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    ADemonstrationofDataConversionfrom AutoCADtoArcGIS
    ZHAO Nan, XU Yan-Hong, YANG Qiang
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2013, 29 (1): 33-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2013.01.008
    Abstract1596)      PDF(pc) (1338KB)(2206)       Save
    Sharingofspatialdataisaninefficientanderrorproneprocess.whichisalsoeasytolosealargenumbervaluabledetailsandattributes.Therefore,researchingdataconversionfrom AutoCADtoArcGIStoensuremaximumdegreeofretentionspatialattributeandrationalutilizationmethodsoftheadvantageofAutoCADdatawhicharemostimportantforsharing,exchangeandanalysisofspatialdata.BasedonanalysisspatialdataformatpropertiesofAutoCADandArcGIS,ThispaperbrieflyintroducesspatialdataintegrationstatesofAutoCADMap3DandArcGIS,andcommonmethodsbasedAutoCADMap3DandArcGISwascomparedwithexperiment,whichrefersAutoCADdatatoArcGISspatialdataformatconversion.
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    Construction of Basic Geospatial Database in Campus
    MA Juan, ZHENG Song, WANG Dongjing
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2020, 36 (1): 63-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.01.011
    Abstract14)      PDF(pc) (2801KB)(105)       Save
    Based on the service groups of basic geospatial database in campus, this paper has built E-Rmodel, designed feature dataset, feature class and encoding scheme. Using ArcClS and existing datasources , it has built the basic geospatial database in campus which can provides background data supportfor the construction of geographical information system of campus and even higher level of Smart Campus.
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    LI Jiang-Yun
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2011, 27 (2): 17-22.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2011.02.005
    Abstract1973)      PDF(pc) (1004KB)(1881)       Save
    Underthebackgroundofbuildingregionalharmonioussocietyandacceleratingdevelopment modernnationalhighereducationdevelopmentofsouthwestborderland,bytheuseofSWOTtoreview andanalysisthestrengths,weaknesses,opportunitiesaswellastreatsofnationalhighereducationof YunnanonthefoundationofnewChinasixtyyears,thencombiningwiththestatusofsocial-economy andeducationalculturedevelopmentofYunnan,thepaperproposestheactionplanofmodernnational highereducationdevelopmentstrategyofYunnaninfuturefivetotenyears.
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    Selection and Calculation of an Open Pit Mine Excavation and Transport Equipment
    HUANG Zhi—bing
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2015, 31 (5): 31-35.   DOI: 10. 3969/j. issn. 1009一0479.2015.05.006
    Abstract259)      PDF(pc) (794KB)(745)       Save

    The mine is technological expansion project,the original 600 000 t/a production scale expantion to 2. 1 million t/a.  The work was clone to take full advantage of existing eduipment,play eduipment efficiency so that a reasonable match with each other between the original eduipment and existing eduipment meet the needs of the open stope mining engineering.  It can also reduce ore loss and dilution,improve mining economic effects,so that the total amount of eduipment and mine stripping production capacity match.  Large一scale eduipment can be used.  The optimized selection of mining and transportation equipment in the open pit is a reference for similar mine equipment selection.

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    Study on Anhydrous Ethanol Prepared by Extractive Distillation of Ethylene Glycol Experimental
    TAN Yanxia, Ll Dongli, Ll Fenrui, CHENG Yongwei
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2020, 36 (3): 101-104.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.018
    Abstract328)      PDF(pc) (993KB)(305)       Save
    Anhydrous ethanol is widely used and has many production methods,among which extractive distillation has been paid more and more attention because of its advantages of low energy consumption, no pollution,simple equipment and convenient operation. In this paper,ethylene glycol is used as the extractant,and the process conditions for the preparation of anhydrous ethanol are optimized by using the extractive distillation device.The effects of ethanol concentration,reflux ratio,solvent ratio and other factors on the purity of the product obtained by extractive distillation were explored experimenlally ,and then the conditions of exlractive distillation were optimized by orthogonal experiment,and the best conditions were as follows:the ethanol concentration of the raw material was 90% , the solvent ratio was 2.6,and the reflux ratio was 3.Corresponding to this condition,absolute ethanol with a mass concentration of 99.62% was obtained at the top of the tower.
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    YANG Xiao-Jie, WANG Shu-Kun, HAN Chang-Ju, LI  Hao
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2010, 26 (3): 41-44.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2010.03.01
    Abstract2952)      PDF(pc) (869KB)(2402)       Save
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    JIA Li-Chun, YANG Li-Fang
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2013, 29 (1): 12-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2013.01.003
    Abstract1363)      PDF(pc) (992KB)(1533)       Save
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    HUANG  Jing
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2010, 26 (3): 72-75.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2010.03.017
    Abstract2084)      PDF(pc) (918KB)(2191)       Save
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    Three-Dimensional Laser Scanning The Scheme Design and Field Data Collection of Terrestrial
    MA Juan, YANGLixiao, ZHU Jiarui
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2020, 36 (3): 45-51.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.008
    Abstract174)      PDF(pc) (1877KB)(256)       Save
    Based on the field data collection methods of terrestrial three-dimensional laser scanner,this paper analyzes the key points and key factors of scanning scheme design according to the structure characteristics and the surrounding environmenl of different scanning objects and the speclic appiucaluon of scanning results. Combined with two different types of scanning objects,it discusses the scanning scheme design and field data collection steps in detail,and focuses on the notes in field data collection.
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    Reform and Practice in the Teaching of Higher Mathematics Under the Background of New Engineering
    ZHOU Shaoyan, SHEN Fanqi, ZHANG Chaoyuan, ZHU Xingwen, WANG Pengde
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (4): 97-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.015
    Abstract20)      PDF(pc) (968KB)(57)       Save
    Based on the curriculum concept of the new engineering, this paper studies the current situation and problems of the curriculum from the perspectives of curriculum, universities, teachers andstudents, puts forward some suggestions for curriculum reform and carries out practical exploration. Infinds out that the current curriculum concept is outdated, the curriculum content and system emphasizethe academic and knowledge system , and the isolation from engineering practice is strong , and the curriculum evaluation system is relatively simple. Curriculum reform should emphasize the innovation of curriculum idea, the reconstruction of knowledge system and the multi-dimensional curriculum evaluationmode. In universities , there is a shortage of Higher Mathematics teachers. Teachers' teaching tasks areheavy, and the teaching facilities are outdated. Curriculum reform should strengthen the introduction ofpublic course teachers and teacher training, pay attention to the upgrading of teaching facilities.Someteachers'teaching mode is relatively simple and teaching interaction is less. Curriculum reform shouldadvocate teachers to adopt modern teaching and interaction mode, and introduce engineering cases in thecontent. Students'interest in learning is low, and the phenomenon of playing with mobile phones inclass is relatively common. Teaching reform should guide students to participate in, make the curriculum more suitable for students'needs, so that teaching implementation can stimulate students' interest.
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    WANG  Hua-1a, WANG Rong-Hong-2, HAN  Bin-3, DONG Shao-Jie-1b
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2010, 26 (4): 96-98.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2010.04.022
    Abstract1753)      PDF(pc) (1043KB)(1686)       Save
    WithdeepbusinesstraditionsandfromtheTangdynasty,Lijiangancientcityistheimportant townofTeaHorseRoad,anditsbusinesscultureisanimportantpartofancientculture.Withtherapid developmentoftourismandspeedingupcommercializationprocessinLijiang,thelocationofancientcity becomesthefocus.Bytheuseof“authenticity”theory,thepaperexploresthecontentsofauthenticity andcommercializationaboutancientcity,andtriestofindabalancebetweenthetwo,makesrecommen dationstogetawinwinstrategyforeconomicdevelopmentandculturalheritageconservationinthe processoftourismdevelopment.
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    ZHAO  Na
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2010, 26 (5): 36-42.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2010.05.009
    Abstract1875)      PDF(pc) (1528KB)(1523)       Save
    BasedonASPNET,WebapplicationsofMicrosoftOfficeAccessandinternet,theonlinean sweringsystemofAccountingComputerizationansweronlinesystemservesmainlytheteachingandinter actionbetweenteachersandstudents.UsingtechnologydevelopmentasADONET,CSS,databaseand HTML,thesystemisnowinnormaloperationonthesiteofAccountingComputerizationfinecoursein KunmingMetallurgyCollege.
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    SONG Jian-Xiang, WANG  Yan
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2010, 26 (2): 94-99.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2010.02.022
    Abstract1969)      PDF(pc) (1102KB)(2333)       Save
    ThepaperdiscussesthatChineseEnglishtranslationforforeignorientedpublicityisespecially importantunderthebackgroundofglobaleconomy.Forthepurposeofimprovingitstranslationquality,it analyzesthecurrentsituationsandchallengesweencounterforChineseEnglishtranslationforforeignori entedpublicityfromtheseperspectivessomenegativereportsbyforeignmedium,seriousmisinterpreta tion,noequivalentsoftargetlanguageforsomeborrowedwords,theignoranceofculturaldifferences, Chinglishandlowoverallqualityoftranslators.
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    LI Yan-Qiong, MAO  Rui, LI  Hong
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2012, 28 (2): 6-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2012.02.002
    Abstract1913)      PDF(pc) (4599KB)(1254)       Save
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    SONG Jian-Xiang, HE Ya-Yun
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2013, 29 (4): 49-56.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2013.04.012
    Abstract1733)      PDF(pc) (976KB)(1639)       Save
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    AnEcofeminism InterpretationofTheGrapesofWrath
    ZHANG Li-Sheng, QI Yun-Yan, FAN  Cheng
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2010, 26 (2): 104-108.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2010.02.024
    Abstract2104)      PDF(pc) (1042KB)(1593)       Save
    TheGrapesofWrathiswidelyinterpretedasafictionwhichreflectsthesocialproblemsina certainperiodofAmericanhistory.Reexaminingthefictioninthelightofecofeminism,thepapersug geststhatthisfictionisadeepmeditationontherelationshipofman,woman,andnature.Inthefiction, Steinbeckfiercelycriticizespatriarchy,pointsouttheinterdependenceofman,woman,andnature,and advocatestobuildafairandharmonioussocietybasedonanethicofcareandreciprocity.
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    Application of ColdIn-placein Highway Maintenance Engineering Construction
    ———Taking 211 Shong-yu Remoulding Projectasa Case
    ZHANG Zhan-kun
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2012, 28 (3): 61-64.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2012.03.015
    Abstract1472)      PDF(pc) (2764KB)(1049)       Save
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    LI Yong-Ning
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2014, 30 (1): 24-29.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2014.01.006
    Abstract911)      PDF(pc) (1445KB)(886)       Save
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    On Utilizing Phosphorus Gypsum as Cement Retarder
    HUANG Lan, ZHOU Guangbo, CHEN Zixiang
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2017, 33 (1): 13-.   DOI: 10. 3969/j. issn. 1009一0479.2017.01.003
    Abstract166)      PDF(pc) (691KB)(467)       Save

    An experiment was carried out by using phosphorus gypsum rather than natural gypsum as cement retarder in portland cement to test its physical properties such as the setting time and decide its feasibility in cement production. The result shows that phosphorus gypsum works effectively in setting time and retarding the setting process. Besides,its indexes of physical property meet the requirments of the national standard.

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    LI Guang-Hui-1, LI Qiong-Xian-2
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2011, 27 (1): 9-12.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2011.01.003
    Abstract2970)      PDF(pc) (854KB)(2678)       Save
    EncryptionalgorithmsthroughreadingharddriveserialnumberunderVFPenvironmentneed softwareregistrationcodes.Installingandrunningtheapplicationprogrammustvalidatethesoftwarereg istrationcodes,soastoachievethebindingoperationoftheprogramandcomputer.
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    TeachingReform andExplorationinEngineeringDrawing
    LI  Mei-1, TONG Shu-Qi-1, ZHANG Xue-Li-2
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2011, 27 (1): 73-76.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2011.01.018
    Abstract2446)      PDF(pc) (951KB)(2071)       Save
    Asthecontradictionbetweensocialdemandandthequalityofpersonneltraininginhighervo cationalcollegeshasbeenafocusforthinkinginhighervocationaleducation,teachingreformonitbe comesimperative.Onsettingupprojectsituationsinteaching,thepaper,withapplicationaspurpose andandcharacteristics,builtupacurriculumandteachingcontentsystemtomeettherequirementsof thecurriculumreforminhighervocationalcolleges.ReformsinprojectapproachinteachingEngineering Drawingwerestudiestobemoreinlinewiththelawofpersonneltraininginhighervocationaleducation.
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    ResearchonApplicationofWaterSupplySystem withFrequency ControlandAutoconstantPressureofHighPowerPump
    DUAN  Bo, CHEN  Hua, YIN Zhuo-Hua
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2010, 26 (1): 38-40.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2010.01.009
    Abstract2926)      PDF(pc) (944KB)(2379)       Save
    Watersupplysystemwithfrequencycontrolandautoconstantpressurewhichconsistsoffre quencyconverter,softstarterandprogrammablecontroller(PLC)wasintroduced.Controllablemultiop eratingmodeofPLCinthissystemwasadoptedtocompletethealternationamongdifferentpumps;the convertercontrolledthespeedofpumps,andthesoftstarterstartedupthehighpowerpumpstablytore ducetherushofcurrent.Iftheconverterfails,thesoftstarterwillstartupthepumps,thusimprovingthe reliabilityofwater.
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    DING Hai-Yan, ZOU  Jiang, QIU  Sha
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2010, 26 (3): 5-8.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2010.03.002
    Abstract2084)      PDF(pc) (934KB)(2119)       Save
    CascadingStyleSheet(CSS)isasetofstylestandardsestablishedbyW3Ctomakeupthe shortageofstylelayoutinHTML.CSStechnologynotonlycanbeautifywebpage,butalsoimprovestruc tureofHTMLdocument,reduceformatrepetitioncodes,enhancetheagilityofwebprogrammingandim provesourcecodereadabilityandexecutionefficiency.ThepaperexpatiatedtheconceptofCSS,contras tedCSSwithHTML,introducedseveraldefinitionsofCSSanditscitationmethodsandshowedsometypi calCSSefficacywithexamples.
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    FAN Yong-Mei
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2010, 26 (4): 91-95.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2010.04.021
    Abstract1695)      PDF(pc) (1004KB)(1689)       Save
    Withthescientificandtechnicalprogress,changesintheethnictraditionalcraftsasanecessi tyXinhuavillageBaitraditionalhandicraftintheprocessoftechnologicalchangeisaproofHowtosee moderntechnologyandtraditionalethnicrelations,theprotectionofhandicraftsandtraditionalhandicraft andculturalminoritiesbetterbecomesYunnanfolkcultureinthemoderntransformationofconcern
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    Microstructure and Tribological Properties of Ni-Al Coating and Wear Resistant Coating on 304 Stainless Steel
    YANG Gui一sheng
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2015, 31 (5): 1-5.   DOI: 10. 3969/j. issn. 1009一0479.2015.05.001
    Abstract237)      PDF(pc) (1455KB)(577)       Save

    304 austenitic stainless steel is widely used in industrial production because of its good corrosion resistance,but limited by the organization,the hardness is lower. In this paper,a high speed electric arc spraying equipment was used to prepare the Ni-Al coating and wear resistant coating on 304 stain-less Steel.  The microstructure,hardness and wear resistance of the coating was studied.  The results show that the wear resistance of the 304 stainless steel can be improved by spraying a Ni-Al alloy and ceramic material.  The prepared Ni-Al alloy coating has excellent microstructure and compact structure.  The microhardness of the coating is 601 HV,and the wear resistance is 3 times to that of 304 stainless steel.  The ceramic coating has good shape,uniform structure and compact structure.  The coating friction coefficient is only 53% of Ni-Al coating.  The microstructure's hardness of the coating is 999 HV,and the wear resistance is about 6 times than that of 304 stainless steel.  The coating has excellent wear resistance.

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    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2019, 35 (1): 15-25.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.01.004
    Abstract112)      PDF(pc) (1385KB)(176)       Save
    Inadomesticcoppercobaltmine,themainmetalmineralsintheoriginalorearechalcopyrite,sphalerite,cobaltbearingpyrite,siderite,etc.Ganguemineralsaremainlyquartz,irondolomiteanddolomite.Theorecontains008% ofCu,028% ofCo,17.79% ofS,19.79% ofFeand0.43%ofAs.ThemainvaluablemetalsrecoveredfromtheoreareCu,CoandS.Consideringthepropertiesoftheore,thepreferentialflotationprocessofcopperandcobaltwasdetermined.TheprocessindexesofCuconcentratecontaining20.15%,Curecovery49.12%,cobaltconcentratecontaining0.81% andCorecovery91.41% wereobtained.
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    ApplicationofAnalyticHierarchyProcessinQualityEvaluation ofCultivatedLand
    YANG Ming-Long, PAN  Ping
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2010, 26 (3): 23-26.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2010.03.006
    Abstract2213)      PDF(pc) (951KB)(2165)       Save
    Thetraditionalqualityevaluationofcultivatedlandusuallyusesmanualmethods,whichisin efficientandsubjective.Itisdifficulttodrawanobjectiveandreliableresult.Toimprovethedrawbacks ofit,amethodtocombinethebasicprincipleofAHPwithcomputersoftwaretechnologywasadoptedto achieveanevaluationalgorithminwhichtheevaluationfactorsweighintheprocessesofevaluatingculti vatedlandquality.Itisthekeytechnologyforautomatedlandqualityevaluation.
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    YIN Mao-Lin, LI Huan-Huan, MOU Hong-Xin, WU  Cheng
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2010, 26 (3): 27-31.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2010.03.007
    Abstract2135)      PDF(pc) (1069KB)(1839)       Save
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    CHEN  Yan, ZHANG Li-Hua, SHI Hao-Yu, CHEN  Wen, LUO Yu-Mei
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2010, 26 (3): 92-96.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2010.03.022
    Abstract2365)      PDF(pc) (861KB)(1720)       Save
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    Tourism DevelopmentStrategyinAreasalongtheStilwellRoad
    JI  Xiao, XU Yan-Fei, WEN Feng-Ping, SHU  Jin
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2011, 27 (2): 88-92.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2011.02.020
    Abstract2250)      PDF(pc) (989KB)(1540)       Save
    AreasalongtheStilwellRoadaremostlypoorandbackwardinsocioeconomicaspect,but theyareabundantintourismresourceswithhugepotentialdevelopment.Soitisofgreatpracticalsignifi canceonhowtomakeuseofadvantageoftourismresourcesintheregiontopromotelocalsocioeconomic development.ThepaperfirstbriefstheStilwellRoad,thencarriesoutSWOTanalysis,finallyproposes thetourism developmentstrategyontouringpoorsupport,ecotourism,poleaxisdevelopmentand tourismcooperation.
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    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2011, 27 (2): 106-109.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2011.02.024
    Abstract2004)      PDF(pc) (983KB)(1592)       Save
    StudyingtranslationfromaconstructivistperspectiveisinitiatedbyProfessorLvJunfromNan jingNormalUniversity.Histheoryisregardedasakindoforiginalresearchinthefieldoftranslationin China.Basedonthisconstructivismintranslation,thepaperdiscussesthattheconstructivistperspective andconstructivisttranslationstandardscanhelptopreserveandreappearthetypicalexpressionswithChi nesecharacteristicsinpublicitytexttranslationfromChinesetoEnglish.
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    ZOU Ya-Ling-1a, WANG  Xing-2, SHI Wei-Xin-1a, WANG  Yan-1b
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2010, 26 (4): 34-37.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2010.04.009
    Abstract1822)      PDF(pc) (1058KB)(1127)       Save
    Theincomedistributionsystemisthemosteffectiveanddirectcontrolleverofhumanresources inuniversity.Withthedeepreformofincomedistributionsysteminuniversity,variouscontradictionsand problemsinincomedistributionsystem aregraduallybecomingprominent.Beginningwiththeexisting problemsindistributionsystem,thepaperexpoundsseveralproposalstoestablishnewscientificandrea sonableincomedistributionpatterntoencouragetheinitiativeandcreativityofallthestaff,achieveposi tiveflowofhumanresourcesandpromotethehealthydevelopmentofuniversity.
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    Analysison Some Problems in Cadastral Surve
    GAO Run-xi
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2012, 28 (3): 23-28.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2012.03.006
    Abstract1358)      PDF(pc) (4211KB)(1069)       Save
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    Based on Big Data of the Third Party Logistics Enterprise Customer Service Evaluation System of Building Research
    CHENG Zhijun
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2020, 36 (3): 94-100.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.017
    Abstract172)      PDF(pc) (1358KB)(190)       Save
    The stralegic significance of big data in the logistics industry is not only to grasp a large number of customer information, but also to exchange,collect,process and organize dala,so as to establish a prolessional logistics service evaluation system,which can instruct the third party logistics enterprise cus-tomer service process more sltandardized.Combine exlernal evaluation indicators of customer satisfaction with self-improving inlernal service indicators of third-party logistics companies to improve the logistics service quality,and enhance the core competitiveness.
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    OnConstructionandDevelopmentofFacultyofMarxism inHigherVocationalCollegesinChina
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2020, 36 (6): 1-.   DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.06.001
    Abstract101)      PDF(pc) (1185KB)(179)       Save
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    Investigation and Research on Graduation Practice of Vocational College Students: Based on the Survey of Six Vocational Colleges in a Western Province
    WANG Haiyan
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (1): 5-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.01.002
    Abstract81)      PDF(pc) (1091KB)(74)       Save
    To further grasp the current situation of vocational college students’ graduation practice,through the self-designed questionnaire on graduation internship of vocational colleges ( jumnior colleges) ,this paper conducts a questiomnaire survey on the graduates of 6 vocational colleges in a westem povince.The results show that the ovemll satisfaction of graduation pwactice is not high and at different levels ofgraduation pactice , students' scores are significantly different ; “Internship instructors” have a big impacton " students' experience and gains ". It is suggested that the graduates’risk awareness of the graduationpractice should be improved and the practice procedures should be standardized,improve the organizationand management ability of colleges and universities and internship units,and earnestly implement themain responsibility, further reduce the differences between different stuent groups in graduation practiceand attach importance to the role of practice instructors.

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    A Method for Automatic Generation of Contour Linesfrom Tilt Image Data of UAVLIU 
    Zhouwei, ZHENG Qinfang, ZHAO Huan, REN Yunru, GUl Haipeng
    Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College    2023, 39 (4): 51-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.007
    Abstract27)      PDF(pc) (1951KB)(57)       Save

    In the process of topographic map production, it takes a lot of time to collect and compilecontour line, and it requires high experience of operators. To this end, the paper aims to generate tiltedimage point cloud by Context Capture software, extract ground points and critical points by the functionmodule of Terrasolid software to obtain the final ground points, and generate vector contour lines basedon the final critical ground points. After compilation and modification , the contour results can providereliable contour data for the production of topographic maps and improve the production efficiency of con-tour lines and topographic maps.

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    TONG Yun-Feng-a, LI Zhi-Ping-a, LONG Xiao-Bo-b, ZHOU  Tao-a, LI  Yang-a, YANG  Yu-a, ZENG Xie-Hua-a
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2011, 27 (1): 66-69.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2011.01.016
    Abstract2760)      PDF(pc) (1287KB)(2160)       Save
    TobeinlinewiththecurriculumreforminMCUTechnologyandmeettheneedsofmodelcon structionofhighervocationalcolleges,apracticalcircuitboardwasdesignedforthecourseofMCUTech nologytoachievetheintegrationoflearnanddo.Therefore,thestudentscanseeforthemselvesandun derstandtheprincipleandapplicationofMCU.Designingmethods,purposeandrequests,typicalcases andevaluationtoitsusewerediscussed.
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    YANG  Huang
    JOURNAL OF KUNMING METALLURGY COLLEGE    2010, 26 (6): 177-180.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2010.06.043
    Abstract2202)      PDF(pc) (985KB)(1351)       Save
    Vocationaleducationgroupisanewwayandanewmodefordevelopingvocationaleducation underthenewsituation,whichcanrealizeresourcesharingandpromotecomplementaryadvantagesbe tweenvocationalcollegesandenterprises,bytheuseofit,highervocationalcollegescanpromoteschool enterprisecooperation,fromcombiningtheorywithpractice,thepapersummarizesoperationstatus,a chievementandshortcomingsofYunnanMetallurgyandMiningVocationalEducationGroupestablished byKunmingMetallurgyCollege,discussestherelatedproblemsinthefurtherdevelopment.
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