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昆明冶金高等专科学校学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 9-.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.05.002

• 职业教育与乡村振兴 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (西安邮电大学马克思主义学院,陕西 西安 710121)
  • 收稿日期:2023-03-27 出版日期:2023-10-07 发布日期:2024-01-03
  • 作者简介:段桂超 (2000-),男,云南昆明人,马克思主义理论硕士研究生,主要从事马克思主义基本原理方向研究。

The Path Exploration of Rural Revitalization in Yunnan Border Ethnic Areas : Taking the Menglian Dai Lahu andWa Autonomous County as an Example

DUAN Guichao   

  1.  It is fundamental to promote rural revitalization in all aspects to foster a large agricultural coun.try in the new era. Yunnan border ethnic areas are in line with the national stability and ethnic harmonyMenglian Dai, Lahu and Wa Autonomous County is located on the southwestern border of Yunnan Proy.ince , facing challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, significant population outflow , unclear positio.ning for industrial development, complex border security issues and frequent occurence of bad culturahabits. These factors contribute to a high risk of returning to poverty in the region , emphasizing the ur-gent need for rural revitalization. Taking Menglian Dai, Lahu and Wa Autonomous County as an exam-ple , this paper discusses the methods of rural revitalization in Yunnan border ethnic areas and puts for-ward innovative governance mode with optimizing infrastructure construction, accelerating the development of talent teams , leveraging local industrial advantages, strengthening border security lines , and fos-tering good moral practices. All of these are to improve the living standards of border residents in Menglian County and promote rural revitalization forward.
  • Received:2023-03-27 Online:2023-10-07 Published:2024-01-03

摘要: 全面推进乡村振兴是新时代建设农业强国的重要任务。云南边境民族地区关系到国家稳定与民族团结云南孟连傣族拉枯族低族自治县地处西南边睡,基础设施仍滞后,人口流失严重,产业发展定位不明确,边境安全问题复杂,文化陋习频现,使得该地区存在易返贫风险且乡村振兴的必要性更加突出。以孟连傣族拉枯族低族自治县为例,探讨了云南边境民族地区的乡村振兴路径,提出了以优化基础设施建设、加快人才队伍建设发挥本土产业优势、铸牢边境安全防线、培养良好道德风尚等方向,致力于提高孟连县边民的社会生活水平推动乡村振兴扎实前进。

关键词: 云南边境;民族地区, 乡村振兴, 路径探析

Abstract: ( School of Marxism, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications , Xi'an 710121 , China)

Key words: Yunnan border areas, ethnic areas, rural revitalization, path exploration
