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昆明冶金高等专科学校学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 84-88.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2014.04.019

• 语言文化与艺术研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈文慧1, 朵云峰2   

  1. 1.昆明学院外国语学院,云南昆明650214;2.昆明冶金高等专科学校计算机信息学院,云南昆明650033
  • 出版日期:2014-08-31 发布日期:2014-08-31
  • 作者简介:陈文慧(1977-),女,云南昆明人,副教授,文学硕士,主要从事翻译理论及实践研究。

The Analysis of the Aesthetic Reconstruction in the English Translation of Reflection on Brewing Beiyuan Tea

CHEN  Wen-Hui1, DUO  Yun-Feng2   

  1. 1.School of Foreign Languages,Kunming University,Kunming 650214;China;2.Faculty of Computer Information,Kunming Metallurgy College,Kunming 650033,China
  • Online:2014-08-31 Published:2014-08-31

摘要: 《烹北苑茶有怀》是宋代著名诗人林逋的茶诗。诗歌不仅表露了诗人闲适、雅淡的人生情怀,又向读者点露了流行于宋代的点茶法。通过以许渊冲先生的“三美”理论为标准讨论此茶诗中以意义系统、听觉系统和视觉系统为形式的意美、音美以及形美的审美系统在译诗中的重建。原诗意美、音美和形美在译诗中的重建也使诗人林逋的雅淡情怀和当时的茶文化在不同的语言中得以传承和延续。

关键词: 林逋, 茶诗, 英译, 意美, 音美, 形美, 审美重建

Abstract: As a famous tea poem,reflection on Brewing Beiyuan Tea by Lin Bu in Song Dynasty reveals not only the leisurely life of the poet but also the well-known contemporary method of making tea.Based on the “Three Beauties”as translation criteria,the aesthetic reconstruction about the sense of beauty,the sound of beauty and the form of beauty in the English translation poem are analyzed and the interlingual aesthetic reconstruction transfers and extends the feelings of the poet and the contemporary culture about tea as well.

Key words: LIN Bu, tea poem, English translation, sense beauty, sound beauty, form beauty, aesthetic reconstruction
