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    31 October 2021, Volume 37 Issue 5
    The Study on Gas Mixing of Titania Formation by TiCl4 Gas-Phase Oxidation in Chloride Process
    Ll Yadong, SUN Ying, CHENG Yong, ZHANG Jinliang, HUANG Hui, LIU Zhennan
    2021, 37(5):  1.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.001
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    The core technology in the production of titanium dioxide by chlorination is the gas phase oxi-dation of 'TiCl Oxidation reactor is the core equipment in the production of titanium dioxide by chlorina-tion method. The opening structure of jet ring in oxidation reactor directly affects the mixing effect ofTiCl and 0,. This paper adopt computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) method to research the effects offive different jet ring structures on fluid mixing.'The radial concentration distribution of 'TiCl, gas in thereaction tube and the non-unifomity of 'TliCl and 0,mixing could be obtained.The results show that theopening stnucture of the jet ring has a significant impact on the material mixing. The material mixingeffect of the combined opening jet ring is better than that of the uniform opening jet ring,which is moreconducive to the rapid and uniform mixing of TiCl,and o,.

    Discussion on Energy Saving and Emission Reduction of ElectrolyticAluminum Industry Under the Background of Carbon Neutralization
    Ll Yingjuan , sONG Qunling, ZHANG Jinliang, WANG Xiaodong, LIU Jie, CAl Chuanxiong
    2021, 37(5):  8.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.002
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    Electrolytic alumimum is the industry of high energy oonsumption and high carbon emission , socorresponding measures must be taken to achieve the goal of carbon neutralizaion.Coambined with thecurrent situation of aluminum electrolysis industry , this paper discusses the effective mesures and devel-opment direction of energy opnservation and emission reduction in aluminum electrodysis industry underthe background of carbon neutralization ,which comes to the conclusion that the measures of energy con-servation and emission reduction in alumimum electrolysis industry mainly include five aspects: optimizingthe energy consumption stnucture could reduce the oonsumption of thermal power,increase the propotionof clean energy , and build a large-scale energy storage system; recycling recycled alumimum resources,which can increase the propotion and consumption of recycled aluminum ,and improve the carban enis-sion level of the whole industry; building a new mode of“Intemet plus carbon reduction”and carryingout data construction,would be the key to achieve intelligent carbon reduction ; green development of in-dustrial layout,reduction of back ward production capacity ,strict envirormental monitoring and imple-mentation of equipment systern upgrading can be one of the measures ; redueing the total enerny consump-tion of electrolytic alumimum industry could be to realize techmological innovation.

    Geological Characteristics and Development Prospect ofQuartz. Sandstone Silica Ore Deposit in Northeast Yunnan
    ZHENG Xianzhang, SUN Yuhai, LU Jijun, Duan Peng
    2021, 37(5):  15.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.003
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    Abstract:With the rapid development of domestic electronic technology , new energy technology and newmaterial teclmology ,the demand for industrial silicon is increasing grealy. Especially high purity ofquartz sand is difficul to be self-sufficient in China and needs a large number of imports every year.'There are large scale of quartz sandstone silica ore in northeast Yurmnan,which are mainly distributed inYiliang Coumty ,Daguan Coumty and Yanjin County d Zhaotong City. 'The ore-bearing strata are the mid-dle Devonian Suotoushan formation,which is characterized by large orebody scale,wide expased area.The thickness o the are deposit is stable and the oocurence fluctuation of its is small. Based on abun-dant field geological work and previous geological daa,this paper analyzes the geological characteristics( orebody characteristics,ore features , chenical composition,hoxse-stone in surrounding rock , genesis ofdeposit ) , mining techmical onditions , development status and development prospects of quartz sandstonesilica ore in the Suotoushan formation.

    Application of Monorail Crane Auxiliary Transportation System inCoal Seam with Complex Structure and Small Inclination Angle
    MAOJianing, WANGShaoliu
    2021, 37(5):  20.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.004
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     In order to solve the procblems d complex structure , small dip angle and gentle inclined coal seamnine using multiple lifting winches , two speed winches and endlless rope winches for auxiliary transportation ,many transfer links ,cumbersome transfer , low transportation efficiency , poor safety performance , easy to fallff the roadl , overtum and other accidents , which bring great hidden dangers to saety production. It is decidedto install and use monoxail crane auxiliary transportation system.'The application practice has prowved that themonxrail crane axiliary transpriaion system hs the performance od strong mobility , fast operation speed,lar ge load capsacity , sadety and reliability , strong flexibility and strong adaptability to the roadway. It can beused in the roadway with multiple bernds and ups and downis , can be oonmnected with nuliple roadways to real-im cantirmucus transportation, and can realize the safe transpor1ation of large equipment or persornel , which isa safe and efficient auxiliary transportation system in coal mine.
    Synergism of Goaf Roof-Pillar System Based on Mining Environment Reconstruction
    2021, 37(5):  28.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.005
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    In order to study the rule of synergism of goaf system in the process of dymanmic evolution , 3D- finite element method is used. Based  the practioce of a specific project,the synergism of roof-pillarsystem in goaf is studied, and the safety rate,plastic zone and stress fieM distribution of roof pillar systemin each simulation scheme are obtained , the mechanical response of cooperative process ing mode d voidsystem is explored.From the concept of ynergism ,to guarantee the subsequent ore which is mined safe-ly,the mining environment reoonstnuction of waste filling technology is proposed to proceed with the origi-nal environmental modification of ore body. 'The results of FEM prove that collaborative development isconditional. When the roof span is 15 m,20 m and 30 m, the corresponding coondinated pillar stnucturedimensions are 3 m,4.5 m and 6 m. 'The index of limiting exposed awea are respectively 1 000 m3 ,1 600 m'with the rod of goaf system being as marble and basalt. 'The concentration d stress intensifieswith existing way to mine follow-up ore.'T'he maximum ternsion stress of rod reaches 3.496 MPa, which isinferior to the peak strength d surrounding rock and the safety rate d 0.924 is far below critical state.When the ore envirorment is transfomed by waste filling,the maximum tension stress reduces to1.655 MPa,and the safety ratio rises to 1.229.'The stress field and safety ratio are improved and thesynergism of system can be confirmed during the mining prooess of subsequent ore.
    Research on Gas Geological Law and Risk Prediction in Jinfa Coal Mine
    YINZecang, LIWeiliang, ZHAOJunmin
    2021, 37(5):  38.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.006
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    Mine gas occumence law and emission prediction are important theoretical basis for mine gascontrol. 'This paper deeply studies and analyzes the oontrol factors of gas geological occurrence law in Jin-fa coal mine. 'The control factors such as geological strnucure ,overlying bedrock thickness,roof and floorlithology and hydro geological conditions d Jinfa coal mine are qualitatively analyzed. It is determinedthat the buried depth is the key factor that affects C and C。 coal gas content.Combined with the meas-ured gas emission,the regional outburst risk of ooal and gas could be predicted.The results show thatthere is a positive correlation between coal seam depth and gas content.Gas pressure is the most impor-tant index to determine the risk of gas outburst in Ca and C。 coal seam , the area with gas pressure greaterthan 0.74 MPa in the mine boumndary has outburst risk.'T'he outburst risk area of coal mine is maimly inthe northwest of the mine boundary near the 2 coordinate point of the mine.

    Analysis and Research on the Stability of High-Stage and Wide-Strip Stope in .Jinchanghe Lead-Zinc Mine
    LIU Shunbin, DENG Ke, WU Dong
    2021, 37(5):  44.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.007
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    According to the characteristics of stable occunence, thick ore body , gentle dip angle,high-garde and short north-south trend d ore body in Jinchanghe Lead-Zinc,the high stage large diameterdeep hdle side caving and subsequent filling mining method is selected , at the same time,the mining.technology of the mining method is described). In axder to ensure the reliability and rationality of sahe useof the mining method in the production process ,the stability analysis and demonstration of 15 m widestrip two-step stoping ( one-step stoping pillar , two-step stoping room) is simulated by FL.AC software.Simulation results show that using the method d mining every other , the plastic disturbance area of sur-rounding rock around the goaf is smal , and the whole area is stable after each 15m wide-strip has mined ,which proves that the mining method has the advanftages of salety , high efficiency and low cost , and hascertain feasibility and rationality.The research results provide a theoretical basis for the safe and efficientproduction of the mine.

    Experimental Study on Beneficiation of a Complex Copper Ore
    PENGFenlan, ZHANGHanping, NIEQi, LIFenrui
    2021, 37(5):  49.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.008
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    In view of the high carbon content in the raw ore of a cxpper mine , carbonaceous minerals areeasy to float up in the flotation process , which affects the grade of the final copper product; In the tradi-tional flotation process ,the process of “direct selection of copper by inhibiting carbon”can be used toobtain better closed-circuit test indexes with capper grade of 19.45% and copper recovery of 85.79%,which can provide referenoe for the development and utilization of this kind of ore.

    Performance Evaluation and Analysis of GNSS Global Reference Station Clock
    WEI Lijun, WU Shuoxian
    2021, 37(5):  55.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.009
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    Clock eror is a very important parameter information in GNSS application,including satelliteclock erroxr and receiver clock eor. lis aocuracy directly affects the service level of GNSS. Satellite clock-eror is usually calculated by using the observation data of global tracking stations ox ganized by GNss suchas IGS. In the process of calculation,chocsing a stable clock error reference can obtain mare accurate sat-ellite clock error , and then correctly reflect the performance of satellite clock and better model and foxecastsatellite clock emor.'The clock dfference benchmark usually selects the station with high-performance re-ceiver clock.'T'herefore , the perfomance analysis odf the receiver clock d IGS station is caied out.'T'hispoject evaluates the performance of the receiver clock df all IGS stations , mainly including the magnitudeof the clock difference and the shot-term and long-tem stability of the clock. 'The results show that : as awell-known GNSS service oxganization in the world,the clock emor magnitude of the receiver clock e-quipped with IGS station is mostly better than 1 x 10-’s,which take the propontion of about 58.0% , andthe clock eor magnitude of 74 stations is ns ; the shoart-term and long-term stability of all IGS stations arehigh , most of the short-temm ( 300 s ) stability is concentrated in the range df 1 ×10-" to 1 x 10~" , ac-counting for about 24.1 % of the total , while the number d stations with long-term stability ( day stability)better than 1 ×10- is large,accounting for about 65.0%. Based on the evaluation results , more than 100stations can be selected fron many high-perfommance receiver clocks to provide reference for GNSS server to calculate salellite clock error.
    Analysis of Land Use Change Characteristics Based on Land Use Intensity Index: A Case Study in Chenggong District of Kunming
    YI Junhua, ZHAO Yu
    2021, 37(5):  60.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.010
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    Land use intensity index is a measurable indicator that detects the man-land relationship sinceit oould characterize the depth and breadth of land use changes. 'Taking Chenggong of Kunming city asstudy area , this paper computes the land use changes by using Gls quantitative analysis method and sta-tistical analysis method , and then studies how the human activities effects the land use changes based onland use intensity index and land use dymamic index.'The results show that: 1 ) the land use intensity in-dex instudy area is very different on spatial-temporal scale.From the perspective of time series , the landuse intensity index increased rapidly from 2013 to 2017,with the average value increasing from 206. 82 to240.81 and the increase is 14.11%. From the perspective of space ,the land intensity index of Cheng-goxng area presents a trend of high in the west and low in the east. 2 ) 'The intensity od land use in Cheng-gong district is mainly influenced and driven by urban land use such as real estate development and roadconstruction ,but is less affected by human activities such as agricultural production.

    Optimization Design of Main Frame of ImportedTurnout Stabilizer Based on ANSYS
    WANGXiaodong, LIUJie, CAIChuanxiong, LIYuexiwei, WULei
    2021, 37(5):  65.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.011
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    The main frame strength o the imported turnout tamping and stabilizing vehicle does not meetthe relevant test standads in China. ANSYS software was used to optimize the frame by modeling and fi-nite element calculation without changing the overall structure of the frame. "Through the comparison andanalysis , the final optimization scheme is selected. 'The analysis results show that the optimized frame canmeet the test standard requirements in China and will pass the static strength test , then put into produc-tion.
    Development and Application Based of 48 V Mild Hybrid System for Heavy Vehicle Technology
    ZHOUPeng, KANGNan, WUXiangji
    2021, 37(5):  70.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.012
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    The national energy conservation , emnission reduction and carbon emissions policy guidance are an-alyzed in response to the current glokal environmental deterioxation;the 48 V mnild hybrid power system andoontrol strategy of 48 V heavy vehicle are comprehensively analyzed.'This paper introduces and expounds thehigh-efficiency hybid mechanism of hrybid system , including vehicle high-efficiency hybid mechanism analy-sis and 48 V power energy management strategy.'lhe application and trends of this system wouk be expoun-ded in this paper in the main engine plant. Finally , froan the perspective of national overall plan for energyconservation and emission reduction,this paper aumnarizes and puts forward the prospect.
    Study on Application of Ground Polymer in Soft Land Base Treatment and Its Performance Study
    ZHANGWei, ZHAOXia, LIYan
    2021, 37(5):  74.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.013
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    Ground polymer has the characteristics d rich in raw materials,high temperature resistance ,high volume stability ,high mechanical strength,good durability and good effect d solid sealing of heavymetal ions.Moreover , it has better performance than metals , ceranmics , cement, etc. 'The perfomance ofit is analyzed by experiments,including the permeability and mechanical properties of ground polymersoil and an example is given to analyze the specific application of ground polymer in soft land base treat-ment. 'The results show that the permeability coefficient df the ground polymer soil can reach the magni-tude of 10-° , and the ground polymer can significantly reduce the permeability of the original soil andmake the strnucture inside the soil mare compact.'"The shear strength and oompressive strength of 90 d arepositively correlated. 'The compressive strength of 90 d ground polymer soil is higher than that of hydro-soil and undisturbed soil. Through the study above,the soft soil foundation can effectively improve thebearing capacity of the soft soil foundation.
    Construction Technology of Air-Tight Joints for Net Zero Energy Building Insulation
    HUYing, SHIJiyu, ZHANGWei, PEILijia
    2021, 37(5):  78.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.014
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    Building energy conservation is one of the important links related to the constnuction of low-car-bon eoonomy , the completion of energy conservation ,emission reduction targets and the maintenance dsustainable economic development.'T'he huge building energy consumption has become a huge burden onthe national economy , so it is imperative to comprehensively save energy in the constnuction industry.'Thispaper takes building insulation structure as the breakthrough point,aiming at the weak thermal insulaionnodes d PC structure in the PC cladding flat-fell seam,the hot and cold bridge cutside the window,through-wall pipe,PC composite external panel connector,PC wall , such as weak,column node. With anet zero energy consumption as the goal discussing the construction principles of heat preservation and heatinsulation of each node. In the meanwhile ,Chenglu 'Tianfu new area emerging industrial park is treated asexample to introduce the optimization design method of high efficiency air heat recovery system and PCoomposite extemal panel connector flat-fell seam,outside the window heat and cold insulation hermeticnode bridge and heat preservation and heat insulaion wall pipe and so on various weak node constnuctionmethods and techmical points. 'The net zero energy consumption building insulaion and air tight joint con-struction method of the case project has good implementation effect,timely handlled the problemn d nodeoold bridge in the construction pioject , significantly improved the air tightniess and node insulation perform-ance of the constnuction project,and provided valuable cpinions for the current construction project.
    Discussion on the Method of Removing Fluoride from Sintering Flue Gas by Ammonia Desulfurization and Ammonium Sulfate Slurry
    LI Rui, LIU Hongwei, XIE Tianhua, HUANG Bangfu, LI Lu, DAI Meng
    2021, 37(5):  84.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.015
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    Ammonium sulfate slurry produced by desulfurizaion d iron and sateel sintering flue gas byammonia method has the characteristics d high-speed enrichment and difficult removal. 'This paper sum-marizes the traditional fluoride remnoval technclogies for fluoride-containing wastewater and fluoride remov-al methods in desulfurization liquid ,and the technical status of each fluoride remowval method is deeplyanalyzed.'The aim of this paper is to explore the feasibility of various fluoride removal methods that ap-plied to the fluoride removal of ammonium sulfate slurry for ammmonia desulfurization of sintering flue gas.'The research emphases of fluoride remwval by anmonium sulfate slurry in the future,which provides areference for the method of sintering flue gas.
    Study on Fe/Diatomitc Heterogeneous Fenton Degradation of Methylene Blue Dye Wastewater
    LILi, NINGMencui, XUJing, CHENGYongwei, HUANGLi
    2021, 37(5):  90.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.016
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    Fe/ diatomite catalyst was prepared using diatomite as the carrier and ferric nitrate as the Fesource .'The treatment effect and influencing factows of the heterogeneous Fenton system composed of Fe/diatomnite catalyst and H,0, on methylene blue dye wastewiater wre studied. The experimental resultsshowed that the heterogeneous Fenton system compsed by Fe/ diatomite catalyst and H,0。 had significantdegradation effect on methylene blue in dye wastewater. Under the conditions of catalyst dosage of1.6 g/L,H,0, dosage of 0.2 molL.,solution pH value of 3.0 , reaction temperature of 30 C and reac-tion time of 60 mimutes , the decolorization rate of methylene blue could reach 92.5%.
    pplication of Hesitant Fuzzy Information Reduction Method in ldentifying Poor College Students
    ZHU Li
    2021, 37(5):  94.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.017
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    In the process of identifying pooxr college studenits , not only the objective index such as house-hold per capita monthly income but also the subjective index such as ideological cultivation and consump-tion view of students should be taken into consideraticn during providing poverty assistance to students. Inaddition,in the identification process , some attribute values may be missing. In onder to deal with the di-versity and incompleteness of identification indicators flexibly , linguistic hesitant fuzay analysis is intro-duced into the identification of pooxr ollege students ,and an incomplete lingnistic hes itant fuzay mixedinfommation system is established. In onder to construct a reasonable identification index system,whichcan tnuly reflect the degree of poverty of students,an attribute reduction method based on limited domi-nance relation is proposed in the incomplete lingaistic hesitant furzay hybrid information system.'The reduction of poverty identification index system is obtained by the discemibility matrix.An example is givento illustrate the effectiveness of the method.
    Benefit Distribution of Yunnan Cross-Border Logistics Alliance Based on Improved Shapley Value Method
    TANGKesheng, CHENTaizhi
    2021, 37(5):  100.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.018
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    Under “the Belt and Road lnitiative ” ,Yunmnan's cross-border logistics will usher in greatchanges and development. The development of cross-barder logistics alliances with Yumnan and evenlarge domestic logistics companies as the core have become an ineviable requirement,instead of the ex-isting loose model that only cooperates with each other in logistics links and settles separately. 'The Shap-ley value method of alliance benefit distribution only distributes benefits from the perspective of alliancemembers completing profits individually and completing profits through cooperation.'The improved modelproposed in this article fully considers the differences in logistics infrastructure and logistics cperation lev-els between domestic and foxeign logistics companies,introducing two correction coefficients of cost ex-penditure and risk bearing. In the meanwhile,the contribution and fairness of the members df the alli-ance would be taken into consideration.
    Construction of Smart Campus Under the New Ecology of “ Internet Plus”Vocational Education : TakingLiaoning Mechatronics College as an Example
    2021, 37(5):  105.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.019
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    The construction od smart campus is an important part d education modemization , and also thecore and ulhimate goal of infommation constrnuction in all higher vocational colleges.'Through the“123”modern smart campus project of " cne daa center,two nework platfoarms and three application plat-forms”,Liaoning Mechatronics College has highlighted the characteristics ,stressed people-oriented , andattached importance to coordinated development. It has continuously promoted the constnuction of smartcampus from three aspects of construction content ,techmical level and service quality ,which has noa onlyimproved the quality of smart campus's construction , but also provided a reference for the construction ofsmart campus in other vocational colleges.
    Research on the Establishment of Digital Mine Model and Its pplication in Professional Teaching
    LINJifei, QIAODengpan, DONGJuan, TANGLi, LINYou, CHENGYong, LIUCong
    2021, 37(5):  109.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.020
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    Under the new background conditions,our school takes the initiative to develop digital minemodel to assist the teaching of core oourses od mining majox.'Through the establishment and spplication ofdigital mine models such as underground mine model ,open-pit mine three-dimensional boundary optimiza-tion model and mine ventilation system network solution model , it is helpful to improve the teaching qualityof mining specialty in our university , which is mainly reflected in ; innovating teaching means , promotingteaching and leaming; building a vitual practice environment to promate students’ practical training ; servi-cing production to promate enterprise innovation and efficiency; pronoting the exchange among youmg.teachers and improving the professional level and teaching ability ; promoting the“high level and high voca-tional college”construction of the school.
    Exploration on Students’Burnout Behavior in Higher Mathematics Class in Higher Vocational Colleges: Based on AHP Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method
    HONG Yinsheng
    2021, 37(5):  115.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.05.021
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    In recent years,wih the country vigorously promoting the development of vocational educationand the construction of“ high level and high vocational ollege” and the implementation of “1 +X”ap-prenticeship training measures,the previous teaching mode of higher vocational colleges is gradually diffi-cult to meet the curent situation,and higher mathematics is also facing this situaticn.E.specially at pres-ent,more and more students have psychological resistance and behavior burnout to higher mathematicscourses. In the view of this phenomenon ,taking the bumout behavior of students in higher mathematicsclassroon of Kunming Metallurgy College as an example,this paper constructs a student burnout behaviorevaluation system with 4 primary indicators and 16 secondary indicators by using AHP fuzay comprehen-sive evaluation method,and makes an empirical analysis on the data obtained from more than 300 ques-tionnaires of experts,peers and teaching students inside and outside the school.Clearly understand thedegree ,causes and root causes of students' burnout behavior.