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    19 September 2020, Volume 36 Issue 3
    Optimization of Power Supply Route for High-Temperature Deep Well Air Intake in Liuju Copper Mine
    ZOUYousen, ZHUXianchun, ZHURongcheng, ZHUHuaikun, YINJigui, DUANYongxiang
    2020, 36(3):  1-8.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.00
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    InordertosolvetheproblemsofoverlappingdevelopmentofthreelevelinclinedshaftsinthedeepcuttingofhightemperaturedeepwellsintheLiujuCopperMine,thelongairintake,liftingandpowersupplylines,theincreaseinfreshairtemperature,thelongtimeforliftingandthelargecircuitloss,etc.Throughoptimization,anewshaftfromthesurfacetothedeepminingareawasadded,thedevelopmentsystemwasoptimized,andthelengthoftheairintake,liftingandpowersupplylineswasshortened.Thetemperatureriseoffreshairisreducedfrom242℃ to170℃,theairvolumeisincreasedfrom10376m3/sto17695m3/s,thetemperatureofthestopeisreducedfrom330~370℃to278~330℃,thepowerconsumptionofthemainandauxiliaryfansisreducedfrom8895kW to80993kW,thepersonnelround-triptimeisshortenedfrom4hoursto1hour,theworkingtimeisincreasedfrom4hoursto7hours,andthepowersupplylinelossratioisreducedby617%.Although150millionyuanhasbeeninvested,thenecessaryventilation,cooling,promotionandpowersupplyconditionshavebeencreatedforthesafeminingof995milliontonsoforeworth5087billionyuan,achievinggoodinvestment,socialandeconomicbenefits.
    Schemes in Hongnipo Copper Mine Study on the Comparative Selection of Underground Filling
    YANG Ze, LU Ping, HUANG Jianjun
    2020, 36(3):  9-13.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.002
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    Hongnipo Copper Mine is characterized by large amount of resources,high grade ( up to 1.67% ) ,easy separation and stable rock. But the surface covers farmland,part of industrial facilities and villages,which is a“three mining”deposit with complex mining conditions,so aiming at the safety of surface facilities and the safety of the next orebody mining,the scheme of cemenled filling with full tailings + graded crushed gypsum body and the scheme of cemented filling with graded tailings are put forward respectively. In addition,the two filling schemes are systematically compared and analyzed from the main technical and economic indicators such as system construction cost and operation cost. The results show that the scheme of full tailings + graded crushed gypsum body gravity flow + pumping filling has the advantages of low operation cost,low total filling cost(24.78 yuan/t) and high ore recovery rate.Finally,the scheme of full tailings + graded crushed gypsum body gravity flow + pumping cemented filling is determined.
    Deep Drilling Equipment and Technology of Complex Lead-Zinc Ore: a Case Study of a Lead-Zinc Ore Drilling Project in Cangyuan,Yunnan Province
    DUAN Zhiduo
    2020, 36(3):  14-19.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.003
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    Tunnel drilling is an effective method for deep resource exploration in major mines.Combined with the construction case of a lead-zinc mine in Cangyuan County,Lincang City,Yunnan Province,this paper discusses the use of new drilling equipment and cord-cored drilling technology to improve the exploration efficiency, aiming at the lead-zinc mine with a large coefficient of robustness and developed stratigraphic structure.The paper introduces the accumulated footage of more than 10 000 meters,and the newly increased output of 5.34 million yuan. It provides a technical reference for the construction of rope core drilling in similar mining areas.

    Discussion on the Relationship Between the Metamorphism Degree of Coal Seam and the Enrichment of Germanium
    LIU Wei, YIN Qiong, Ll Wanhong, Wu Wei, FANG Na
    2020, 36(3):  20-26.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.004
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    The enrichment of germanium in coal is closely related to hydrothermal activity , but hydrothermal activily leads to coal bed metamorphism. In order to analyze the relationship between coal bed metamorphism and germanium enrichment,germanium rich coal was collected from the Baoshan Mining Area,Yunnan Province,and its vitrinite reflectance is 0.464%%~1.737% , and the germanium grade is 11~55 ug/g,which shows an obvious negative correlation,indicating that the enrichment of germanium is controlled by hydrothermal activily in both directions,and the hydrothermal fluid can not only lead to the enrichment of germanium but also cause the loss of germanium through the hydrothermal metamorphism of the coal seam,which indicates that the low-temperature ore bearing hydrothermal fluid is the source of germanium in coal and also the favorable condition for the enrichment of germanium. Through the analysis of the relationship belween the germanium bearing coal in the Baoshan mining area and the associated germanium in Huize Lead-zinc mine,it is concluded that the germanium bearing coal is mainly distributed in the transition zone where the hydrothermal metamorphism of the coal seam is weakening.
    Application of Segmented Room Column Method in an Underground Phosphorus Mine
    LIN You
    2020, 36(3):  27-30.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.005
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    When mining inclined thin ore body,the problem of ore transportation is very difficult to solve. Combined with the actual mining of Dawan underground phosphorus mine,a segmented room and pillar mining technology with trackless equipment is proposed,and the method for determining the angle between the pseudo inclined plane of the stope and the trend of the ore body is designed. The stope is reasonably divided into several sections,so as to effectively slow down the pscudo inclined slope of the trackless equipment to carry out the mining efficiently and safely. The practical results of the scheme show that it can reduce the comprehensive cost of mining and the index of poor loss,improve the economic benefits of enterprises and have a good application prospect.
    Discuss Coal Classification in Practical Applications
    NING Mencui, Ll Li, ZHU Hongwei
    2020, 36(3):  31-33.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.006
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    Yunnan is rich in coal resources,and has all kinds of coal.Coal processing and rational utilization are based on coal classification.Ideal classification methods not only have sufficient scientific evidence,but also be combined with practical applications. 'This paper discusses the coal classification method and characteristic indexes in combination with practical applications,and gives the factors that should be comprehensively considered when determining the coal type in practical applications.
    Analysis of Geological Environment Characteristics by Remote Sensing Detection in Karst Mountain Area,Southeast Yunnan#br#
    2020, 36(3):  34-44.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.007
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    Abstract:Yunnan is located in the southwestern border of China.It is one of the prowinces with the most extensive karst distribution and severe rocky desertification in China.The area of rocky desertification is conlinuously expanding and the ecological environment is gradually deleriorating. It is urgent to use remote sensing technology to quickly monitor rocky desertification.On the basis of field investigations,the remote sensing technology was used to delect and analyze the karst landforms,regonal fault sluctures and lithological distribution of karst mountainous areas in southeasterm Yunnan,and to analyze the relationship between karst rock desertification and geological environment in the study area.The types of karst landforms have obvious correlation with the degree of rocky desertification.Severe rocky desertification mostly occurs in the peak cluster depressions and peak forest depressions. The areas without rocky desertification and potential rocky desertification are mostly located in karst mountains and karst trough valleys.Like karst plains,there are some mild and moderate rocky desertification in karst hills and karst basins and regional fault structures have an important impact on the development space and distribution area of rocky desertification,and areas with severe rocky desertification are mainly concentrated in the Red River,Kaiyuan-Qiubei fault and Guangnan-Funing fault. There are also some continuous rocky desertification areas in the middle of the Xiaojiang fault and the Mile-Luoping fault, and the west of the Xiaojiang fault is mostly a rock less desertification area.Lithology type plays a significant role in controlling the spatial distribution pattern of rocky desertification.Rock less desertification and potential rocky desertification are mostly distributed in non-carbonate areas , and rocky descrtification is mainly concentrated in carbonate areas and the rocky desertification phenomenon is serious in the pure limestone area, mostly in the intensity and moderate rocky desertification area.

    Three-Dimensional Laser Scanning The Scheme Design and Field Data Collection of Terrestrial
    MA Juan, YANGLixiao, ZHU Jiarui
    2020, 36(3):  45-51.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.008
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    Based on the field data collection methods of terrestrial three-dimensional laser scanner,this paper analyzes the key points and key factors of scanning scheme design according to the structure characteristics and the surrounding environmenl of different scanning objects and the speclic appiucaluon of scanning results. Combined with two different types of scanning objects,it discusses the scanning scheme design and field data collection steps in detail,and focuses on the notes in field data collection.
    Application of UAV in Earthwork Surveying of Foundation Engineering
    ZHANG Weihong, ZHU Huimei, LIN Zaohong, Ll Ronghao, LONG Jixun
    2020, 36(3):  52-56.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009 -0479.2020.03.009
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    With the continuous development of science and technology,the surveying and mapping technology applied in the project has also been greatly developed. The earthwork calculation in the project is the basic part of the project. The emergence of small UAV makes this part of the work can be completed efficiently ,quickly and at a low cost.Based on the specific project,this paper uses DlJl phantom 4RTK UAV measurement system as a measurement method to complete the 1:500 topographic map surveying and earthwork calculation of Chuxiong Rebake Plant ( Nanhua) of Yunnan Tobacco Leaf Co.,Ltd,and compare with the traditional RTK measurement method and discuss the advantages and disadvanlages of UAV in engineering application for reference.
    Data Mining and Application of Campus card Based on Logistic Rregression Algorithm
    CHEN Yunchuan, SONG Hao, ZHAO Ye, LIU Fawen
    2020, 36(3):  57-61.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.010
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    Data mining,analysis and prediction is an important branch of information technology development in recent years. This article alltempts to apply data mining technology to the analysis of dala of campus card, hoping to find students with excellent acaudemic performance but poor family backgrouund to provide a little help for the school financial aid.This article first introduces the general process of data nining,and then focuses on the algorithms used in the experimental simulation of this article: logistic regression algorithm.Finally , the Rapidminer platform was used for simulation. The experiment uses logistic regression algorithm for modeling, and introduces Bayesian algorithm for comparalive experiments. The model is applied to the test data set and successfully predicts the label altribute value ( whether the student is a poor student ).
    Application of VBA Programming Technology in Data Collection of Identification of Students from Poor Families in Higher Vocational Colleges#br#
    DONG Juan
    2020, 36(3):  62-66.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.O11
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    In higher vocational colleges,the identification of students from poor families has great responsibility. In the process of identifying students with financial difficulties,the dala collection and sorting of student financial aid archives requires a lot of operations such as open-copy-paste.The VBA programming technology of Excel realizes the automatic summary of identification data of students with financial difliculties in each class based on multiple workbooks. The implementation of this technology not only shortens the time,but also reduces the operating error. This technique can not only improve work efficiency, but also ensure the accuracy of data. Therefore,VBA programming technology has great promotion value in similar work.
    Hazard and Prevention Measures of Fouling of Drainage Pipe
    ZHANG Song, ZHANG Yucai, Ll Wei, TANG Yue, ZHAO Xuejun, CHEN Zixiang
    2020, 36(3):  67-70.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.012
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    The cause of the scale is analyzed,and through the test and on-site investigation,the main cause of scale of the drain pipe is due to the failure of the walerproofing of the top surface of the building. The rainwaler penetrated into the concrete and dissolved Ca( OH)2. The Ca( OH )2 concentration in the drain pipe is relatively high,and CaCO3 scale is formed on the wall of the drain pipe. For drainage pipes that have produced a large amount of scaling,the descaling and descaling trealment methods are not ideal. After analyzing the causes of scaling,the waler from the roof of the building should be removed and the roof should the leveled,and then the roof should be dried and repaired to prevent the scaling of the drain,and to mainlain the waler flow capacity of the drain is to reduce the replacement and cleaning investment and extend the life of the drain.
    Research on the Location of River-crossing Bridge in Areas with Complex Geology Condition: Taking the Dexing Bridge in Motuo County,Xizang as an Example
    Ll Zhiping, WANG Youchang, JU Zhengping, MA Minjie
    2020, 36(3):  71-75.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.013
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    Aiming at complex geological conditions such as high-intensity earthquake areas,complex terrain and geological conditions,and dense development of unfavorable geological conditions,the location of important bridges that cross the river should be selected with priority-geological conditions are the key to bridge location selection. Taking the site selection of Dexing Bridge in Motuo County,Xizang as an example,combining the characteristics of the river bank of the project area and the engineering geological environmental conditions,the principle of site selection for the bridge across the river was drawn up,and the UAV assisted investigation ,engineering geological mapping,enginecring geophysical prospecting ,and geological drilling were adopted. And other comprehensive survey methods,focusing on the study of the engineering geological conditions of the river reach,through multi-program comparison analysis,to determine the recommended bridge location that is technically feasible,risk controllable,investment-saving,and easy to construct,which can provide bridge location selection for similar bridge projects reference.
    The Observation of Lithofacies Structure of Cement Clinker to Judge the Status and Problems of Raw Material Preparation
    LIANG Qi
    2020, 36(3):  76-79.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.014
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    The observation of clinker lithofacies structure can be used to judge the problems in the production of cement clinker. This paper introduces the impurity composition and crystallization of raw material,batching rate value,the fineness of raw material,the reflection of homogenization effect on the clinker lithofacies structure in detail,so as to guide the selection of raw material and the formulation of raw malerial index.
    Study on 60 kW Building Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Power System#br#
    ZHANG Xinna
    2020, 36(3):  80-86.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.015
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    Building solar photovoltaic power generation system can effectively improve the utilization of roof.Moreover,it can provide backup power for daily life and office. In this paper,to regulate the design of such small power generation systems,the study on 60 kW photovoltaic grid-connected power syslem set on the building roof of Kunming Melallurgy College was carried out.Under the analysis of regional climate conditions such as solar illumination,the serial and parallel scheme,array spacing,installation method and basic design of the photovoltaic module were analyzed. The result confirmed that the generation efficiency of the studied photovoltaic power system can reach 83.8%. However,there is also a serious design problem that the system counlercurrent is not considered effectively in the studied system.
    Modeling of Designing Multi-level Logistics Distribution Network with Considering Multiple Vehicle Types
    DUAN Limei, ZHAN Zhihua, Ll Yirong
    2020, 36(3):  87-93.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.016
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    The factors of the regional economic integration and the product manufacturing networking make the cross-regional logistics distribution activities become normal. Based on the design problem of distribution nelwork,this paper considers the characteristics of the multiple vehicle types,and proposes the design problem of muli-level logistics distribution network considering the multiple vehicles types and a mixed integer programming model. The results show thal the Iransportation cost in the first slage accounts for a higher proportion of the total lransportation cost in the multi-level logistics distribution network and is more sensitive to the unit transportation cost.When the demand of the customer is large,the sufficient vehicles of the first type can reduce the total transportation cost.

    Based on Big Data of the Third Party Logistics Enterprise Customer Service Evaluation System of Building Research
    CHENG Zhijun
    2020, 36(3):  94-100.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.017
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    The stralegic significance of big data in the logistics industry is not only to grasp a large number of customer information, but also to exchange,collect,process and organize dala,so as to establish a prolessional logistics service evaluation system,which can instruct the third party logistics enterprise cus-tomer service process more sltandardized.Combine exlernal evaluation indicators of customer satisfaction with self-improving inlernal service indicators of third-party logistics companies to improve the logistics service quality,and enhance the core competitiveness.
    Study on Anhydrous Ethanol Prepared by Extractive Distillation of Ethylene Glycol Experimental
    TAN Yanxia, Ll Dongli, Ll Fenrui, CHENG Yongwei
    2020, 36(3):  101-104.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.018
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    Anhydrous ethanol is widely used and has many production methods,among which extractive distillation has been paid more and more attention because of its advantages of low energy consumption, no pollution,simple equipment and convenient operation. In this paper,ethylene glycol is used as the extractant,and the process conditions for the preparation of anhydrous ethanol are optimized by using the extractive distillation device.The effects of ethanol concentration,reflux ratio,solvent ratio and other factors on the purity of the product obtained by extractive distillation were explored experimenlally ,and then the conditions of exlractive distillation were optimized by orthogonal experiment,and the best conditions were as follows:the ethanol concentration of the raw material was 90% , the solvent ratio was 2.6,and the reflux ratio was 3.Corresponding to this condition,absolute ethanol with a mass concentration of 99.62% was obtained at the top of the tower.
    Research on the Integration of Green Building Concept into the Curriculum System of Architectural Design Major in Higher Vocational Colleges
    YIN Qiaoling, ZOU Ning
    2020, 36(3):  105-110.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2020.03.019
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    In today's background of developing green building vigorously,the market for building design professionals also puts forward a new requirement of knowledge and skill. How to deeply integrate the concept of green building into the higher vocational architectural design professional curriculum system with a consideration of four aspects of technical courses,design courses,analysis courses,and practical courses,the curriculum system and core curriculum conlent should be comprehensively updated,and the green building concept should be reflected in the practical teaching system,which enables graduates not only have the concept and knowledge of green architecture,but also have the ability to design,analyze and evaluate to achieve the goal of cultivating high-level architectural design professionals under the re-quirements of green development.