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昆明冶金高等专科学校学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 31-35.DOI: 10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.006

• 资源开发与测绘 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 云南经济管理学院工程学院,云南昆明650106; 2. 昆明理工大学城市学院,云南昆明650051
  • 收稿日期:2016-04-21 出版日期:2016-07-23 发布日期:2016-07-23
  • 作者简介:王建英(1979-),女,河南商丘人,副教授,工学硕士,主要从事测量、建筑材料学、变形监测数据分析及研究。

Analysis of Landslide Monitoring Results in Malutang Chengzi Resettlement

WANG Jianying1,HUANG Dewu2   

  1. 1. Engineering School, Yunnan College of Business Management, Kunming 650106, China;

    2. City College, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650051, China

  • Received:2016-04-21 Online:2016-07-23 Published:2016-07-23


        介绍了滑坡体的监测点位布设,通过抗滑桩实施前后水平位移和垂直位移数据对比分析发现,抗滑桩区域水平位移速率由0. 65 mm/d降为0. 03 mm/d,垂直位移速率由0.05 mm/d降为0. 01 mm/d;滑坡体区域水平位移速率由0.70 mm/d降为0.08 mm/d,垂直位移速率由0.40 mm/d降为0.05 mm/d。总体来看,位移趋于收敛,抗滑桩实施效果明显,当前滑坡体是稳定的。但从滑坡体区域与抗滑桩区域对比看,仍存在滑坡体直接从抗滑桩顶部剪切的可能,仍需密切关注滑坡监测。

关键词: 滑坡体, 抗滑桩, 位移速率, 剪切


     In this paper, the arrangement of landslide monitoring points was introduced.  According to the analysis of horizontal displacement and vertical displacement data before the anti-slide pile and after, the horizontal displacement rate of anti-slide pile is reduced from 0.65 mm/d to 0.03 mm/d, the vertical displacement rate is reduced from 0.05 mm/d to 0.01 mm/d.  The horizontal displacement rate of the landslide area is reduced from 0.70 mm/d to 0.08 mm/d, the vertical displacement rate is reduced from 0.40 mm/d to 0.05 mm/d. Overall, the displacement of anti-slide pile tends to converge, the implementation effect is obvious, the landslide is stable.  However, from the comparison of the landslide area and anti-slide pile area, there is still a possibility that the landslide is directly cut from the top of anti-slide pile, and it is still necessary to pay close attention to the landslide monitoring.
