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    An Experimental Study on Acid Leaching of a Copper Oxide Ore in Yunnan
    YANG Zhihong, Ll Yongjia, ZHANG Jinliang, Ll Yingjuan
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (6): 1-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.06.001
    Abstract17)      PDF(pc) (1424KB)(36)       Save
    Aiming at a low-grade oxidized copper ore resource in Yunnan province , this paper adopts thetreatment process of sulfuric acid leaching with low investment , fast effectiveness and low pollution, andfocuses on the influence of leaching agent coneentration, mineral particle size, liquid-solid ratio , leac.hing time , leaching temperature and stirring intensity on copper leaching rate. Through the experimentalresearch , it was found that the low-grade oxidized copper ore is suitable for sulfuric acid leaching treat.ment. The optimum parameters are obtained, namely, concentration of leaching agent is 220 g/kg, themineral size is 40 mesh, the liquid-solid ratio is 3: 1 , leaching for 4 h, the leaching temperature is 60℃Cand the stirring intensity is 500 r/min. Under the conditions of the best acid leaching parameters, theleaching rate of the oxidized ore reaches 84% , the concentration of copper ion in the leaching solutionreaches 6. 9 g/L, and the grade of copper in the leaching residue is reduced to about 0. 26% . The exper-imental results make the low-grade copper resources that have not been effectively developed and utilizedin the past can be gradually developed, effectively expand the scope of copper resources, and have cer-tain economic and social benefits , providing a reference for similar mineral treatment and utilization oflow-grade copper resources.
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    Analysis of Social Needs and Training Paths for Technical and Skilled Talents in Metallurgy and Mining: A Case Study of Kunming Metallurgy College
    LIU Cong, JIANG iaochuan, YANG Kejing, LONG Xiaobo, LU Yifan
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 37-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.006
    Abstract16)      PDF(pc) (1299KB)(18)       Save
    Employment is the greatest livelihood in China. In order to adapt to the needs of industrial up-grading, promote the precise positioning of talent cultivation goals in vocational colleges , and promote theintegration and compatibility of the industrial chain and talent chain , this aticle takes Kunming Metallur-gy College as an example. Based on the regional characteristics of students' employment, and with thesupport of big data technology, we conduct data mining on mainstream recruitment websites in society.Statistical analysis was conducted on the recruitment markets and information related to metallurgical andmining talents in 16 provinces in the southern region. Through the analysis of the current developmentstatus, technical skill demand structure , supply and demand relationship , and typical professions of themetallurgical and mining industries , it can be found that with the development of transformation and upgrading, not only in central and westem regions of Yunnan, but also in provinces and cities with higheroverall economic development levels in the eastern coastal areas , the demand for metallurgical and miningtalents is also large. The vast majority of metallurgical and mining positions require professional talentsmainly at undergraduate level. Professional abilities with high social demand are mainly concentrated inheat treatment, metal materials, processes, machinery, design , etc. , while general abilities are mainlconcentrated in communication and expression skills, team cooperation, sense of responsibility, etc.Compared with the talent cultivation and matching situation of Kunming Metallurgy College , high-frequen.cy abilities are reflected in the training specifications of metallurgical and mining majors at our schoolwhich are highly matched with social needs. Kunming Metallurgy College can achieve leapfrog develop.ment in talent quality by exploring new enrollment methods and establishing vocational undergraduate pro-grams.
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    Research and Practice on Hierarchical and Modular Teaching Mode Reform of Artificial Technology Application Specialty Group
    CONG Peili
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 45-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.007
    Abstract12)      PDF(pc) (2552KB)(18)       Save
    Vigorously develop artificial intelligence has become a national strategy , and in order to closely connect the development of artificial intelligence industry to the development of higher vocational levelof complex technical skills of talents, this paper takes the application of artificial intelligence technologyprofessional group as an example , around the digital Liaoning, intelligent manufacturing province , closeto the new information technology service industry demand for high-end technical skills talents , exploresthe reform of the teaching mode of the practice of professional groups at different levels and modulariza-tion. In the process of talent training, adhering to the talent training concept of “strong quality , thickfoundation , fine technology , integration of skills, the implementation of the fundamental task of cultiva-ting people, moral education quality, labor consciousness and professional literacy throughout the entireprocess of talent training. Innovative "basic convergence , professional orientation , hierarchical trainingmultiple developmenttalent training mode, on the basis of the college's characteristic 1 + N talent training , the paper breaks the professional barriers within the group , through modem apprenticeship,technician class , tutorial system , micro professional, arious compelitions , scientific research assistantproduction, learning, research , innovation , training, competitioncomprehensive , flexible and indi-vidual training program. According to students' own characteristics and development needs , personalizedtraining is carried out to mobilize the internal motivation of students to become talents , meet the needs otstudents'personalized development, effectively improve the quality of talent training, and cultivate high-quality composite technical talents.
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    Analysis of the Stylistic Characteristics of Different Schools ofthe Tang Dynasty Poetry Based on NLP and Statistical Methods
    LI Mengqiao, SHEN Fanqi, MA Ming, ZHANG Chaoyuan
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (6): 46-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.06.008
    Abstract13)      PDF(pc) (1644KB)(16)       Save
    Tang poetry is the cultural treasure of our country, with a large quantity, diverse styles andthemes. In order to discuss the characteristics of Tang poems of different schools, based on natural lan-guage word processing, this study analyzed the stylistic characteristics and differences of the poems of fivemajor schools , namely , landscape pastoral poetry , frontier poetry , romantic poetry, realistic poetry and epic poetry , using statistical methods such as k-means + + cluster analysis, repeated measurement variance a.nalysis and paired sample t test. The results show that Tang poetry itself has strong commonality, such as“* thousands of miles" , “ten thousands of miles" , “where" and other keywords 'TF-lDF values are relativelyhigh in different schools. In terms of poetry characteristics of different schools, romantie poetry and realisticpoetry , frontier poetry and epic poetry , romantic poetry and epic poetry have high similarities in the use ofkeywords , and the p-values of TF-DF values of different keywords after paired sample t-test are 0. 9730. 383 and 0. 052 , respectively. There are significant differences between the other genres.
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    Reflection and Discussion on Optimizing the Assesment Systemin Universities in the Context of New Engineering
    Ll Kun, SUN He , HU Wenjing, Jl Haobo, Ll Jianfang
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (6): 101-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.06.016
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    food biochemistry, as a basic course in food related majors in colleges and universities, bearsimportant responsibility for talent training. How to reform and innovate the assessment method of the sub-ject basic course with the requirement of “new engineering" construction as the goal is the problem wehave to face and solve. In view of the teaching characteristics of Food Biochemistry, this paper analyzesthe drawbacks of the current assessment system in view of the shortcomings of course construction in recent years and the requirements of major construction under the background of new engineering, exploresthe reform and suggestions of the assessment mode of this course reasonably and systematically, and alsomakes a targeted discussion on the assessment methods of carrying out experimental courses to provide atheoretical reference for the reform and innovation of the examination method in the background of “ newengineering
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    Research on the Construction of Teacher Team Under the New Curriculum Standards of Information Technologyin Vocational Colleges : Taking Kunming Metallurgy College as a Case
    ZI Yongsuo, SHU Wangjiao, ZHAO Yunwei, YANG Xu, CUl Meng
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 21-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.004
    Abstract10)      PDF(pc) (1135KB)(11)       Save
    Teachers of the "Information Technologycourse in vocational colleges generally face manydifficulties , such as severe aging, knowledge solidification , flat thinking, lack of progress , outdatedknowledge , blind spots in understanding new technologies in the IT industry, lack of ability to integratenew technologies, weak foundation , difficulty in self-mprovement leaming, tedious life , lack of time tolearn, and lack of hope. We will solve a series of problems in the construction of the teaching teamthrough methods such as promoting the source of vitality, encouraging the old to cherish high aspirations ,motivating the fighting spirit, conducting further training , introducing corporate mentors , providing one-on-one assistance and mutual assistance from both intemal and external sources, and optimizing evaluation. Taking the information technology course teachers of Kunming Metallurgy College as an example through indepth analysis of the teacher's situation , a solution is proposed to work together from the gov-ernment level, school level, secondary college level, teaching and research department level, as well asindividual subjective level, thus providing a reference basis for the optimization and construction of theinformation technology curriculum teacher team.
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    The lmpedance Factors and Countermeasures for Establishing “ University Alliance for Rural Revitalization”
    YE Qiongru
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 1-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.001
    Abstract13)      PDF(pc) (1217KB)(9)       Save
    Based on the literature review on the construction of “University Alliance for Rural Revitaliza-tionin recent years , accurately matching the development needs of regional rural revitalization , this pa-per aims at the teachers and students of some higher vocational colleges in the region by means of ques.ionnaire survey. This paper makes an in-depth investigation and study on the six key influencing factorsof the “University Alliance for Rural Revitalization”. From the top-level design to formulate the articlesof the alliance , to improve the supply and guarantee mechanism of rural revitalization funds , to build car.riers and platforms , to implement the plan to introduce middle-and high-end talents and other aspects ofthe establishment of " University Alliance for Rural Revitalization”breakthrough path. Local colleges anduniversities produce coupling effect and create new value growth point through the alliance.
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    Preparation and Properties of PVA/Shellac Resin Membrane
    Jl Haobo, ZHANG Hong, TANG Baoshan
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (6): 31-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.06.006
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    Both PVA and shellac resin are easy to form film , and both of them are mainly used in mem-brane products. In order to improve the poor water vapor permeability and high brittleness of shellac resinafter film formation, PVA was specially added and blended with shellac resin in aqueous phase when w(PVA)was0%,10%,20%, 30% , 40% and 50% , respectively. The feasibility of the two films wasstudied and the film forming process was determined: preparing shellac resin aqueous emulsion and PVAaqueous solution respectively , and mixing them evenly at 50 ℃. Finally, pour the liquid into the petridish , dry and form a film. The surface morphology, water drop contact angle and hygroscopicity of thefilm - forming samples were measured respectively. The results show that PVA and shellac resin have cer.tain physical compatibility, and the addition of PVA improves the compactness of shellac resin mem-brane , and with the increase of PVA content, the compactness of PVA/ shellac resin membrane inereases , and the degree of chemical reaction between them is low. When the mass fraction of PVA was thehighest [a (PVA) 50% ], the hydrophilicity and hygroscopicity of PVA/ shellac resin membrane werethe strongest , which indicated that the addition of PVA improved the hydrophilicity of shellae resin, andthe greater the amount of PVA added, the greater the hydrophilicity and hygroscopicity of the membrane.
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    Research on the Training System of “Double-Qualified” Teachers for Architecture Maiors in Higher Vocational Colleges
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (6): 91-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.06.014
    Abstract7)      PDF(pc) (968KB)(9)       Save
    The state attaches great importance to the training of “ double-qualified” teachers, but thetraining quality of “ double-qualified" teachers for architecture majors in higher vocational colleges is lowat present. In order to improve the training quality of “ double-qualified" teachers for architecture majors ,this paper analyzes the training status of “ double-qualified” teachers for architecture majors, and putsforward corresponding countermeasures. Through analysis, it was found that there are some problems inthe training process of “ double-qualified" teachers for architecture majors, such as without consideringthe teacher source and cultivating them all in one way and lack of hierarchical and passive training ac-cording to the teacher development stage, which lead to low training quality. In view of this, this paperputs forward the following countermeasures : firstly establish a classified training model for teachers from enterprises and universities; secondly train teachers at different levels according to their developmenlstage, and establish a training system of primary, intermediate and senior levels to meet the trainingneeds of teachers at different development stages; thirdly strengthen the analysis of teachers’needs, su.pervision and support of the training process, so that teachers can turn passive into active and actively participate in the training. It is hoped that through the construction of the “two types and three levels”training system and the supervision and support of the training process , the precision, systematicness andinitiative of the training of “ double-qualified" teachers for architecture majors in higher vocational colle-ges can be improved, and the reference can be provided for improving the training quality of “ double.qualifed” teachers for architecture majors.
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    Study on Language Landscape of Kunming Park
    ZHANG Xueling
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 113-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.018
    Abstract15)      PDF(pc) (1526KB)(7)       Save
    Language landscape is a realistic mirror of regional culture , language, economy, politics , ancother factors, refecting the diversity of language ecology. Based on the theoretical framework of languageandscape, a survey was conducted on the five representative parks in Kunming through on-site investigation and data analysis. The research results show that in terms of physical dimensions , the languagelandscape of the World Expo Park is very rich , highlighting a high degree of internationalization. In termsof experience dimension, the signage of Daguanlou, Xishan Park, and Cuihu mainly plays the functionsof indication, regulation, and information , while some language signage in Yunnan Ethnic Village high.lights ethnic groups'culture. In terms of political dimension, regional language managers hold an open at-titude, with Chinese occupying the core position in official signage , while unofficial signage for all scenicspots uses Chinese-English as the dominant language. There are some translation errors , omissions , andrepetitions in text translation.
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    The Path Exploration of Rural Revitalization in Yunnan Border Ethnic Areas : Taking the Menglian Dai Lahu andWa Autonomous County as an Example
    DUAN Guichao
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 9-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.002
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    ( School of Marxism, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications , Xi'an 710121 , China)
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    Research on Practical Teaching Reform of Ideological and Political Course in Higher Vocational Colleges Under the Background of Skill-based Society
    YANG Kangxian
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 63-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.010
    Abstract13)      PDF(pc) (1131KB)(6)       Save
    The skill-based society is the inherent requirement of building a modern socialist country in anall-round way. Under the background of the construction of a skilled society, vocational education under-takes the important mission of providing high-quality technical and skilled talents for the comprehensiveconstruction of a modern socialist country. The practical teaching of ideological and political courses inhigher vocational colleges plays an important role in carrying out the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people with virtue and technology and in the process of cultivating high-quality technical and technical talents. However, there are some problems in the practical teaching of ideological andpolitical courses in higher vocational colleges , such as lack of vocational education characteristics andlack of ability to train high-quality technical and technical talents. Therefore , the practical teaching of i-deological and political courses in higher vocational colleges should re-examine its position in the con-struction of a skill-based society , tap the advantages and resources of practical teaching in the mode ofproduction-education integration and school-enterprise cooperation, and promote the overall linkage andsystem from the ideological guidance , content integration , base guarantee and main body coordination , soas to truly give play to the role of practical teaching of ideological and political courses in cultivating mo-rality and cultivating people with virtue and technology.
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    Promoting Learning Through Application Exploring the Effective Application Path of Ideological and Political Elements in Public EnglishTeaching : Taking Kunming Metallurgy College as an Example
    YANG Yaying
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 75-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.012
    Abstract12)      PDF(pc) (1183KB)(5)       Save
    To implement president Xi Jinping's theory of education deeply, promote vocational Englishteaching from the ideological and political perspective, and explore the effectiveness of ideological andpolitical education in vocational publish English. Our college has set up the mechanical and electricaengineering major as a teaching experimental class , and the teaching designs are based on professionaneeds. Adhering to the student-centered teaching philosophy , the ideological and political elements in theyocational English are combined with students'learning , life and employment. Diversified teaching meth-ods are adopted to improve the effectiveness of the application of ideological and political elements in vo-cational English teaching. Through teaching practice, it has been proven that through targeted teachingdesign, the teaching effectiveness of vocational English has been improved and enhanced.
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    Exploration and Practice on the Curriculum Development of Legal Culture Quality Education in Higher Vocational Colleges : Taking the Legal Culture of the Belt and Road Initiative as an Example
    LIU Xi
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 57-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.009
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    The paper takes the Belt and Road Initiative legal culture course as an example to explorethe curriculum development of legal culture quality education in higher vocational colleges. The proposaland further promotion of the “ Belt and Road Initiative has given a new mission to legal and culturalquality education in higher vocational colleges. The legal culture curriculum goal of the “ Belt and RoadInitiative”includes ideological and political goals, knowledge goals and ability goals. The curiculum de-velopment follows the principle of the integration of cultural quality education and professional educationunder the guidance of curriculum ideology and politics". The process of curriculum development mainlyincludes the deterination of teaching content, the construction of teaching resource database , the adop.ion of teaching methods and the implementation of teaching assessment. The construction effect of the"Belt and Road lnitiativelegal culture course is good, and the scope of the course sharing is wide. lnorder to improve the application ability of the “Belt and Road lnitiative" legal culture of students in high-er vocational colleges , it has made a positive contribution to training the inheritors of silk road civilizationin the new era with good legal cultural quality, professional ethics and innovative consciousness.
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    Discussion on the Current Situation and Innovation of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Management in Coal Mines
    GU Zhixiang, ZHANG Hui
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (6): 22-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.06.004
    Abstract20)      PDF(pc) (972KB)(5)       Save

    With the rapid development of technology and the continuous expansion of coal mine produc-tion scale , the application range of electromechanical equipment will become wider, the application envi.ronment will become more complex, and more and more types of faults will oceur. The dependence of e.lectromechanical management work on advanced technology will also become stronger. In order to im-prove the management level of mechanical and electrical equipment in coal mines and achieve safe andefficient production in coal mines, this article deeply analyzes the problems and difficulties in the currentmanagement of mechanical and electrical equipment in coal mines from the perspectives of management concepts, management systems, management technical means, and professional technical talents. Basedon the actual development of the coal industry in Yunnan, this article aims to propose measures to transform management concepts,improve management mechanisms, innovate management models andstrengthen the construction of talent team, and introduce eMES mechanical and electrical managementsystem and PO Easergy A5 power load automatic control system. The aim is to provide some reference forthe management of mechanical and electrical equipment and talent cultivation of relevant coal mining en-terprises in our province.

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    Analysis of Social Needs for Technical and Skilled Talents in the Upgrading of Surveying and Mapping Industry
    LIU Cong, JIANG Xiaochuan, YANG Kejing, LONG Xiaobo, LU Yifan, ZHAO Yafang
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (6): 78-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.06.012
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     Intelligent surveying and mapping is the development direction for the transformation and upgrading of the surveying and mapping industry. This article takes empirical analysis as the core methodand uses network big data technology to capture data from mainstream social recruitment websites com-monly used by graduates. lt explores the industrial upgrading characteristics of intelligent surveying andmapping, and further explores the demand structure, professional requirements, and ability requirementsof surveying and mapping talents for industrial upgrading. The aim is to provide reference for the adjust.ment and optimization of major settings and talent cultivation plans, and to improve the adaptability of tal.ent cultivation to social needs. Through analysis, Kunming Metallurgy College's surveying and mappingmajors have a high degree of matching with social needs, and have a good matching with high demandprofessions in surveying and mapping majors across the country. In the context of the upgrading of thesurveying and mapping industry , the college should firmly grasp the development direction, appropriately elevate talent training goals, optimize the construction of the double-qualified teacher team, and makekey breakthroughs in order to cultivate high-quality technical and skilled talents that meet social needs.
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    The Connotation and Aesthetic Characteristics of the Poetry of Yunnan Poet Zhang Han of the Ming Dynasty
    LIU Huiyu
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 94-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.015
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    Zhang Han , a poet of Yunnan in the Ming Dynasty, created a large number of excellent poems. Although he did not get a bachelor's degree in his life , he gave up his career and became the lead.ing poet of Yunnan literary world in the Jiajing period by virtue of his own poems , and he has the reputa-tion of “Poet of the Country", and he created a variety of poems , of which historical poems occupy a certain portion of his poems, and they have an important value in the research. This paper analyzes ZhangHan's historical poems and explores their connotations and aesthetic characteristics. His poems are closelyrelated to the social background of the Ming Dynasty, the family environment of his famous family , andhis personal travel experiences. ln these poems, he utilizes ancient events and monuments to show hisknowledge of history , and through speaking of historical figures and monuments , he hopes that the coun-try will learn a lesson, reflecting his worldly feelings as a Confucian scholar. He also utilizes historicalfigures to symbolize himself and laments his own disappointing life. In addition, Zhang Han's poems onhistory have unique historical characteristics, using  Confucianism” to judge historical figures and events, and striving for faimess and impartiality in historical theory. He expresses a transcendent state ofmind and his hermit's thoughts through his poems on history and his poems reflect the hardships ofpeople's lives and incorporate humanistic concems, and show a somber and sad stylistic characteristic ,which is more similar to Du Fu's spirits in terms of content and artistic pursuit. His poems on history has a high literary value and significance of the times.
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    Research on the Construction of “ Double-qualifiediTeachers in Yunnan Higher Vocational CollegesUnder the Background of the New Era
    HE Fengying, LI Yunxia, WANG Ye, YANG Heping, WU Yanping
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 16-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.003
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    The rise and fall of a country depends on education and the success or failure of educationdepends on teachers. In the new stage of high-quality development of higher vocational colleges , thearticle has put forward higher requirements for the education and training of talents , and the key to talenttraining lies in the construction of teachers, especially the construction of “ Double-qualified teachers.Firstly , this paper uses the method of text analysis to sort out the basic requirements of the development ofnational vocational education and Yunnan vocational education. Secondly, through investigation andstudy, the present situation of the construction of “Double-qualifiedteachers in Yunnan higher vocation.al colleges is obtained. Thirdly , the “ gap between the status quo and the requirements is analyzed. Finally, some thoughts on the construction of “Double-qualifed teachers are put forward from the aspectsof teacher training base, introduction source, training system , evaluation system and incentive mechanism. The purpose of this study is to provide feasible suggestions for the construction of “ Double-quali.fied”teachers in higher vocational colleges in Yunnan Province , and to promote the combination of in.dustry, college and research and realize the efficient promotion of the construction of “ Double-qualified'teachers.
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    The Research of Informatization Teaching Ability of Higher Vocational Teachers in Yunnan Province
    LI Xin, LIU Ying, ZHOU Xiaxi, PAN Hongbin
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 28-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.005
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    In the context of the rapid development of information technology and educational informatization, information based teaching ability has become an indispensable ability for teachers in the new era.How to improve teachers'information based teaching ability has become an important topic that vocationalcolleges have to pay attention to when seeking development and breakthroughs. This article focuses onthe basic research field of teachers' information based teaching ability in higher vocational colleges, andadopts the methods of literature analysis and questionnaire survey. Based on the literature review and re-search on the informatization teaching ability of teachers in higher vocational colleges in Yunnan Prov-ince, the factors restricting the informatization teaching ability of teachers in higher vocational colleges inYunnan Province are found, and the corresponding countermeasures are given.
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    The Current Situation , Development Trends and Optimization Paths of English Teaching in the College Entrance Examination for Secondary Vocational Students
    SONG Yuxin
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 80-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.013
    Abstract15)      PDF(pc) (1252KB)(3)       Save
    The new standards of college entrance examination for vocational education evaluate bothstudents'academic proficiency and their vocational skills, which manifests the top priority given to theversatility in the integrated cultivation of secondary vocational colleges-higher vocational colleges-universi-ties. In analyzing the background, guidelines and teaching requirement in the exam reform, we discusson the previous text results of the English subject of college entrance examination for vocational educa-tion , the current situation of English teaching in secondary vocational colleges , higher vocational colle.ges, and put forward some suggestions for the preparation for the exam. It aims to promote students' corecompetencies of the English subject, i. e. , competency in international communication in vocational settings, competency in multicultural exchange , competency in advanced thinking and competency in higher-level learning autonomy , and facilitate students to be all-round talents with values, competencies, ethics and highly professional skills. The study also sheds insight into developing the role of vocational English as a promoter of thinking abilities as well as a tool for communication in the English teaching fromsecondary vocational colleges to higher vocational colleges and to universities.
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    Aesthetic Guidance in English Poetry Teaching for University Students
    WANG Min
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 88-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.014
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    English poery, rich in the beauty of music , language , form and image, is a shining pearl inthe Treasury of British and American literature. English poetry serves as a rich resource for nurturing theaesthetic sensibilities of university students. Therefore , English poetry teaching should get rid of the mis-understanding that it is diffcult to teach and learn , and naturally integrate aesthetic elements into boththe content and process of teaching, so that students can understand and appreciate the beauty of poetrymore comprehensively. In line with the all-round development needs of universiy students, this paperhighlights four common aesthetic characteristics of English poetry with examples of famous English poems.It explores the immense potential and value of using English poetry as language materials for aesthetic ed-ucation of universiy students. Additionally , it puts forth some teaching methods that have been proven ef-fective in teaching practice, including poetry recitation, music appreciation , painting appreciation, andfilm appreciation, etc. , to provide aesthetic guidance of English poetry for students from all angles.Through these methods , students can enhance their awareness of discovering beauty , improve their aes.thetic abilities, so that they can truly feel the artistic beauly of poetry and understand the profound conno-tation expressed within poetry. At the same time, encouraging students to express their emotions andthoughts through poetry and to create poetry by giving full play to their creative thinking , are equally im-portant teaching contents and steps in realizing effective aesthetic guidance.
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    “Fragmentation" and Information Dissemination of Academic Journals
    MAO Ying, LIU Xi, ZHAO Yimao
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 120-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.019
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    In the era of mobile Internet , the information dissemination of academic journals is deeply in-fluenced by “fragmented”communication, and has its own characteristics in communication path, carrieform, information presentation, promotion and marketing strategy. In order to solve the problems in the“fragmented”communication of academic journals , we should pay attention to the use of new media, actively carry out intensive professional cooperation, innovate the ideas of “fragmented” communication.and attach importance to the brand construction of journals themselves.
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    Theoretical Calculation and Common Control Measures for Diagonal Ventilation Network in Non-Coal Mines
    TIAN Min
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (6): 15-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.06.003
    Abstract9)      PDF(pc) (1565KB)(3)       Save
    In order to analyze the airflow characteristics of the diagonal ventilation network , the theoreti.cal expression of the total ventilation resistance of the simple diagonal ventilation network is establishedbased on the mine ventilation theory and the numerical calculation method. hrough calculation of thecomputer program of the total ventilation resistance of the diagonal ventilation network, it is concludedthat the total ventilation resistance of the diagonal ventilation network is only related to the ventilation re-sistance of each ventilation path, and does not change with the change of the total ventilation volume.Meanwhile , the diagonal ventilation network of the ring rail transportation middle section and mining areais analyzed according to the mining example of non-coal mine with multiple sections and multiple segments mining at the same time. It is put forward that the main control measures of diagonal ventilationnetwork are resistance increase regulation and pressure increase regulation , which denies the feasibility ofincreasing the total ventilation volume regulation of the whole mine, and has a reference for daily ventila-tion management.
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    Analysis on Comprehensive Education Mode of Modern Communication Technology Specialty Under the Background of Post Course Competition and Certificate Integration
    SONG Hao, RONG Hui, Ll Wei, LUO Jie, CHEN Yunchuan
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (6): 86-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.06.013
    Abstract9)      PDF(pc) (1068KB)(3)       Save

    In order to promote the high-quality development of vocational education and rellect the char.acteristics of vocational education types, on the basis of deepening school-enterprise cooperation and theintegration of industry and education, the content of post ability , curriculum system, vocational skill competition and vocational skill level certificate is integrated into the whole process of talent training. To ex.plore the collaborative education mode with “ multiple subjects” , reform the teaching method with “ combination of specialized thinking" , build a high-level practical training platform with “combination of vir.tuality and reality",construct a curriculum system with “ four-in-one”,innovate the integration mechanism of post, course , competition and certification, optimize the comprehensive education mode, the paper explore a new path to practice training high-quality and highly skilled talents of modern communication technology in higher vocational colleges.

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    Exploration of Mechanical Drawing Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges
    TONG Shuqi
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (6): 96-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.06.015
    Abstract7)      PDF(pc) (1603KB)(2)       Save
    In response to the teaching characteristics of vocational colleges, a preliminary exploration andresearch have been conducted on the reform of the teaching content and methods of the course MechanicaDrawing. The selection of traditional drawing teaching content should be pruned and strengthened, stri.ving for novelty and refinement , and following the prineiple of “enough to use is sufficient”. Solid Edge,CAXA two-dimensional electronic board software, ete. were selected for solid modeling and two-dimen.sional graphics drawing, giving full play to the performance advantages of various software. The two-dimensional drawing software replaced the traditional blackboard drawing, and the three-dimensional draw-ing software replaced the traditional physical model. Online teaching and remote teaching were successfully realized, and more abundant teaching content was added with fewer class hours , effectively impro.ving the teaching quality. The class is an extremely important battlefield for ideological and political edu.cation. In response to the requirements of national ideological and political work throughout the entireprocess of education and teaching, and to achieve the goal of cultivating morality and cultivating talents ,based on the teaching content of the course, we will explore the ideological and political aspects of the Course.
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    Experimental Study on Sewage Treatment Enhanced by Modified Zeolite in MBR
    CHENG Yongwei, Ll li, PAN Jie, REN Youchang, PENG Yi
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (6): 27-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.06.005
    Abstract11)      PDF(pc) (1043KB)(2)       Save
    Natural zeolite is widely used and has a certain adsorption capacity for pollutants such as nitro-gen and phosphorus in domestic sewage. After modification by physical and chemical methods, the porosityand adsorption effect of zeolite can be improved, so as to effectively remove ammonia and phosphorus insewage. To achieve the purpose of effectively removing each substrate, natural zeolite was used as carrierin this paper, particles were prepared by alkaline pretreatment and salt ( sodium chloride solution) compos.ite modification. Sewage treatment in MBR were studied on the compound modification zeolite granules.The effects of amount of modified zeolite , reaction temperature and reaction time on the removal efficiencyand adsorption capacity of various substrates ( such as COD, 'TP and NH,’ -N) in wastewater were investiga-ted. The results showed that when the dosage of MZ is 10 g/L, the removal rate of COD, NH,' -N and TPin wastewater is the best, and the microorganisms are enriched with MZ adsorbent as the carrier, the ad-sorption traits are improved, and the removal efficiency of substrates also increased.
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    Practical Implementation of Campus Network Security in College Under Multi-network Integration
    KONG Xiuping
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (6): 39-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.06.007
    Abstract5)      PDF(pc) (2220KB)(2)       Save
    In the context of the lntermet of 'Things , the coexistence of multiple networks, including wiredwireless, and loT, has become the norm in colleges. The rapid advancement of digitalization in highereducation has aceelerated the swilt implementation of "multi-network convergence”. However, the chal.lenge lies in how to strategically plan and merge these networks to reduce operational and managementCosts.Moreover, ensuring network security by effectively controlling access across the entire networkpost-convergence has emerged as a new challenge. In light of these considerations, this paper introducesa “ multi-network convergence" solution to address these challenges. This approach is predicated on thenotion of self-operating networks, enabling controlled and manageable access for campus users. t em.ploys a single physical network to carry wired , wireless , and loT traffie while segmenting network addressranges based on business requirements. Flexible techniques such as multi-factor authentieation and intranet subdomain isolation are implemented to achieve minimal interconnectivity of permissions among di.verse users and services across the entire network, Taking Yangzhou Polytechnie Institute as a case stud-y, the proposed solution was practically implemented, successfully achieving the secure convergence ofmultiple networks on the campus while maintaining control over access permissions. The results of thispractical application demonstrate the effectiveness and universality of the proposed method.
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    Simulation Design of Automatic Production Line Training Device Based on TIA Portal
    Ll Zihong
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (6): 69-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.06.011
    Abstract7)      PDF(pc) (4508KB)(2)       Save
    Based on YL-335B type $7-200 automatic production line training device, in order to advancewith the times and convenient teaching, using S7-1500 PLC, PLCSIM, 'TlA Portal and other software andhardware, a set of new simulation system is built. This paper proposes a kind of simulation teachingwhich is easy to realize project-driven and task implementation, and does not rely on specific equipmentwhen necessary. By issuing project assignment , students are investigated from program development andsimulation debugging operation , so as to improve students’ logical thinking and programming ability , andcomprehensively apply the knowledge learned to analyze and deal with practical problems in the engineer-ing field under complex environment , which improve the students’ cognition and adaptability to industrialautomation control. In addition, this paper can also provide some reference for the programming and de.bugging of the electromechanical integration project in the National Vocational College Skills Competition.
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    Research on Navigation Path Planning Algorithm for Unmanned Shovel Loaders Based on Improved Dijkstra
    YIN Yehua, Ll Yuncai, Ll Ping
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (6): 55-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.06.009
    Abstract10)      PDF(pc) (1174KB)(2)       Save
    This study aims to develop an enhanced Dijkstra algorithm to optimize navigation path planningfor unmanned shovel loaders in underground mining environments. In the traditional Dijkstra algorithmthe shortest path tree is generated by continuously selecting the nearest unvisited node from the startingpoint. However, in underground mining environments, additional factors need to be considered, such asterrain, mineral distribution, and safety factors. By deriving a new kinematic model and incorporating itinto the algorithm , the improved algorithm can provide safer and more eficient path planning. Throughpractical case studies, this paper demonstrates the efectiveness and potential applications of the enhancedDijkstra algorithm in underground mining navigation.
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    A Study on the Plant Landscape Satisfaction of Suburban Parksin Zhangzhou City Based on IPA Analysis
    WANG Yayun
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (6): 62-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.06.010
    Abstract9)      PDF(pc) (6943KB)(2)       Save
    Suburban parks have good natural plant landscape resources and paying attention to usersneeds has become a key point in creating a natural and wild atmosphere in suburban parks. In this study .when the plant landscape of Longwen section of Zhangzhou Suburban Park was taken as a research case .the tourists' satisfaction with the plant landscape was obtained by issuing field questionnaires, and theImportance-Performance Analysis ( IPA) was used to analyze the satisfaction of tourists to the plant landscape of the suburban park. The results show that the travel time of tourists in suburban parks is concen.trated on weekends or holidays, accounting for 89. 13% ; the intention to revisit is 80. 86%. The topthree tourist satisfaction scores for suburban parks were plant quantity, plant species and biodiversity.The aspects in urgent need of improvement in the park are indicator signs, rest facilities, plant hierarchy.etc. By improving the management system and landscape enhancement, the park can effectively enhancethe sense of happiness and satisfaction of tourists, and provide a scientific basis for the construction andrenovation of plant landscape in the suburban park.
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    Study on the Optical Properties of Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Films
    ZHAN Xianghao, TlAN Pin, TANG Libin, YU Jie
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (6): 9-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.06.002
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    In this paper, using glucose as carbon source and 2, 4, 6 - triamino-pyrimidine as nitrogensource , nitrogen-doped graphene films were grown by vacuum annealing at high temperature, and variousphotoelectric properties of the grown nitrogen-doped graphene films were characterized. Raman character.ization confirmed that the film is a multilayer graphene film with certain defects but crystallinity is good.XPS characterization also confirmed that nitrogen was successfully doped into the graphene lattice structure and covalent bond, Through transmission electron microscopy , many quantum dots with diameters ol20 ~ 30 nm are attached to the surface of the film , and the film morphology is relatively dense. The UV.Vis absorption spectrum test confirmed that the absorption peak of the doped graphene film produced acertain degree of blue shift , and the overall absorption capacity of the film was enhanced after nitrogen doping.
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    A Study on the English Translation and External Communication of The Book of Changes Based on a Questionnaire Survey
    ZOU Yuwen, JI Hongqin
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 100-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.016
    Abstract4)      PDF(pc) (1256KB)(2)       Save

     As a prominent Chinese classic, The Book of Changes ( also known as Yi Ching) holds an im-mense cultural significance that can contribute greatly to the promotion of Chinese cultural classics worldwide. Through an in-depth analysis of questionnaire survey results, the English translations of The Bookof Changes are perceived to be comprehensive and accessible. However, partially translated content posesissues in terms of quality, and comprehension among the target audience needs to be enhanced. Underthe current status, there exist opportunities to improve both the translation quality and the translatorsquality. Additionally,enhancing communication channels and understanding the needs of the audiencecan further improve its reach and impact.

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    A Study on the Integration of the Consciousness of Chinese National Community into the Ideological and Political Course in Yunnan Colleges and Universities
    WANG Xue
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 69-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.011
    Abstract12)      PDF(pc) (1133KB)(2)       Save
    In the struggle for a new era and a new journey , uniting all ethnic groups and forging a strongsense of community for the Chinese nation is the inevitable choice to realize the great cause of the Chinesenation's history. This paper discusses the necessity and importance of integrating the consciousness of theChinese nation community into the ideological and political course in Yunnan colleges and universitiesfrom the perspective of how to integrate the consciousness of the Chinese nation community into the ideo.logical and political course. It is of practical significance for the high quality and leapfrog development ofYunnan to strengthen the education of college students of all ethnic groups to forge a strong sense of na.tional community, guide the youth of all ethnic groups to unite and forge ahead, maintain national unitand build a beautiful homeland. By digging into the typical examples of ethnic unity in Yunnan's localhistory , from the vivid historical facts of “Pu 'er National Unity Pledge Steleand “Prosperous Fan”cur.tain to the actual cases of poverly alleviation and rural revitalization in the new era, by telling the Yun.nan story of national unity well in ideological and political classes, students of all ethnic groups are guided to become the founders of the national destiny community and build the Yunnan chapter of theChinese dream together. It is suggested that the integration of ideological and political lessons into theconsciousness of the Chinese nation community should innovate the teaching methods of ideological andpolitical lessons, adhere to the unity of dominance and subjectivity , adhere to the unity of indoctrinationand inspiration , and adhere to the unity of diversity.
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    Research on the Physical Education Curriculum Model in Universities Based on “ Teaching, Practice Diligently and Competition"
    WANG Ju’ an , LIU Guanglei , WU Yujia, WANG Qingwei
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 51-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.008
    Abstract14)      PDF(pc) (1195KB)(2)       Save
    The development mode of physical education curriculum in universities in China cannot keepup with the development of the times as a whole. The Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening andmproving School Physical Education in the New Era reiterated the great significance of school physicaleducation , and proposed the establishment of a new physical education model based on “Teaching , Practice Diligently and Competition". This paper discusses the physical education curriculum model in universities in the new era by using the methods of literature, logical analysis , and system analysis. It believes that the physical education curriculum model of “ Teaching、 practice diligently、 regular competitionis a kind of integrated development idea. The integrated promotion can effectively resolve the con-tradictions of “diffcult to learn and difficult to learn to apply" in the curent physical education curric.ulum of universities, and it is a new model of high-quality development of physical education inuniversities. Deeply understanding the connotation of “Teaching, diligently practice and regular competition and accurately grasping the internal logical relationship are the basis for the implementation of the newmodel. The key to the implementation of the new model is to change the concept and improve the level ofuniversities sports management, plan and design universities sports teaching courses as a whole , stimulatethe interest and cultivate college students'exercise habits , comprehensively promote extracurricular sportspractice, and ensure that college sports learning can be applied through competition.
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    An Analysis of Masculinity in Dai Che's Ci-poems
    SUN Meng
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (5): 108-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.017
    Abstract5)      PDF(pc) (1367KB)(1)       Save
    Dai Che, a poetess in Nanjing , Jiangsu province during the Oing Dynasty, author of The Col-lection of Ci-poems by Dai Che, left more than 200 Ci-poems in the Chinese Ci-poetry field, some otwhich broke the delicate style of the traditional boudoir writing characteristic. The Ci-poetry of praisinghistory and nostalgia is vigorous and heroic. The Ci-poetry admiring heroes is inclined to advocating forstrength and bravery. The Ci-poetry about traveling changes the softness and delicacy of female poetry.integrating into the history , expressing their emotions , and showing a magnificent momentum. It has be-come a new element in female Ci-poetry in the Ming and Oing Dynasties, promoting the prosperily of female Ci-poems in the Oing Dynasty , and has a certain complementary role and important significance forthe development of scholars' research on the history of female Ci-poems. At the same time , readers canget a glimpse of the life state and spiritual style of Dai Che, a female Ci-poetry in the Yongqian period.
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    The Construction Path of Teaching Innovative Team in Vocational CollegesBased on the Background of “ High-Level Higher Vocational Colleges
    MENG Yutong, ZOU Yaling, JIANG Xi , DONG Xu
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2024, 40 (3): 1-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2024.03.001
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     With the implementation of the national “ High-Level Higher Vocational Colleges” plan, thestate has put forward new requirements for the development of vocational education with high quality andhigh standards. The construction of a highly qualified teacher team is emphasized as fundamental work,and it is explicitly proposed to establish “ a group of specialized national vocational education teacherteaching innovation teams”. As an important measure to improve the construction of teaching team,there are still some problems in the structure of the team , construction objectives and construction evalu.ation system. Based on the situation of teaching innovation team in vocational education in Yunnan Prov.this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for team building. At the samemnce .time .focusing on the construction of innovation team in Kunming Metallurgy College, the common prob.lems of team construction have been discussed, and the elfective construction path of teaching innovationteam in voeational education is proposed to provide reference for the realization of high-quality constrtion and development of innovation team in Yunnan Province.
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    Research on Strategies for Enhancing the Competency of“Double-Qualified” Teachers in Higher Vocational Colleges Underthe Context of “ High-Level Higher Vocational Colleges” Construction
    ZOU Yalingª, MENG Yutong", JIANG Xi', DONG Xu
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2024, 40 (3): 7-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2024.03.002
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     The implementation of the national “ High-Level Higher Vocational Colleges” puts forward newrequirements for the high-quality development of vocational education, and points out the direction of thehigh-quality development of connotation of higher vocational education. Creating a high-level team of* Double-qualified” teacher is the premise of achieving the high-quality development of higher vocationaleducation. This paper interprets the current situation of the competency of “ Double-qualified" teachers inhigher vocational colleges under the background of “ High-Level Higher Vocational Colleges” construc-tion , and summarizes and analyzes the current problems in the construction of teaching staff in higher vo-cational colleges. Based on the background of “ High-Level Higher Vocational Colleges” construction , theconnotation of “ Double-qualified” teachers will be excavated, and the competency model of “ Double-qualified” teachers will be constructed. By comparing the current situation of the construction of teachingstaff and the connotation proposed in the competency model of “Double-qualified" teachers, the path ofimproving the competeney of “ Double-qualified" teachers is put forward, which provides referenee for the sustainable development of the construction of “ Double-qualified” teachers.
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    Analysis of China's Cross-border E-Commerce Talent Demand and Training Mode in the New Era
    LlU Ying
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2024, 40 (3): 13-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2024.03.003
    Abstract4)      PDF(pc) (960KB)(0)       Save
    Cross-border e-commerce, as an emerging e-commerce model, is developing rapidly, butChina's development in the field of cross-border e-commerce is still in its infancy, and there are certainproblems in the talent demand and training mode involved. At present , there is a shortage of talent train-ing and reserves in China's cross-border e-commerce industry , especially the cultivation of emerging technology talents and overseas market development talents. There is a large talent gap in the industry, andthe market is in urgent need of senior talents with cross-border e-commerce experience. Through analy-this paper puts for ward the following suggestions: grasp the main difficulties in the cultivation ofS1S.cross-border e-commerce talents, form a joint force through schools and enterprises, and strengthenschool-enterprise cooperation; the traditional education of colleges and universities and the vocationaltraining needs of enterprises are combined to improve the quality of talent training; pay attention to theintegration of off-campus practical teaching and on-campus practical training; intensify the cultivation ofinternational talents , and make full use of the integration of international educational resources; establisha scientific and reasonable evaluation and incentive mechanism for cross-border e-commerce talents ,maintain the stability of the cross-border e-commerce talent team, and adapt to the rapid development ofthe cross-border e-commerce industry.
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    Research and Practice on the Construction of Provincial Online PremiumCourses: Taking the Course of Art Appreciation as an Example#br#
    JIANG Li
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2024, 40 (3): 19-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2024.03.004
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    With the rapid development of information technology, online education has gradually becomea hot topic in the field of education. This article takes the online high-quality course Art Appreciation inYunnan Province as an example to explore the construction strategies, practical elfects, and existingproblems of provincial-level online high-quality courses. A complete online high-quality course construc.tion plan has been proposed from the aspects of course demand analysis, learning situation analysis.teaching mode selection , teaching resource design , teaching activity organization , and evaluation methoddesign. The feasibility and effectiveness of this plan have been verified through practice. This article aimsto provide reference and inspiration for the construction of other online premium courses.
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    The Research and Practice of Approaches to Constructing InnovativeTeaching Teams for Vocational Education Teachers in the New Era :Taking the National-Level Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) ApplicationTechnology Teaching Innovation Team as an Example
    GE Junjie, Yl Junhua
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2024, 40 (3): 26-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2024.03.005
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    Strengthening the construction of teaching teams is a fundamental guarantee for improving theoverall level of the teaching stalf. It leads the reform and innovation of educational and teaching models.promotes the continuous improvement of talent training quality , and meets the practical needs of vocation.al education teaching and training. It is also a crucial and key factor in supporting the reform and development of vocational education and implementing the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education. Taking the construction practice of the National-Level Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ( UAV) Applica.tion 'Technology Teaching lnnovation Team of Kunming Metallurgy College as an example , this paper sys.tematically analyzes the correlation of various factors affecting team construction, as well as the rules andprocedures of the team construction system. lt proposes research on innovative team construction approaches from four aspects : construction mode, platform construction, construction mechanism and construc-tlon measures.Through this research, it provides vocational education teaching innovation teams with distinctive construction ideas and references.
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