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昆明冶金高等专科学校学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 21-.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.02.005

• 教育教学管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


李亚斌,庄 洪,王晓亮,程 玛   

  1. (昆明冶金高等专科学校商学院,云南 昆明 650033)
  • 收稿日期:2020-09-15 出版日期:2021-04-20 发布日期:2023-12-13
  • 作者简介:李亚斌 (1980-),男,云南昆明人,副教授,高级营销师,工学硕士,主要从事市场营销理论与营销策划研究。

Coordination Analysis of Party Building Work and Ideological and Political Education of Studentsin Higher Vocational Colleges

LI Yabin,ZHUANG Hong,WANG Xiaoliang,CHENG Ma   

  1. ( Faculty of Business , Kunming Metallurgy College , Kunming 650033 , China)
  • Received:2020-09-15 Online:2021-04-20 Published:2023-12-13

摘要: 高职院校学生党建工作与思想政治教育实现协同的重要基础体现在拥有相同的指导思想、教育内容及形式,加之双方互有渗透,党建工作是思政教育的组织保障,而思政教育则是党建工作的思想先导,因此二者具有协同发展的可能。但传统模式下开展协同往往存在诸多问题,比如工作思想陈旧落后和形式刻板单一等因此,新形势下高职院校学生党建工作与思政教育实现协同需要把握若干战略方向,包括党建工作与课程思政有机结合: 围绕职业教育的关键核心等。因此,实现党建工作与思政教育的协同不仅需要多种手段综合应用丰富党建工作和思政教育形式,也需要结合职业教育特点开展人本化、生活化的党建工作与思政教育协同,以及持之以恒加强党建工作与思政人才队伍建设。

关键词: 高职院校, 学生党建工作, 思政教育, 协同

Abstract: The important basis for the coordination between party building work and ideological and polit-ical education for students in higher vocational colleges is reflected in having the same guiding ideology.educational content and form, and the mutual penetration of both parties. Party building work is the or-ganizational guarantee for ideological and political education, while ideological and political education isthe ideological leader of party building work , so the two have the possibility of coordinated development.However, collaboration under the traditional model often has many problems, such as outdated and back-ward working ideas and stereotyped forms. Therefore, under the new situation, the coordination of partybuilding work and ideological and political education for students in higher vocational colleges needs tograsp several strategic directions , including party building work and curriculum ideological and politicalare organically combined and around the key core of vocational education. Therefore, to realize the coor-dination of party building work and ideological and political education requires not only the comprehensiveapplication of a variety of means to enrich the party building work and ideological and political education.but also the combination of the characteristics of vocational education to carry out the coordination of hu-man-oriented, life-oriented party building work and ideological and political education, and perseverancein strengthening the party building work and the construction of ideological and political talents.

Key words: higher vocational colleges, student party building work, ideological and political education, coordination
