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29 April 2021, Volume 37 Issue 1
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Research Progress of Phase Transformation and Stabilization of ZrO
Ll Yingjuan, TENG Yu, YANG Zhihong, SONG Qunling
2021, 37(1): 1-9. doi:
(1240KB) (
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Zirconia (ZrO
) ceramics have been widely used and concerned by many researchers because of their light texture , corrosion resistance,high temperature resistance and excellent mechanical proper-ties. In this paper,the research status of progress of phase transformation and stabilization of
ceramics at home and abroad in recent years is reviewed and the effect of adding stabilizers on the properties of
ceramics is summarized and the preparation method and technology ,doping modification,phase transformation toughening of
,ceramics are discussed,and the future research direction of phase transformation stabilization of
ceramics is prospected.
Rapid Determination of Silicon,Manganese and Phosphorus in High-Carbon Ferromanganese Alloy by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry#br#
ZHANG Libin, LIU Yuanjiang, YUAN Lei
2021, 37(1): 10-13. doi:
(913KB) (
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This article uses X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy to quantitatively analyze and determine thecontent of silicon ,manganese , and phosphorus in high-carbon ferromanganese alloys. The research meth-od uses national standard samples supplemented by self-made standard samples to draw a working curvein the equipment software. According to the working curve and ARL9900 X-ray fluorescence spectrometermcasures the intensity and calculates the content of silicon ,manganese,and phosphorus in high-carbonferromanganese. This method has been used for production analysis,which can reduce the analysis costand labor intensity ,and at the same time it avoids the uncertainty caused by human factors, and can fullymeet the requirements of daily production analysis.
Analysis of Geochemical Anomalies in the Xiquheqiao Copper-Gold Polymetallic Ore Area in Mangkang,Tibet
CHEN Mingyong, SHU Huawei, SUN Yuhai, TANG Guo, WANG Fang
2021, 37(1): 14-19. doi:
(2151KB) (
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The Mangkang Xiquheqiao copper-gold polymetallic mining area is located in the middle section of China’s “Sanjiang” metallogenic belt. Through the study of 10/10,000 soil geochemical surveys in the mining area, the element anomalies dominated by Cu and Au in the area have been identified and circled. Three comprehensive anomalous zones, mainly Cu-Au-Ag-Pb-Zn (HS1), Au-Cu (HS2), and Au-Pb (HS3) are presented. Analysis shows that HS1 and HS2 are A1 types, which will further expand the mineral deposit (point) prospecting prospects or discovering the anomaly of the prospect of new minerals. HS3 is the B3 type, inferring that the anomalies of the ore points and below may be found. Through research and analysis of the anomalous forms and enrichment rules of elements, the prospecting target area is reduced. According to the abnormal features, the target area was verified by trenching and drilling engineering, and multiple gold mineralizations were circled, and gold deposits with small to medium-sized prospects were discovered, showing the potential to find porphyry copper-gold deposits.
Determination of the Thickness of Waterproof and Security Pillars for Surface Rivers in Funing Lead-Zinc Mine
NIU Shuhui
2021, 37(1): 20-24. doi:
(1802KB) (
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In order to study and determine the reasonable thickness of river waterproof security pillar in Funing Lead-Zinc Mine, and combined with the actual engineering geological conditions near the No.0 exploration line of the Funing Lead-Zinc Mine, the height of water flowing fracture zone is obtained by using the theoretical calculation formula of water conducting fracture zone, and then the thickness of waterproof security pillar under NaLang River bed is determined to be 30 meters, so as to cut off the hydraulic connection between the river and the ore body. At the same time, in order to reduce the disturbance of underground mining to the surface river, the slicing and filling method is adopted to ensure the long-term stability of the upper NaLang River.
Research on the Stability of a Copper Mine Stope Based on FLAC
2021, 37(1): 25-32. doi:
(3262KB) (
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Aiming at the characteristics of a copper mine that is dominated by steep ore bodies, medium-thickness ore bodies, high grade and stable surrounding rock, the short hole shrinkage and subsequent filling mine method is selected. At the same time, the mining technology of the mining method is described. In order to ensure the reliability and rationality of safe use of the mining method in the production process, the geotechnical FLAC3D software is used to stabilize the stope structure parameters with a length of 44m, a pillar 6m wide, a top and bottom pillar 12m high, and a middle section height 145m. Simulation results show that the stope structural parameters have certain feasibility, rationality and security in the case of filling; and the height of roof plastic zone generated by the roof after segmented mining is limited, which indicates that the safety of mining with the short hole shrinkage followed by filling method is guaranteed and will cause no safety impact on the roof. At the same time, it proves that the mining method has the advantages of safety, reasonableness and high efficiency. The research results provide a theoretical basis for the safe and efficient production of the mine.
Analysis of Prospecting Prospects in the Periphery of Hongniu Copper Deposit in Shangri-La
GAN Xiaorui, LYU Pinhan, WANG Hejian
2021, 37(1): 33-37. doi:
(2061KB) (
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The Hongniu Copper Mine is located in the eastern margin of the Dege-Zhonglian block on the west side of the Ganzi-Litang junction,the copper-lead-zinc-gold-silver metallogenic belt in the southermsegment of the Yidun-Zhongdlian Island arc belt in the Indosinian period,and the central part of the“Sanjiang”metallogenic belt. The main ore-bearing strala are localed in the upper 'Triassic Qugasi For-mation and fault fracture zone. Skarnized hornstone and skarn are important ore-bearing rocks,and faultsare mainly ore-bearing structures. By analyzing the geological characteristics of the surrounding ore bodiesof the Hongniu Copper Mine,the genetic type of the deposit was analyzed ,and the prospecting prospects were discussed in terms of the ore-forming gcological environment,magmatic rock distribution range,geo-physical and geochemical prospecting anomalies,and existing prospecting results. lt is believed that theprospecting prospect in this area is good,and the prospecting space is huge.
The Identification of Landslide Disasters Around Dongchuan City Based on D-InSAR
ZHANG Xiaolun, YANG Yongping, CHEN Zhan, SHAO Yanyan, CHEN Guoping, WAN Baofeng, LI Dongsheng
2021, 37(1): 38-44. doi:
10.3969/j.issn.1009 -0479.2021.01.007
(1588KB) (
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Dongchuan is located in the world's deep and large fault zone, with complex geological structure and strong erosion. Geological disasters such as landslides, mudslides and earthquakes occur frequently in this region, which make it difficult to actively prevent it. The traditional surface deformation monitoring method has small scope, large workload and low efficiency, so it is difficult to achieve a wide range of macroscopic continuous monitoring. InSAR technology had been successfully applied in the monitoring of landslide disasters in many areas. However, the Dongchuan area has large elevation differences, significant surface vegetation coverage, and scarce artificial features. The two-phase SAR image has low coherence, which is not conducive to the use of InSAR technology to monitor ground deformation. In this thesis, two sentinel-1 images were selected, and D-InSAR technology was used to obtain the surface deformation information in the study area from 2019 to 2020. Landslide disaster points around the urban area were identified by analyzing, and verified the reliability of the results through optical remote sensing images. The experimental results show that D-InSAR technology can easily obtain large-scale regional deformation information around Dongchuan urban area, and can effectively identify the landslide disasters in Dongchuan area.
Application of Python Multi-process Programming Technology in County-Level Database Quality Inspection of the Third Nationwide Land Survey
HUANG Yanfeng, CHEN Xiuping
2021, 37(1): 45-49. doi:
(1027KB) (
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Database quality inspection is a key to ensure the quality of the third nationwide land survey. Due to the tight schedule of the third nationwide land survey, both the survey units and the quality inspection units at all levels are faced up with tremendous pressure. In addition to the database quality inspection software provided by the state, there is no mature professional quality inspection software. An urgent problem to be solved is how to improve testing efficiency and speed of the county-level database. The analysis and calculation of geographic information spatial data in county-level database is highly intensive, and the single process or single thread quality inspection software is difficult to meet the actual needs. Using Python's multi-process programming technology can make full use of the local computing resources, give full play to the computing power of multi-core CPU or multi-channel CPU, greatly improve the efficiency of automatic inspection, and realize the rapid quality inspection of geographic information database.
Research on Fire Prevention for Railway Large Maintenance Machinery Engine#br#
2021, 37(1): 50-54. doi:
(1229KB) (
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Fire accidents occur frequently in the operation of railway large maintenance machinery ,which seriously affects the safety of railway transportation. Aiming at the hidden dangers of fire hawards in rail-way large maintenance machinery engine,measures such as isolation of heat source and danger source,fire alarm monitoring,and fixed fire extinguishing equipment are taken. The experiment of installation shows that the measures can effectively prevent fire in railway large maintenance machinery engine.
Research on Prediction of SOC State of Accumulator of Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicle Based on Neural Network#br#
ZHOU Peng, WU Xiangji
2021, 37(1): 55-58. doi:
(1137KB) (
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The hydraulic accumulator ( SOC) load model of hydraulic hybrid vehicles based on neural network control is established. By selecting a certain heavy-duty hydraulic hybrid vehicle , the simulation model under Matlab / Simulink platform is built. In the FUDS simulation cycle ,the actual vehicle speed and expected speed, vchicle speed error parameters,the SOC predict state parameters,etc. are analyzed. lt is concluded that when the opening value of hydraulic accumulator ACC is 0.2 and the closing value is 0. 5 ,the coordination between engine and accumulator is the best. 'The response of SOC valuc is good,and the expected effect is achieved.
Design of USB Communication Electromagnetic Lock Control System Based on SCM#br#
YANG Yiman, XU Liange
2021, 37(1): 59-63. doi:
(1302KB) (
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Aimed at the high security requirements for the unattended vending machine,a design of USB communication electromagnetic lock control sysltem based on SCM is proposed. With SILl wzU 2s >LCNPas the control core,and the development process of the electromagnetic lock control system based on USB communication,the hardware design method and software design method of the syslem are introduced indetail. After testing and application,the system can meet the control technical requirements of electro-magnetic lock. It is safe,reliable and cost-effective.
Research About Visual Information Processing Based on ABB Industrial Robot#br#
DUAN Youyan, LI Huidong, LI Guanghui
2021, 37(1): 64-67. doi:
(1301KB) (
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With the continuous development and progress of science and lechnology ,industrial production has shifted from large-scale mass production to small-scale small batch and customized flexible production methods. 'The application of industrial robots and machine vision in industrial production has also become more and more extensive. Using ABB industrial robots to send and receive data through socket communication and vision systems,the product process information is grouped and processed in accordance with the processing sequence. It can reduce the number of comparisons,and realize the control of the customized production process.
Talking About the Similarities and Differences of Register Programming in STM32 and 51 MCU
2021, 37(1): 68-70. doi:
(1168KB) (
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Many 51 MCU learners want to continue to learn high-performance STM 32,but most of them cannot stick to it for various reasons,and generally consider as learming STM 32 is difficult. The author believes that the reason is that many people just simply learn STM 32,but don't combine 51 MCU and STM 32 to learn.Based on the stating point ,this article tries to compare and analyze the register programing of STM 32 and 51 MCU to better understand the register programing of STM 32.
One-Time Dynamic Password Algorithm Based on Java Language
MIAO Rui , ZHONG Zhixian , LlIU Jun, BAO Aimin , JIANG Wei , SHEN Xiaoqi
2021, 37(1): 71-77. doi:
(1333KB) (
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With the constant development of the internet and ecommerce, people have an increasing demand for the online shopping and payment , therefore, the simple and easy-to-use static password authen-tication technology can't meet the current network application system due to its safely defects. So, the industry has put forward the one-time password authentication technology which is also known as the dynam-ic password technology. Although the biometric identification lechnology , such as the fingerprint identifi-cation,etc. , has been widely used,it can't completely replace the dynamic password technology due toits high requirements for the terminal equipment and high cost ,elc. In view of this situation , this paper puts forward a kind of one-time dynamic password algorithm based on java language,from the perspec-tives of the safety and energy consumption,using HmacSHAl algorithm for encryption to realize the mulual authentication between lwo communication sides,which can withstand impersonation alanck s. "Hnemulti-platform experiment shows that the scheme is high security with strong portability. lt doesn't require third-party plugins,and has the advantages of low energy consumption and high execution efficiency.The technology is suitable for the identity authentication of the mobile commerce and can be applied to the mobile equipment of the smartphone,etc.
Application Research on Targeted Poverty Alleviation Based on Small Data Method#br#
KONG Yanchun, SU Weibin, CHEN Guoping, XU Zijun, YANG Xueqiong, LI Yihang
2021, 37(1): 78-85. doi:
(1637KB) (
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Through analyzing the data of poverty alleviation in Xiaoba village,Fudong Township ,L.an-cang County,this paper presents a small data analysis method suitable for targeted poverty alleviation. It improves the correlation analysis and reasoning methods of machine learning and data theory , and based on the small data set analysis method of Naive Bayes theory,the accuracy index of poverty all eviation effect is given by this method,which can analyze and evaluate many cases and compare with the evalua-tion results of other evaluation methods. The results show that the method will not be limited by the small number of samples,and it is easy to calculate. It has the comparability , universality and practicability for targeted poverty alleviation.
An Improved Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on PCNN
SHI Hongliang
2021, 37(1): 86-89. doi:
(1740KB) (
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In order to reduce the number of model parameters and iteration times of the Pulse Coupled Neural Network (PCNN) in image segmentation,an improved PCNN fast image segmentation algorithm is proposed. PCNN is simplified and the constant connection coefficient is linked with pixel gray scale value of corresponding neurons in the algorithm. The algorithm does not need to set PCNN parameters artificially in image segmentation and the dynamic threshold is transformed into constant threshold according to gray scale statistical characteristics of the image so that only one iteration time is needed for image segmentation. 'The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has good performance of subjective visual perception and lower time complexity,and it is better than comparison algorithm.
Discussion on Energy Saving and Consumption Reduction Measures in Building Electrical Design: a Case Study of Shabei Experimental School#br#
LI Jianping, HUANG Xiangyang
2021, 37(1): 90-93. doi:
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In the outline of the 13th Five-Year Plan of China,it is proposed to build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society. In order to carry out the development strategy of energy saving and e-mission reduction,the design of energy saving and consumption reduction should be strengthened in building electrical design. Taking the engineering design of Shabei Experimental School as an example,this paper discusses the technical measures of saving energy and reducing consumption in building electri-cal design and the energy saving design of power supply and distribution system , the energy saving design of lighting system,the new electrical equipment,photovoltaic power generation and the natural light guide tube system in basement are adopted ,and the technical measures of energy saving and consumption reduction in building electrical design are discussed. The results have achieved better energy saving effect.
Application of Soil Curing Agent in Soft Soil Foundation Treatment
ZHANG Wei, YANG Leiying, HUANG Guanrong
2021, 37(1): 94-97. doi:
(1146KB) (
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Soil curing agent is a new type of engineering material for poor soil treatment,which is composed of different organic materials and inorganic materials. Adding a certain proportion of soil curing a-gent can strengthen the bad soil foundation and achieve the required bearing capacity. The application of soil curing agent in soft soil foundation treatment has the advantages of convenient construction and low project cost ,which can effectively shorten the construction period and has good application value. Taking the soft soil foundation treatment of a park project as an example,this paper discusses the application of soil curing agent.
The Observation of Lithofacies Structure of a Low-Heat Cement Clinker and Burdening and Calcination Analysis#br#
2021, 37(1): 98-100. doi:
(1105KB) (
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Through the observation of the lithofacies structure of low-heat cement clinker, the lithofaciesstructure characteristics of low-heat cement clinker is analyzed,and the batching ratio value of low heat cement,namely , low KH, p value and high n value is introduced and the parameter adjustment of clinker calcining process is analyzed and feed quantity needs to be reduced and the proportion of coal used in the decomposing furnace is reduced, and the proportion of coal used in rotary kilns is increased,and the out-let temperature of the decomposing furnace is reduced. In order to adapt to high n value and produce highly reactive C,S,high-temperature calcination should be maintained in rolary kiln. The heat consumption of calcined low-heat cement clinker is slightly higher than that of calcined ordinary cement. Reducing atmosphere should be prevented for calcined low-heat cement clinker
Study on the Adsorption Performance of Activated Clay for Methyl Orange
NING Mencui, LI Li
2021, 37(1): 101-104. doi:
(1381KB) (
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The adsorption of methyl orange in dye wastewater using activated clay is studied. The effects of contact time,dosage of activated clay,pH value and temperature on the adsorption are investigated.The relaled thermodynamic parrameters of the adsorption of white clay to methyl orange are obtained , indicating that the adsorption process of activated white clay to methyl orange is a spontaneous process,and high temperature is not conducive to adsorption.
Design and Practice of Real-Time Pipeline Network Balance for Reclaimed Water and Acid Water in Chemical Industry#br#
JI Chunshan, ZHOU Tao, WANG Lingyue, DING Fengmei, BAI Yan, ZHAO Yangang
2021, 37(1): 105-110. doi:
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Aiming at the problem that is difficult to dispatch the output and reception of reclaimed water and acid water in the second plant area of a group company , a real-time monitoring method for the balance of reclaimed water and acid water pipeline network is designed and implemented. 'This method,based on the real-time data acquisition technology of OLE for Process Control is used to collect the real-time data of the key parameters of water and acid water in each process of the chemical system at the outlet of reclaimed water and acid water , and the key indicators of equipment operation in the sewage treatment system at the receiving and receiving end. The real-time configuration adopts the method of combining the real and virtual tag numbers to integrate the parameters of the output end and the receiving end,and publish them through the web centralized monitoring. 'The real-time data acquisition of parameters based on Programmable Logic Controller and Distributed Control System of different platforms is carried out,and unified integration is adopted to realize information sharing and balance of reclaimed water and acid water pipe net-work ,which improves the level of enterprise digitalization and information management.
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