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    19 December 2017, Volume 33 Issue 5
    The New Material Graphene and Its Industrialization Development and Prospect
    TENG Yu,CHEN Fuliang,SONG Qunling,ZHANG Wenli,LI Yingjuan
    2017, 33(5):  1-7.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.001
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    The new material graphene has recently attracted much interest in material field due to its outstanding properties.This paper firstly introduces the grapheme of its structure and properties,the preparation technology,the typical application and the development process.Then it discusses its industrialization status and problems.Finally,it predicts its future development trend.
    On the First Coal Mining Face's Damage in Slightly-tilt Contiguous Coal Seam  Group
    2017, 33(5):  7-11.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.002
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    Using the numerical simulation based on the C and C coalseam in Da-ying Coal Mine in Zhen-xiong County,this article analyses mechanically the mining damage of Cworking face floor in contiguous seam group.Then it deals with the stress distribution and floor damage characteristics.The possibility of Cused as the first coal mining face has been tested,the use of which doesn't have any side effect on the sequential mining of Ccoal seam.The results provide a basic reference for the coal mining and gas extraction in Da-ying Mine.
    Coal Mining Method on Unmanned Working Face of Thin Coal Seam  with Complicated Geological Conditions
    2017, 33(5):  12.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.003
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    This paper summarizes and analyzes the coal mining methods on unmanned working face of coal seam at home and abroad.It also introduces in detail the coal mining method of long hole blasting on unmanned working face.Then it puts forward the existing problems and ways to improve.This present research provides a technical reference for coal mining in thin coal seam with complicated geological conditions as well as new ideas for relevant researches.
    On Resource Potential,Distribution and Characteristics of Shale Gas in China
    CHENG Yong,GUOYufeng,CHENGuodong,YANGWanlin,WANGFalong
    2017, 33(5):  17-24.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.004
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    This paper introduces the resource potential,analyzes the geological history and space distribution of shale gas in China.Then it compares the characteristics of three main types of organic-rich shale in China and studies the difference of shale between China and North America. The geological resource quantity of shale gas in China is between 80.45×1012~144.50×1012,among which the recoverable resource is between 11.50×1012~36.10×1012. Many complicated shale formations were deposited from Chuanlinggou Formation in Mesoproterozoic Erathem to Dongying Formation in Oligocene in the process of polycycle tectonic and sedimentary environment evolution in China. Marine shale,formed at early paleozoicera,is superior in resource potential and reservoir forming conditions,mainly distributed in south China's middle-lower part of Yangtze region,Sichuan Basin and central and western China's Tarim Basin,with most important stratas of Qiong-zhu-si Formation,Wu-feng&Long-ma-xi Formations.Inferiorto Marine shale,the transitional shale,developed at late paleozoicera is distributed in Carboniferous-Permian of Sedimentary basin in the mid-western China's Jung-gar Basin,Ordos Basin,Tarim Basin and Permian in South China,with importants tratas of Taiyuan,Shanxi and,Long-tanFormations.While,next to the transitionalshale,the continental shale,formedat Mesozoic and Cenozoicera,is distributed in Song-liao,Bo-haiBay,OrdosandSichuan basins,with important stratas of Yan-chang,Qingshan-kou,Sha-he-jie Formations,Triassic and Jurassic systems.
    Town Expansion and Driving Mechanism of Yimen County Based on High Spatial Resolution Classification
    2017, 33(5):  25-33.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.005
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    The combination of high score image and geographic information technology is one of the best means to achieve real-time and accurate monitoring of rapid urban expansion.Obtaining the basic data of urban expansion,analyzing the spatial differentiation characteristics of urban expansion and the structural characteristics of urban architecture,revealing the driving mechanism of urban expansion and making the government management make the right decision.The object-oriented classification technology is used to monitor the urban expansion of Yimen County from 2009 to 2013,and the monitoring results are analyzed with high score satellite imagery as the main data source.Theresults show that:(1)the best scale of Quick Bird image is 50,the shape factor is 0.6,the compactness factor is 0.7,the overall classification accuracy is 86%,and the Kappa coefficient is 77.7%,which can meet the research needs;(2)In the study area,the rate of change is38.26%,the expansion degree is 9.57%,the expansion intensity is0.02,and the extended comprehensive index is 0.61;(3)Through the gray relationalmodel,thedrivingforceofurbanexpansionis:Urbanizationlevel,nonagriculturalpopulation,industriallandarea,
    thecorrelationvaluewere0.91,0.85 and 0.73.
    The Cause of Measuring Errors on Mechanical Parts and Ways to Avoid It
    2017, 33(5):  34-38.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.006
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    There exist differences and errors when the height,the angle and the pitch ofmechanical parts are measured at different times.The practice shows that the errors result from the following factors:error of the bench mark;error of measuring method;error of measuring instruments;measurement environment and error caused by the measuring staff.Through the analysis of the error sources,this paper finds out ways and methods to reduce the measurement errors to improve the accuracy of the measurement and ensure the utilization of mechanical parts.
    On Malfunction Diagnosis and Removal of Diesel Engine's SCR System
    2017, 33(5):  39-42.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.007
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    Taking the tail gas purifying system of diesel engine's selective catalytic reduction technology (SCR) as the research object,this paper studies the formation,working principles and ways of malfunction diagnosis of the SCR system produced by a company,which has met the National IV emission standard.Then it analyzes the main reasons for the malfunction as follows:disconnect;sensing elements breakdown;discharge temperature of sensing elements;metering pump breakdown;urea level breakdown;temperature sensing breakdown of urea tank.It finally puts forward a procedure formal function diagnosis and method of removing the malfunction.
    The Realization and Optimization Design of P2P-based Micro-service Websites
    2017, 33(5):  43-56.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.008
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    With the rise of internet plus,the transformation and application about the urban micro-service fieldis especially urgent.In addition to online service,there aren't sufficient precious data of urban micro-service.Through JSP development technology and SQL Server database technology,this paper designs and implements the information service websites between urban micro-service providers and demanders to realize the goals of integrating the small and scattered micro-services in the market.Then it carries out the website optimization to its system platform based on user experience and improves the web-site optimization of the P2P-based micro-service,by means of the Weblog,analysis of user behavior,intelligent recommendation and adaptive technology for websites.
    On QoS Assessment Technology of Energy Efficiency-driven Cloud Computing Environment
    2017, 33(5):  57-62.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.009
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    With the further application of cloud computing,the effective energy efficiency calculation method is quite insufficient,let alone the researches that can be better integrated with the evaluation model to better describe the energy efficiency of the cloud environment.According to the energy efficiency of the mathematical expression and its measurement and calculation methods,this paper deduces the maximum energy efficiency and proposes an energy efficiency evaluation model under the cloud computing environment.It uses the mathematical expressions built between the computer CPU usage and its power to calculate the energy efficiency,and establishes a QoS security mechanism,with energy efficiency as QoS,a key factor for quantitative analysis of its performance index.
    On Thermal Decomposition and Kinetics of Lac Resin
    2017, 33(5):  63-69.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.010
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    The kinetic parameters of lacresin's thermal decomposition play an important role in its application and expanding application fields.By the thermogravimetric experiment with separate testing heating rates of 5,10,20,40K/min and final temperature of 883K,this paper draws the conclusions as follows:the thermal decomposition of lac resin is a one-step reaction,with its maximum decomposition temperature increased by heating rates both at the start and the end of the reaction;the activation energies of lac resin thermal decomposition reaction are 249.49kJ/mol and 260.46kJ/mol calculated separately by Kissinger and Starink methods;further calculation by FWO and FRL,it gets the value of (254.52±31)kJ·mol-1;by Malek,it confirms that the mechanism of thermal decomposition reaction matches the J-M-A equation:the nucleation and grow that random.Accordingly,the range of n and lgA calculated is between 0.0696~0.0756 and 13.38~14.53.By the same thermogravimetric experiment with final temperature of 843K,the start,end and peaking temperatures at viscous flow transition are measured separately at 328.0K,341.4K and 356.5K and the enthalpy and entropy changes at viscous flow transition are averagely at 58.41J/g and 0.17J/g·K under the 4 heating rates mentioned above.
    On Formaldehyde Gas-sensing Properties of Pr-LaFeO
    2017, 33(5):  70-73.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.011
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    By sol-gel combined with microwave chemical method,this research prepared the gas-sensing materials of Pr-LaFeOand made them to sintered & heater-type sensors.The testing results show that the sensor of Pr-LaFeOsynthesized from x=mol(Pr) ∶mol(Pr-LaFeO) =1∶10 is superior to others in its sensitivity to formaldehyde of 10 mL/m.In addition,the response and recovery time are about 60 s and 240 s,respectively.
    Causes of Urban Water Pollution and the Corresponding Counter measures
    2017, 33(5):  74-76.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.012
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    In recent years,urban water pollution has been a perplexing problem.Effective control of the pollution sources and processes is essential to ensure people's life quality and promote the sustainable development of society.In view of this,this paper summarizes the present situation of urban water pollution and analyzes the following causes:①the unrestrained discharge of urbansewage;②lack of consciousness of urban sewage treatment;③improper industrial structure development;④lack of effective supervision on urban sewage discharge;⑤the lagged technology of urban sewage treatment.Finally,it puts forward some counter measures for preventing and controlling urban water pollution.
    Mixed-integer Programming-based Network Design of Supply Chain
    2017, 33(5):  77-80.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.013
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    Taking suppliers,retailers and market into consideration,meeting consumers' needs as the precondition,this paper constructs a mixed-integer programming model and optimizes the multiple-level design of supply chain in order to maximize the value of supply chain.Numerical experiments show that the model is practical and the results could provide basis for decision-making in network design of supply chain.
    Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process in Weight Setting of Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Housing Construction Project
    2017, 33(5):  81-86.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.014
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    This paper firstly discusses the principle and procedures of weight setting of AHP in the evaluation index system of the comprehensive evaluation method for housing construction project.Then it builds a structure model,sets up the procedures of weight and formulates the weight value of the evaluation index system.Finally it puts forward some reasonable suggestions.
    Application of Nondimensionalized Performance Datain Students' Comprehensive Evaluation
    2017, 33(5):  87-91.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.015
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    This paper first introduces three commonly used nondimensionalized data calculation methods in students' performance record.By the software of  SPSS,it then analyzes the variable,selected students' original scores. According to the principle of comprehensive quality assessment and the distribution of students' original scores,using two methods:the regional linear transformation calculation and normalization transformation methods: it empirically analyzes the application of nondimensionalized data in students' performance evaluation.Finally,by means of a questionnaire survey,using the regional linear transformation method to nondimensionalize students' performance data,it shows that the sorting and ranking of students' performance could better meet the expectations of both students and teachers.
    On Curriculum System Reform of Geoinformation Technology of Surveying and Mapping under the Major-renamed Background
    2017, 33(5):  92-96.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.016
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    Under the major-renamed background,by analyzing the industry background and social demands,this paper establishes the talent training goal of “production+service” for the major of geoinformation technology of surveying and mapping and puts forward a developing model of “onebasis+multi-directions”.Established in surveying & mapping,it constructs a curriculum system to promote the geoinformation application and service on the basis of geoinformation data production.
    Exploration and Practice of Beneficiation Skill Contests for Vocational College Students: Kunming Metallurgy College as an Example
    2017, 33(5):  97-100.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.017
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    Taking the practice of participating in different beneficiation skill contests of Kunming Metallurgy College as an example,this paper analyzes and explores the organization,implementation,significance,problems and suggestions of the contests,aiming to provide some reference for organizing further occupational skill contests.
    The Course Reform of Combing Online & Offline Teaching in Engineering Drawing Identification
    2017, 33(5):  101-104.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.05.018
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    The Internet technology has promoted the development of MC and MOOC.In this case,this paper discusses a course reform of engineering drawing identification according to the systematic working process.It compiles online a new cloud teaching material on mobile phones,and creates WeChat public platform to  assist teaching so that students are not limited to learn by time,space and numbers.With the help of steel bar engineering map,it carries out offline practical training based on quantity calculation,cutting and binding work process.It promotes the in-depth course reform by combing online and offline teaching.