the class observation and reflection log. With the guidance of POA,which follows the sequences of output input→-output pocedumes and three steps of before class,in classand after class,and three core processes of driving , facilitating and evaluation,the teaching process em-phasizes taking students as the main body ,and completes a series of input and output tasks under theguidance of teachers to realize the ideological and political teaching of New Advanced College EnglishBook 4 and achieve the teaching effect of organic integration of language and education.At the end of thepaper,the author provides reference for the pwactical application of Production-oriented Approach in theideological and political education of New Advanced College English Book 4 in higher vocational colleges.
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    An Analysis of the Practical Strategy of Building the “Golden Course" of ldeological and Political Theory : Taking the Course of Basic Principles of Marxism as an Example
    ZHUANG Qianlin, ZHANG Zhibin
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (1): 45-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.01.008
    Abstract37)      PDF(pc) (1084KB)(25)       Save
    ldeological and political courses are the main bodly of ideological and political education in u-niversities,and they are the key couses for implementing the fundamental task of building morality andcultivating people.Creating a “Golden Course”for ideological and political education is an inevitable re-quirement for comprehensively improving the quality of ideological and political educ ation teaching,pro-moting the construction of the teaching team for ideological and political education , and meeting the pac-tical needs of college students' growth and success.'The position of the couse Basic Principles of Marx-ism in the ideological and political educ ation system of umiversities cannot be replaced.Strengthening thetheoretical support and ideological guidance ole of the couse“Basic Principles of Marxism" , creating a“Golden Course”of “ Basic Principles of Marxism”can better help young students establish a firm idealand belief in communism ,and strive to become a firm believer in Marxism and socialism with Chinesecharacteristics,conscious defenders and loyal practitioners.'Tlhis paper takes the course of Basic Pinci-ples of Marxism as an example,focuses on the fundamental task of“ building morality and cultivating people". We have put forwandl several thoughts and strategies for creating the“Golden Course on the Bas-ic Principles of Marxism ” , adhering to the principle of “ content being the king”, making good use of the"great history”of the centennial Paty , the" great achievements”of China,and the“great vision ”ofglobal trends to teach the Basic Principles of Marxism couse well , and adhering to “formal innovation”,changing teaching models ,ermiching teaching resources,and making the course“ lively”and “ dlynam-ic ”, and stnives to provide reference for the construction of more “Golden Courses” of ideological and political education.
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    Effect of Ammonium Chloride and Ammonium Nitrate on Crystallization of Ammonium Sulfate
    GU Shan, LI Jun, ZHAN Wei , MAO Xiang, JIANG Qizheng, ZHU Yunbing, GAO Yingfeng, HUANG Bangfu, ZI Gaoyong, XIAO Lan
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (4): 63-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.009
    Abstract22)      PDF(pc) (1201KB)(25)       Save
    In order to investigate the effects of adding different proportions of ammonium chloride and am-monium nitrate on the solubility, metastable zone and crystallization of ammonium sulfate, the solubilityand metastable zone of the mixed solution were measured by laser method. The solution was cooled andcrystallized. The thermodynamics of mixed solution is calculated by using Van't Hoff equation. Themixed solution was cooled and crystallized. The average particle size and distribution of the crystals wereinvestigated by sieving method, and the crystal morphology was analyzed by macro. The results showthat NH4+can reverse the hydrolysis of ammonium sulfate, resulting in a significant decrease in solubilityof the mixed solution compared with that in pure water; Cl and NO, also affect the solubility of ammo-nium sulfate, and Cl- has a more obvious effect. When the ratio of ammonium chloride to ammoniumnitrate was 1:2, the width of ammonium sulfate metastable zone became wider, indicating that ammoni-um nitrate could inhibit ammonium sulfate nucleation to a certain extent. When the ratio of ammonium chloride to ammonium nitrate was 2:1, the metastable zone width of ammonium sulfate was narrower thanthat of pure ammonium sulfate. No matter how the proportion of ammonium chloride and ammonium ni-trate was adjusted, the crystallization amount of ammonium sulfate increased. When the ratio of ammonium chloride to ammonium nitrate was 1:1, the crystallization capacity and average particle size were thelargest. The related research results can provide a new idea for optimizing the crystallization of ammonium sulphate mother liquor obtained by ozone denitrification and ammonia desulfurization.
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    On the Path of Vocational Education Boosting Rural Revitalization in Ethnic Areas:A Case Study of Y County in Yunnan Province
    ZHU Yuqin
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (3): 1-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.03.001
    Abstract46)      PDF(pc) (1008KB)(24)       Save

    Vocational education is an indispensable part of the national education system.  Rural revitalization is a major strategy in our country.  Vocational education should be worked to its advantages to boost rural revitalization in ethnic areas by cultivating talent,providing talent support,political guarantees and cultural inheritance to better motivate the rural vitality,propel the economic and social development of high-quality,and help farmers achieve sustainable development and common prosperity.

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    Determination and Analysis of Total Phenolic Content in Inula Cappafrom Different Producing Areas in Yunnan
    YAO Bo, HUANG Li, YAN Cuirong
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (4): 57-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.008
    Abstract9)      PDF(pc) (974KB)(24)       Save

    A method for determination of the total phenolic content of Inula cappa was established.andthe amount of total phenol in nula cappa from different production areas in Yunnan was compared. Theextraction technology was optimized through single factor test and orthogonal testand the content of totalphenolin Inula cappa was determined by visible spectrophotometry with thymol as control substance. Theresults showed that the maximum absorbance of thymol solution was obtained at the wavelength of278 nm , and there was a good linear relationship between the concentration and absorbance in the rangeof 9. 8 ~ 68. 6 mg/L (r' =0. 999 2). The precision RSD of the method was 1. 45% , and the average re-covery rate was 98. 62% . The analvsis method was stable and reliable. The content of total phenol in 9batches from different producing areas was different, ranging from 7. 61 ~2. 89 mg/g. The experimentalresults can provide some reference for improving the quality standard and further developing and utilizingthe products of Inula cappa.

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    DiagnosisandImprovementofUniversityComputerBasic#br# TeachingBasedon“Internet+”Mode
    ZIYongsuoa, SHUWangjiaoa, QIUPengruia, JIANGXiaochuanb,
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2021, 37 (4): 67-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.04.014
    Abstract77)      PDF(pc) (1093KB)(23)       Save
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