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昆明冶金高等专科学校学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 31-.DOI: 10. 3969/j. issn. 1009一0479.2017.01.006

• 资源开发与测绘 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 云南华联锌铟股份有限公司,云南 马关 663701
  • 收稿日期:2016-12-03 出版日期:2017-02-28 发布日期:2017-02-28
  • 作者简介:黄志兵(1983一),男,云南马关人,工程师,工学学士,主要从事矿山采矿技术工作。

Explore the Direction of Open-pit Stripping Work Line in Tongjie and Manjiazhai Village

HUANG Zhibing,SONG Jianjun   

  1. Yunnan Hualian Zinc & Indium Stock Co. LTD, Maguan, Ynnnan 663701, China
  • Received:2016-12-03 Online:2017-02-28 Published:2017-02-28

摘要: 为在降低矿床开采成本、保障露天采场边坡安全,减少矿岩运输距离,增加开采效益等前提下提高爆破效果,对矿床开采过程中逐显的一系列安全、开采成本、运距等问题进行分析,在保持正常生产能力的同时,调整采剥时间与空间的关系,将露天采场划分为2个不同采剥方法的开采区域,把现有的横向推进改为纵向推进,为露天矿山安全生产,降本增效探索一条新思路。该转向方案的实施,可进一步实现优化开采,对矿床的开采效益有一定的提升,并解决了横向开采矿岩混杂的问题,改善爆破效果的同时,更利于降低矿石的损失贫化,还可揭露较大面积的矿体,增加二级矿量保有量。

关键词: 露天开采爆破, 边坡, 生产成本, 工作线, 运输距离, 采剥进度, 二级矿量


To reduce the mining cost and ensure the security of open pit slope, decrease the transportation distance in ore, increase production efficiency, etc., it was tried to improve the blasting effect through the analysis of some problems such as security, cost, and transporting distance in the process of mining. It aims to explore some new ways to reevaluate the relationship between stripping time and space based on the premise of normal productivity. The analysis tries to divide the mining spots into two types according to different mining methods, changing the current transverse propelling to vertical propelling. The implementation of the devise can further realize the optimization of mining, escalating its efficiency. It can also help solve the problem in transverse propelling with mixed mining ore-bearing rocks. While improving the blasting effect, the scheme could reduce ore loss and dilution, exposing large-area ore body and increasing the secondary ore ownership.

Key words: stripping mining and blasting, slope, production cost, work line, transport distance, stripping progress, secondary ore
