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    01 June 2015, Volume 31 Issue 2
    On the In-depth Cooperation between Vocational Colleges and Enterprises in Yunnan Province
    YANG Li-fang,YE Jia-mian,DUAN Bo,RONG Hui,WANG Xu
    2015, 31(2):  1-5.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.001
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    Collegeenterprise cooperation is an important means to cultivate technical skills talents in higher vocational colleges.This paper first analyses the typical talents cultivation patterns in Yunnan province,including student double-oriented pattern,order-type pattern,factory-in-college pattern and two-subjects-in-one pattern.Then it points out the factors that hinder the in-depth cooperation,including the imperfect system&mechanism,the poor enthusiasm from enterprises,the inadequate enrollment system.It finally proposes solutions as follows:to optimize the policy environment for college-enterprise cooperation to reinforce the acceptance of enterprises to colleges and enthusiasm to the cooperation;to build up a benefit-sharing mechanism;make a flexible admission system to enlarge the enrollment of order-type or specifically-named for some enterprises that are difficult to hire employees,to achieve a win-win outcome for both students and enterprises.

    Thoughts on the Infrastructure Management in Higher Vocational College
    CHEN Tie-niu
    2015, 31(2):  6-9.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.002
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    With the construction of the new campus expansion,management of campus rebuilding and expansion becomes important and worth more study and exploration.This paper first analyzes the problems and deficiencies after campus expansion in higher vocational colleges,including the maladjustment of mechanism and function,further construction's incontinuity,lack of working plan,insufficient fund for maintenance,inadequately qualified management staff.Hence,it proposes the ways to solve the problems:to build up a long-termmechanism organization to join the construction and further management;to equip with qualified and adequate staff to guarantee the effective service;to standardize management and establish regulations;to strengthen the awareness of infrastructure archives and make good document management;to make infrastructure running funds part of normal annual budget of college to guarantee the basic structure,buildings and equipments in good conditions.The way and mode of infrastructure management still need to be explored,summarized and improved further.

    An Exploration of the Front-line Student Management Staff Construction
    NA Jia
    2015, 31(2):  10-16.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.003
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    Through sorting and reading available research findings,this paper analyzes the current situations,problems involved and advantages for future development of the college teaching staff construction.By introducing the project-oriented planning theory,it explores its application of enhancing the college counselors and class advisers' team construction to improve the project planning,and finds out new approaches to innovate current team construction as follows:to carry out strictly the system of regular appointment and preferential appointment;to enhance training and training mechanism for teachers' education;to establish effective incentive mechanism and performance appraisal mechanism.It is an innovative attempt to apply the ZOPP planning to the college planning and development,aiming to provide reference for the future student cultivation in the age of big data.

    Thoughts on Attracting Talents with Advanced Degrees in Vocational Colleges in Western China:Introduction of Talents with PhD as a Case
    WANG Min,ZHANG Wei,YANG Dong
    2015, 31(2):  17-20.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.004
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    Supported by national policies,vocational colleges in Western China are trying to attract talents with advanced degrees to promote the development and reform of the colleges.Meanwhile,the performance appraisal and roles assessment to talents are neglected in some colleges.This paper analyses that the introduction of talents with PhD comes to the initialstage,attracting mainly the female PhDs.The problems lie in valuing quantity rather than majors,introduction than cultivation,professional knowledge than quality,treatment than appraisal.It put forwards counter measures and suggestions to conduct the program smoothly:improve the system and policies to attract talents;be cost-conscious and planningconscious;optimize the development space and cultivation platform;reinforce the assessment mechanism;avoid talents from similar or same mentors.

    Thoughts on Professional Title's Evaluation-first-then-employment Model in Vocational Colleges
    WANG Ying,LI Qing-qi
    2015, 31(2):  21-25.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.005
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    The evaluation and employment system of professional titles in vocational colleges plays an important role in professional teaching staff's construction,development and stability.It also reflects the adaptation of position setting. This paper explores the connotation,the criteria to set up and the standard evaluation process of the model and points out that its advantage is that it helps to reform the personnel system and arouse the enthusiasm of faculty and staff.Facing the existing problems,this paper offers suggestions to improve the system to fully reflect the vocational features,fully understand the relationship between professional title evaluation and position employment,add weight to teaching,lay emphasis on teaching results and abilities,improve evaluation process on the basis of equality and fairness,strengthen after-employment management and assessment mechanism so that a better evaluation and employment model could be achieved.

    On Constructing Library's Assessment Index System at Higher Vocational Colleges in Yunnan
    XIAO Meng,LI Qiong,YANG Yu
    2015, 31(2):  26-30.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.006
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    The different development levels of vocational colleges in Yunnan result in the different development of libraries and lag far behind the universities.Therefore a unanimous guide is necessary to library construction.By analyzing the present situation and taking it as a basis,and introducing a new system,this paper offers a proposal to construct library's assessment index system as follows:construct an overall system structure on the basic principles of science,guidance,operability and service;then build up a long-acting and dynamic self-assessment system.To perfect the system,further practice,exploration and summaries are needed.

    On New Students'Social Contact Anxiety in Vocational College
    YE Yi,CHENG Zhi-ju
    2015, 31(2):  31-35.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.007
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    Taking 400 new students in a vocational college as subjects,by means of anxiety scale(IAS),a survey was conducted to investigate new students'social contact anxiety.With the help of the statistical analysis software of SPSS16.0,the results show that the new students themselves in vocational colleges are more anxious than undergraduates.Variables like gender,major,birthplace,family financial status,whether a student head make a different to their anxiety.Finally,this paper proposes that psychological tutors,college counselors,class advisors pay more attention to those who got high scores and tend to be social contact anxious,offer them proper psychological guidance,help them get out of anxiety and build up pleasant interpersonal relationship.

    Influence of Metacognition Strategies and Cognition Strategies on English Reading
    PEI Shui-mei
    2015, 31(2):  36-41.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.008
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    The English teaching in vocational colleges has laid its emphasis and difficulty on developing learners'English reading ability so that they could obtain information they need by means of English.Therefore,a survey was conducted to understand how metacognition strategies and cognition strategies have influence on English reading comprehension to non-English major students.The results show that both factors play significant roles in learners'performance,and they have differential effects on the results of the learners who are cognitively and linguistically different.This paper puts forward some suggestions on how to enhance English reading strategies in classroom teaching as follows:shift teaching focus from passing on knowledge to employing reading strategies;advocate individual-oriented teaching and make a
    difference among learners with different language proficiency and different cognitive competence;pay attention to both teaching form and teaching contents to arouse learners' interests and enthusiasm,changing them from passive readers to active ones.Owing to the limited subjects and by taking PRETCO-B as the testing tool,the above results can't yet apply toall learners with different levels and further discussion and exploration of their influence are still needed.

    A Survey of Ethnic Minority Students'Three Languages'Cultural Identity: Taking 10 Vocational Colleges as a Case
    WANG Yan
    2015, 31(2):  42-46.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.009
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    Based on the data collected from questionnaire survey in 10 vocational colleges in Yunnan province,by means of MIMIC model,this paper explores how these independent variables as nationality,gender,grade,mother tongue proficiency level and college locations impact ethnic minority students' identities to their mother tongue cultures,dominant Chinese culture and English culture,the three dependent variables of confirmatory factor analysis.The results show that:the degree for students'identities to their mother tongue cultures differs significantly;their identities to the dominant Chinese culture and English culture,however,there is no significant difference.

    Data Analysis of Students'Physical Health Testing in Vocational Colleges in Yunnan Province:Testing Performance of Kunming Metallurgy College in 2014 as an Example
    WANG Wen-hong,Sun Yi-ran,Du Peng
    2015, 31(2):  47-51.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.010
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    By means of literature review,measurement& mathematical statistics,taking the data of students'physical health testing of Kunming Metallurgy College in 2014 as an example,this paper makes a statistic analysis of BMI(Body Mass Index),vital capacity,800 and 1000 meters running,50-meter dash,standing long jump,sit and reach,1 minute sit-ups and pull-ups,and compares with the newly-released the National Student Physical Health Standard in2014.Based on the results and the present situation of college,it offers measures and suggestions to promote students'physical health indexes and performance as follows:(1)The conditions for physical health testing should be equipped with;(2)The department to carry out the program should propagandize and organize the program well to attract more students to take part in the program,and training to physical tutors and staff involved should be strengthened;(3)Make sure the quality of testing instruments to avoid breakdown and fault.Additionally,class-division tutoring and guiding are needed according to students'physical health testing performance.

    On Basket Shooting Training at Colleges and Universities:Taking a Student Basketball Team  as an Example
    NI Yong-hui
    2015, 31(2):  52-55,65.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.011
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    The percentage of basket hits is a key factor for individual player's score and the team score.The study is conducted concerning non-defense and defense perimetershot,inside shot and the percentages of hits before training and after training.The results show that the percentage of hits has been greatly improved after a period of time's training.Some suggestions are offered in this paper as follows:strengthen the basic skill training for basket shooting;reinforce the psychological training to promote players' psychological adjustment and self-regulation; enhance the defense and flexible shots.

    On the Course Construction of Dynamic Development Concept-based English Tour Guide in Vocational Colleges
    XIA Sheng-li
    2015, 31(2):  56-59.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.012
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    English Tour Guide is a practical course.This paper first analyzes the existing problems in teaching,including:obscure materials and words,learners' different English proficiency,large-size classroom teaching,limited teaching hours hard to cover all the contents,guiding for strangers,inadequate fees,classroom teaching not matching the practical training.It then proposes a dynamic teaching mode to cultivate students' sustainable learning.According to the mode,autonomous-learning is to build up as the teaching objective;besides,lay the basis for widely reading by phonics;develop students' listening,speaking abilities by using the teaching style in Toastmaster club and by dubbing and story make up;learn Chinese better by translating poems in order to serve well as a tour guide;build up the college enterprise cooperation.The mode strengthens and promotes the practice and the reform of English Tour Guide teaching and training.

    Ways to Promote Students' Aesthetic Quality in Higher Vocational Colleges:Taking Architectural Decoration Engineering as an Example
    CHEN Chun-hua,GUO Fang
    2015, 31(2):  60-62.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.013
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    This paper first introduces the importance of aesthetic quality to architectural decoration major and the development in this industry.On the basis of the characteristics and teaching practice,it proposes ways to promote aesthetic quality of students majoring in Construction Decoration Engineering in higher vocational colleges from decorative aesthetic perception and aesthetic judgment:to develop students' decorative aesthetic perception,teachers could show concerns to students in these four psychological factors of perception,comprehension,imagination and emotion; to promote aesthetic judgment,teachers could start from students' aesthetic tastes,aesthetic ideas and aesthetic ideal.

    Discussion on the English Teaching in Correspondence Education
    YANG Dong,WANG Min,XIE Rong-zhi
    2015, 31(2):  63-65.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.014
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    English is a compulsory course in correspondence education.It is practically significant to explore an effective teaching method to improve teaching quality and solve the existing problems.This paper analyses 
    the current situation and existing problems,including students' poor English level,limited time to meet face-to-face with tutors,passive learning and lack of learning motivation owing to their anxiety to English learning,the duck-stuffing teaching style.It proposes counter measures to arouse students' enthusiasm,reinforce students' autonomous learning,change the testing method,solve the conflicts between working and learning, simplify the knowledge and create a friendly,relaxing and harmonious classroom atmospher.

    On Text book Design for Career Planning in Largesize Classroom  Teaching of Vocational Colleges
    WANG Yan-min,LI Qiong
    2015, 31(2):  66-70.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.015
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    The course of career planning in vocational colleges is usually carried out in large-size classroom teaching,which results in the lack of communication and interaction among tutors and students,and also an inappropriate teaching outcome.To improve the situation,this paper offers a suggestion about textbook design that is believed an effective way like this:guided by the design concept of experience-based teaching,students would finish a general task-based career planning proposal and learn the contents driven by tasks.The contents of the textbook are consist of five parts:communication,self-exploration and troubles removing,in-depth exploration of careerplan,decision and plan,implement and management.They become circular,one by one gradually.With guidance and exercises covering all knowledge and skills in career planning,this book also provides relevant testing and assessing resources,aiming to help students finish their career planning and course tasks.

    A Study of Vocational Skill Competition-based Curriculum of Secretary Major in Vocational Colleges:College of Tropical Crops,Yunnan Agricultural University as a Case
    FU Qiong-zhi
    2015, 31(2):  71-74.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.016
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    Vocational skill competition-based curriculum of secretary courses in vocational colleges focuses on training of three modules,two capabilities,multi-activities,aiming to establish a competency-based concept.That is:to establish a course system,driven by skill competition,dominated by the teaching modules of basic courses,core courses and expanding courses,emphasized on professional core competencies,and supported by extra-curricular activities.It is of significance to strengthen students' professional skills,promote students' comprehensive abilities,lay emphasis on training students' operational skills and innovative a wareness in order to make teaching contents and teaching design more practical and pertinent,and make clear the comprehensive quality and teamwork spirit to students.

    On the State Highest Judicial Institution in Yunnan Province in Early Twenty Century
    XIE Wei
    2015, 31(2):  75-78.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.017
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    In the Republic of China,the government of Yunnan Province set up its own highest judicial institution,which is different from the national one.Though existed for a long period of time,the highest judicial institution was given little attention by academic circles.This paper aims to offer a detailed discussion about its inner setting and evolution.It was named the temporary highest judicial bureau when Tang Ji-yao was the provincial military governor,originally intended to replace the Central Government-Daliyuan branch and the General Prosecutors Office,which actually functioned the highest judicial power commanded directly by provincial chief executive as an inner subsidiary institution.Then it was divided into Daliyuan branch and the General Prosecutors Office branch.Though no much difference from the previous institution,it apparently accorded with the central government's Regulations for Judicial System.It was renamed as the Appeal Judicial Bureau in 1921,which carried on many regulations as before,but the structure was simpler,more dependent on the executive institution to exert the power of Daliyuan.It was renamed back to Daliyuan branch and the General Prosecutors Office branch in 1922,and they were reorganized as one:the Supreme Judicial Court,Yunnan Branch from1927 to 1933.The name and organization changed several times,but they didn't coincide to the state law.In fact,it had been the subsidiary body of Yunnan provincial government to command the final judicial power.

    A Study of How the Japanese Militarism Took Shape
    Chen Rong-jing
    2015, 31(2):  79-82.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.018
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    Militarism is a basic national extremism strategy originated in Japan,characterized by exhausting all resources to engage in military aggression.Based on the history,this paper analyses that Japanese militarism could be traced back to Bushido,which appeared basically owing to its special geographical condition and emerged because of the force aggression into Japan by western countries before and after 1853.Besides,the Meiji restoration paved the way for its militarism and further Sino-Japanese Jiawu War became the key factor for the militarism to take shape.Asian people suffered a lot from the Japanese militarism.For preventing it from resurgence,two points should be pointed out:first,other Asian countries should take priority of Japan in their General National Power;second,the Japanese right-wing-force should be given a heavy blow.Only by this,can the nation of Japan go back to the real world and a peace world in the Asian-Pacific region be opened up.

    On the Influence Factors and Counter measures of Interns Job Born-out in Hotels
    ZHANG Fa-you,GAO Yi
    2015, 31(2):  83-87,104.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.019
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    The low retention rate of college students in hotels after internship becomes a serious problem to the hotel industry and educational circles,the main reason of which is the job born-out in their internship.Based on the previous researches,by means of Maslash-GS,the authors designed a three-dimension survey of students' job born-out and conducted it to interns in the high-star level hotels in Fuzhou city.The result shows that the three aspects of reduced personal sense of accomplishment,emotional exhaustion and depersonalization are the main factors resulting in students' job born-out from highest score to the lowest.Then,the authors proposes relevant counter measures:externally,hotels should construct an institutional environment,including a series of measures to prevent and reduce interns' born-out;collegesshould establish relevant interns management system;hotels should also build up a mechanism for communication and feed back between administrators and interns;psychologically,interns' mental problems could be guided and persuaded;more psychological concern should be given to interns to build up a mechanism for interns to release emotions and stress.

    On the Business Strategy of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in ASEAN Countries
    ZHANG Yang
    2015, 31(2):  88-92.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.020
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    As the Chinese Reform and Open Policies have won popular support,SMEs(Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)in Yunnan Province have gained big weight and quickened its development in the fields including trade,investment,andeconomy and technological cooperation.Further more,these enterprises have played significant role in prompting national economic development and social stability.Thanks to the geological and regional advantages,the SMEs in Yunnan Province tend to be pluralistic in both scale and strategy of its trade with ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations).The article has given a study on the trade between China and ASEAN countries via the SWOT analysis.It is found that there are advantages and disadvantages to these enterprises themselves,as well as opportunities and challenges from the market.In terms of the analysis conducted in this article,it is favorable for the enterprise leaders and manager store volve problems in the order of priority,make better decisions,and more over,put forward proposals to the operation of enterprises in ASEAN countries.

    On Technological Innovation Assessment System-based Technological Innovation Capability in a Mining Enterprise
    YIN Bing-jing
    2015, 31(2):  93-99.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.021
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    From the perspective of technological innovation,taking a mining enterprise as an example,this paper studies the present situation of the technological innovation in Yunnan province.By means of the technological innovation assessment system and a model analysis with qualitative and quantitative indexes,the deficiencies could be found,which includes as follows:(1)the inadequate investment in it from both enterprise and staff;(2)the poor ability of research and development and low success rate;(3)poor management;(4)a lot of space to improve the productivity and optimize the personnel make up;(5)salesmen's incompetence; (6)low output,sales volume and yield rate.Suggestions are put forward accordingly to provide reference to mining enterprises in Yunnan province.

    On the Poem Creation of HE Wei-wen
    JIANG Xiao-xia
    2015, 31(2):  100-104.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.022
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    HE Wei-wen,a literati of Langqiong County in Dali District in Late-Ming Dynasty,was one of the well-known poets for their prose creation achievements.Though he lived in turbulent days and the life was difficult,he insisted in poem creating,and left 120 poems to the later generations.All poems originated from life and were created with true feelings,characterized by upholding the primitive simplicity,pursuing the taste,and ironically revealing the society's problems.His poems help us understand the hardlife of the people in the transforming period from Ming to Qing Dynasty,the political change of the South Ming Dynasty in Yunnan Province,the helpless intellectuals negatively keeping away from the society,and the real situation of the scholars who frittered away the lives by poem responsory and sought the consolation among poetry friends.This paper expounds the real situation and the true feelings of HE Wei-wen,analyses his good noble qualities in turbulent days,and his devotion to the poems.Then,it discusses the relationship among his poems,the age and personal life and feelings.

    A Contrastive Study of the Three English Versions of Tao Te Ching from the Perspective of Xu Yuan-chong's Three-Beauty Principle
    YANG Yan,LIU Si
    2015, 31(2):  105-108.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.023
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    There are only five thousand words in Tao Te Ching,but it is thoughtful and meaningful,reflecting the essence of Chinese traditional culture.The English translated versions of Tao Te Ching have achieved substantial results in the past  three hundred years.This paper discusses a contrastive study of Balfour,Lin Yu-tang and Stephen Mitchell's three English translated versions of Tao Te Ching from the perspective of Xu Yuan-chong's Three-Beauty principle,exploring the influence of different times and cultural background on its translation.According to Three-Beauty principle,the mistranslation resulting from literal translation and domesticating strategy appears mostly in the two foreign translators' versions,failing to deliver the beauty of meaning in the original.While Lin Yutang's version seems more skillful,it is faithful to the original and Chinese culture and takes readers and art into consideration to represent the beauty of meaning,beauty in sound and beauty of form of Tao Te Ching.

    Stylistic Analysis of Obama's Speech in the Graduation Ceremony in Worcester Tech High School
    JIANG Lei
    2015, 31(2):  109-112.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.024
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    From the perspective of stylistics,this paper analyzes remarks of Obamaat Worcester Technical High School Commencement.It reveals the general features of his formal languageuse,clear logic and deep-going progressive ideas.Grammatically,he used both long and short,but mainly declarative sentences to add rhythm and show his patience and politeness.Lexically,he employed commonly-used expressions and we,us and our to shorten the distance between him and audience,no slangs and vernacular languages.Phonologically,he articulated clearly and convincingly with appropriate into nation and
     fluency.Semantically,his speech was well-organized,typical and in good order with rhetorical skills enriching vigor and emotions.It provides a stylistic analysis of the speech to readers so that readers could have a better understanding of the speech and could use the skills of stylistics.

    A Contrastive Analysis of the Cultural Connotations between English Yellow and Chinese Huang
    HUANG Yan-yan
    2015, 31(2):  113-116.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.025
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    With rich cultural connotations,color terms are unique,important and widely used in our social life.By a contrastive analysis of connotative meanings of English Yellow and Chinese Huang from semantic and cultural perspective,this paper aims to show the similarities and differences between these two words:both convey diseases,warnings,death and honor;huang is not equivalent with Yellow in their as-sociative meanings,but with blue,purple and green;some lexical gaps emerge between them.Then it analyzes the cultural influence on the words meanings,hoping that teachers and students would pay more attention to culture differences in contrastive way when teaching or learning a foreign language.

    On the Secularization of Religion:Taking the Secularization of Buddhism inDai Villages in Yunnan as an Example
    CHEN Mian
    2015, 31(2):  117-121.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.026
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    The phenomenon of secularization of religion seems to appear frequently in our daily life in recent years.Secularization of religion refers to the weakening of religious ideas and feelings,which results in the gradually narrowing religious activities,the weakening of religious influence and the loss of religious value.Taking the secularization of South-Shangzuo Buddhism in Dai communities in Yunnan as an example,based on the background and connotation,this paper presents the manifestation of these cularization as follows:the social management model changes from unification of the politics and the religion to separation of religion from politics;the basic beliefs transform from godhood to humanity;social religion changes to individual-sorganizationally;the focus is shifted from that world to this world.The growing trend of secularization theories is likely to be divided into three categories of pessimism,optimism and in-between.

    On Space Transformation in Kunming Expo Park
    GUO Jing-shu,WANG Rui
    2015, 31(2):  122-130.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2015.02.027
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    City parks usually have diversified value systems,such as ecological value,environmental protection value,aesthetic value,etc.To meet the demand of urban residents'recreational activities,city parks play a more important role in the construction of spiritual civilization,and have become a symbol of urban construction level and civilization level.Landscape design,however,determines the advantages and disadvantages of a city park.Therefore,it is of great significance and practice to study urban park landscape space.Taking Kunming Expo Park as an example,starting from space transition and space division,tourist areas and routes and landscape distribution,this paper analyzes the deficiencies and problems of its space design as follows:the spacious theme museums are left unused after the exhibition,which does not conform to the requirement for a modern city park square;some gardens are barely used,with only 43.64% of the park open for tourists;at the initial stage of the park construction,space division was not considered,resulting in the lack of uniformity to reduce the visual value.It offers suggestions to improve its space design,including the transformation of functional space,equilibriumd is tribution of green belts and activity areas and a well-planned business space.