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    30 November 2015, Volume 31 Issue 5
    Microstructure and Tribological Properties of Ni-Al Coating and Wear Resistant Coating on 304 Stainless Steel
    YANG Gui一sheng
    2015, 31(5):  1-5.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009一0479.2015.05.001
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    304 austenitic stainless steel is widely used in industrial production because of its good corrosion resistance,but limited by the organization,the hardness is lower. In this paper,a high speed electric arc spraying equipment was used to prepare the Ni-Al coating and wear resistant coating on 304 stain-less Steel.  The microstructure,hardness and wear resistance of the coating was studied.  The results show that the wear resistance of the 304 stainless steel can be improved by spraying a Ni-Al alloy and ceramic material.  The prepared Ni-Al alloy coating has excellent microstructure and compact structure.  The microhardness of the coating is 601 HV,and the wear resistance is 3 times to that of 304 stainless steel.  The ceramic coating has good shape,uniform structure and compact structure.  The coating friction coefficient is only 53% of Ni-Al coating.  The microstructure's hardness of the coating is 999 HV,and the wear resistance is about 6 times than that of 304 stainless steel.  The coating has excellent wear resistance.

    Research on Technology of the Design of the Regeneration and Utilization of Asphalt Mixture
    ZHANG Zhi-yun,WU Yong-jun,LI Jian一hong,DAI Ke-lin
    2015, 31(5):  6-9.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009一0479.2015.05.002
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    The key technology for the design of the mix proportion design of asphalt mixture, analysis of the performance of recycling old material,and determine proportion design of asphalt mixture,analysis of the content of asphalt and mineral aggregate gradation in the recycling of old materials.  The American asphalt association method was used to estimate asphalt in the recycled asphalt mixture,which was used as the calculation parameters of the old the amount of
    material when blending ratio.  Determine the content of the old material,using Marshall method to carry out the mix propor-
    tion design,  ultimately determine the optimum gradation and asphalt content.  The American asphalt association was used to estimate the amount of asphalt mixture used in the calculation of the formula for the calculation of asphalt mixture,the formula was amended by the coefficient:P = 0. 025 a + 0. 03 h+kc+f

    Design Method and its Application of 2D and 3D Integrated Design for Underground Mine Development System
    ZHU Hong-de, LIN Ji-fei,XIA Jian-bo, WANG Yu-jun,DONG Juan,LI Yi-rong
    2015, 31(5):  10-19.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2015.05.003
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    3D mining software system can realize the accurate design of mining method,the dynamic management of mine resource reserves,and the real-time programming of production planning.  Through the research of 3D geological modeling and 3D roadway design method,the design of a copper mine un-
    derground development system in Yunnan province is realized by using 2D and 3D integrated design approach and DIMINE 3 D mining software as the platform. The results show that the method effectively integrates terrain mine orebodies,faults and other geological data,and develop the design in three-dimensional state.  Finally, the reasonable scheme of output can be output, in the form of plan, decision-making, production guidance and other aspects have overcome the shortcomings of the 2D design, it could provide help for mine decision-making and production.

    Investigation of “Three Planning" Integration Based on “Town to Hill"
    CHEN Guo-ping, WU Xiao-wei
    2015, 31(5):  20-25.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2015.05.004
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    According to the urban and rural areas in Yunnan Province,Yiliang County as the research area,convergence method of the“three planning" was explored by using of GIS,spatial database and other technologies.  Town Hill as view,to protect the dam area of cultivated land/basic farmland,ecological environment for the purpose,land resources and rely on land planning,urban planning,land planning“three planning" cohesion as the breakthrough point,Yiliang County dam farmland/basic farmland protection was realized using GIS spatial analysis technology.  At the same time the construction of urbanization and the maximum protection of forest resources were met.  The results show that the “three planning" convergence method,which is mainly based on spatial cohesion,planning control and implementation,is feasible.

    Experimental Study on Iron Separation from a Lead一Zinc Tail in Yunnan Province
    YANG Qing-rong,ZHANG Gui-fang,YAN Peng
    2015, 31(5):  26-30.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009一0479.2015.05.005
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    A lead一zinc mine in Yunnan produces annually 100 000 t of flotation tailings.  Flotation tailings contains iron 8. 72%, sulfur 0. 94%,phosphorus 0. 14%  and other impurities. Direct storage  of tailings pile can lead to increase mine cost pressures and waste of resources. The rough concentrate was obtained by using weak magnetic-intensity magnetic separation-flotation desulfurization joint process, where in the flotation process uses a thick and sweep process. H2SO4 and MHH-1 are mixed as activating agent of pyrite.  Experimental studies joint process of weak magnetic separation showed that qualified iron concentrate could be obtained by a strong magnetic separation一flotation desulfurization,which the Fe content is 58.02%, the impurities content of sulfur, phosphorus are respectively 0.20% and 0.09%, and comprehensive recovery rate is 70. 81%.

    Selection and Calculation of an Open Pit Mine Excavation and Transport Equipment
    HUANG Zhi—bing
    2015, 31(5):  31-35.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009一0479.2015.05.006
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    The mine is technological expansion project,the original 600 000 t/a production scale expantion to 2. 1 million t/a.  The work was clone to take full advantage of existing eduipment,play eduipment efficiency so that a reasonable match with each other between the original eduipment and existing eduipment meet the needs of the open stope mining engineering.  It can also reduce ore loss and dilution,improve mining economic effects,so that the total amount of eduipment and mine stripping production capacity match.  Large一scale eduipment can be used.  The optimized selection of mining and transportation equipment in the open pit is a reference for similar mine equipment selection.

    Discuses on the Methods of Ascertaining Stress Boundary Condition in the Elastic Mechanics
    SHEN Meng-fei
    2015, 31(5):  36-42.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2015.05.007
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    The basic equations of elastic mechanics include not only the equilibrium differential equations,the geometric equations and the physical equations,but also the stress boundary conditions and the displacement boundary conditions. Various objects in different forces,different constraints boundary conditions are often different,because of practical problems in changing boundary conditions constitute a complex elasticity problem. It’s difficult to establish the stress boundary condition for beginners to solve the problem of elastic mechanics. Based on the induction of the existing knowledge,the main stress boundary conditions and the secondary stress boundary conditions are summarized respectively. The main method of the former is the comparison method and the formula method. The latter is the equivalent static method and the equilibrium condition method.

    Discussion on Application of Automatic Control of Liquid Level in Flotation Tank in Mineral Processing Plant
    GAO Liang-zhang,CHEN Chun-xia
    2015, 31(5):  43-46.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2015.05.008
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    Flotation,as an important part of the beneficiation,determines the quality level of beneficiation; the flotation effect is directly related to control of liquid level of the flotation tank. The automatic control system of liquid level in the flotation tank was discussed based on the engineering practice,the principle,process and realization method. Intelligent fuzzy control algorithm was used in flotation tank liquid level. The liquid level automatic control system of the pulp flotation machine consists of pulp level measuring device,level control instrumentation boxes,pneumatic control valves. The practical application results show that the liquid level automatic control system has the characteristics of advanced,economical,practical,durable and stable.

    Study on the Main River Basin Flood Disaster in China Based on Corresponding Analysis Method
    ZHANG Chao-yuan,WANG Shun-cheng
    2015, 31(5):  47-52.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2015.05.009
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    In this paper,the flood disaster data of China's major river basins,which include the Zhujiang River,the Changjiang River, the Huanghe River,the Huaihe River, the Hailuanhe River,the Liaohe River and the Songhua River, were analyzed. The relationship between sunspot activity,solar eclipse,EL Nino events and flood was explored. The results shows that: when the sunspot number is less than 27 and more than 105,then prone to floods,especially the occurrence of big floods and super flood; when an EL Nino event occurs in three years,the frequency of occurrence of flooding disasters is very high; floods year is no eclipse occurs and the emergence of multiple solar eclipse.

    Technical Analysis of Digitally Control Potentiometer Applications
    Jin Rui
    2015, 31(5):  53-59.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2015.05.010
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    Digital control potentiometer is a new type of CMOS analog and digital mixed signal processing IC chip,at present,this new device has a strong vitality and a very wide range of applications. Since the appearance of digitally control potentiometer,the main products are produced by foreign companies. In China,this new device is not known to many people engaged in the work of electronic technology. An introduction to the application of numerical control potentiometer technology made easy to understand was given by long-term studied on the Digital Potentiometer, combined with the four typical application cases,progressively,step by step in depth. It can provide a good reference for teaching and technical personnel to understand and master application methods of the new device. All of the application examples are original design,and are tested by the Multisim NI 13 software simulation and actual circuit.

    Traffic Shortest Path Application Based on the Network Segmentation Technology
    ZHAO Jun-jun,LIU Shi-feng,ZHANG Zhi-yun
    2015, 31(5):  60-64.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2015.05.011
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    On the basis of analyzing the complexity of various algorithms,this paper expounds the principle of parallel algorithms and the design of related parameters to improve the efficiency of real-time algorithms of large-scale urban road network. Based on the deep analysis of the complexity of the algorithm for the shortest path problem,the network segmentation technology of the label algorithm is used to simplify the processing of the road network in Kunming.  Parallel algorithm for the shortest path problem is discussed. Through simulation modeling,data confirmed that the parallel optimization algorithm based on the shortest path,even for coarse grid points,the situation subdivision,still be able to ensure a strong speedup and higher operating efficiency and has good portability.

    The Application of NLTK Toolkit Based on Python in Corpus Research
    LIU Xu
    2015, 31(5):  65-69.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2015.05.012
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    According to the current domestic corpus based study,AntConc and PowerGREP are the mainresearch tool. Few studies were done using the Python language NLTK packet for data processing and analysis. It can not provide support to the research methods due to the design defect of the software. The Python language NLTK handling package was used in the study so that the data have uniform standards avoiding the conversion of various weakness of the range tool such as types of word processing workshop trouble. It also makes up for the syntactic analysis,graphic,regular expression search etc. In this paper,it was briefly introduced that the application of NLTK processing package based on Python in research. Then it takes the novel Emma written by Austen in Gutenberg corpus as an example to explain how to use the natural language processing to process the data.

    Yunnan Pile-Dwelling's Applicability to the Conditions and Inspiration to Modern Architectural Design
    LIU Yu-xian,YIN Zhi-ming,HU Min
    2015, 31(5):  70-72.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2015.05.013
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    Pile-Dwelling of Yunnan is a distinctive feature of the Yunnan residential type and shows showing their own characteristics depending on the geographical location. The local climate and terrain conditions and applicability of building materials from Pile-Dwelling of Yunnan was analyzed to get the value of science,and explore inspiration to modern architectural design. Modern architecture should be reasonable to use the space design to improve the construction of a small climate,should also be based on a reasonable use of the terrain and use of aerial ground floor to obtain more effective use of space.

    The Calculation and Compiling of RC Slab Culvert General-purpose Drawing under Load of G-300
    YANG Jia-yong
    2015, 31(5):  73-77.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2015.05.014
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    Through the analysis of elementary calculation theory and internal force calculation of reinforced concrete cover plate,the steps and contents of the calculation are introduced in detail according to the calculation parameters and the characteristics of the 300 loads. The examples are given to show a method of determining the bearing capacity of a common graph. General diagram calculation of large amounts of data and comparative analysis of calculation shows: using different span,different culvert,a different filling height,different load,the calculation of the control load is different when calculation of culvert is under—300 loads. If calculation of the culvert size is done using the trailer—300 loads,the calculated results will not meet safe passage of less than 300 trailer loads. Moreover,the load effect of the large aperture culvert cover is very large. In the reinforced concrete cover culvert general map (load: Highway-II special loading Trailer-300; oblique angle: 0 degrees),the calculation of top filling height of 4.00 m culvert is limited to the range of 0.5~6.0 m. It should be used in the selection according to conditions on the ground.

    Remanufacturing Fuzzy Neural Network Model Based on Reverse Logistics
    LI Wen-jin
    2015, 31(5):  78-83.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2015.05.015
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     In the process of remanufacturing reverse logistics,there are many factors that affect the level of waste product recycling,the qualitative factors and quantitative factors,so the whole system is quite complicated. Based on statistical method of quantitative prediction modeling technology can't be used to forecast this kind of complex system incomplete,irregular data because this kind of model can't adapt to environmental changes or by the changing structure of the system itself caused by the nonlinear system. Therefore,it should be used to study the parameters of the non-network model to adjust the modeling technology to predict its uncertainty. In this paper, the fuzzy neural network theory is used to study the remanufacturfing reverse logistics model. Prediction models of waste product recovery time interval and the waste recovery yield are established. The two models can be adjusted by the data,which can directly obtain the change of the product sales,the amount of simulation and predict recovery yield with the change of time.

    Discussion on Maintenance of PLC Control System for Storage and Sorting in Tobacco Logistics Company
    CUN Wen-long,LI Juan
    2015, 31(5):  84-88.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2015.05.016
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    A tobacco logistics company uses Siemens S7-300, S7-400 series PLC control system to complete the daily warehousing and sorting task. Once the system has a fault of electrical interference,system design, component selection, installation and manufacturing process and so on, it needs to be repaired as soon as possible so that the system to work again. For the PLC control system fault and fault causes and effects,measures were taken to limit the expansion of the fault, and the fault to be eliminated promptly. Storage and sorting PLC control system used in tobacco logistics companies are huge,good inspection and maintenance work must be done to ensure safe and stable operation of the system. Good maintenance of the system can be in time to prevent the occurrence of system failure. When the system fails,the correct method is used to repair the fault. After the failure,the fault was summarized and continuous technological innovation was done so as to prevent similar failures.

    Teaching Reform and Project Design of “Integrative Teaching,Learning and Practice”of Higher Vocational CNC Machine PLC Technology Course
    Wu Nan
    2015, 31(5):  89-93.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009一0479.2015.05.017
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    In the traditional teaching mode,effect of classroom teaching and the teaching quality is not good,so the theory of“Integrative Teaching,Doing and Learning" was applied to the course of CNC machine PLC technology for the teaching reform and practice. General principles and ideas of teaching reform are to shift the focus of teaching target from the theoretical knowledge to the cultivation of vocational ability. Gradually the teaching based on “learning" was realized. Curriculum nature was analyzed comprehensively. According to the characteristics of students targeted design,curriculum content for the actual work process and the comprehensive vocational ability training,course content was designed. The overall principle and method of the reform of the course teaching are to shift the focus of teaching target from the theoretical knowledge to the cultivation of vocational ability. Using the design and implementation of the content of the course teaching improve the students’ learning interest and comprehensive vocational ability.

    Development and Design of High Quality Course Website of Evaluation System and Online Test System for Metal Heat Treatment Production Process
    ZHANG Wen-Li, ZHOU Shao-Jing
    2015, 31(5):  94-101.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2015.05.018
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    Because of the poor expandability of existing network course's structure,the course and the evaluation of low integration,learning evaluation process system and evaluation method of diversification would not be solved. In this paper, we study the network curriculum and learning evaluation system platform,and give a scientific and unified network curriculum evaluation system model. In the website construction of metal heat treatment production process,the design and development of a B/S structure of the network course and learning evaluation platform has been made,a UML based online examination system was built,which can be used to monitor and evaluate the learning process and the results of the study,improve the learning quality.

    Design and Implementation of Project Course in Typical Structure of Welding Process Planning and Welding
    ZHAO Ben-gang,CHEN Wen-Jing
    2015, 31(5):  101-106.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2015.05.019
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    Problems in the teaching of typical structural welding process planning and welding in higher vocational colleges were analyzed. The reform of the curriculum project was put forward. In order to improve the students' professional competence and career aptitude,the selection method of the project,the overall design of the teaching of the project,the implementation of the project teaching method and the effect evaluation,were discussed using various teaching methods such as the implementation of task-driven teaching activities.