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    27 August 2023, Volume 39 Issue 4
    Application of Infrared Water Detection Technology in Geological Prediction of Karst Roadways
    REN Zhouhong, XIA Ronghui, LI Jifu
    2023, 39(4):  1.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.001
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    Taking a middle section tunnel project of a super-deep metal mine in Yunnan province as anexample, this paper expounds in detail the basic principles , advantages and disadvantages, and opera.tion methods of infrared detection. This paper discusses the practical application of the HS-S310 infraredwater detector in geological prediction of exploration engineering in super-deep metal mines and analyzesthe experimental results and treatment methods of infrared water detection technology under the influenceof several interference factors. The experiment proves that the method is easy to operate and has highprediction accuracy. The water-rich state in front of the tunnel can be displayed by data inversion andthree-dimensional imaging. But this method is easy to be disturbed by construction site conditions. Byusing this infrared water detector to canry out advanced geological prediction, and make advanced predic.tions of the geological conditions ahead of the tunnel can lay a foundation for adopting the new water ex.ploration model of  drilling  geophysical exploration + short exploration”and using multiple forecastingmethods in combination, and plays a guiding role in improving the accuracy , economy and feasibility ofgeological prediction ahead of time.
    Susceptibility Assessment of Landslide and Collapse Geological Hazardsin Dantu District of Zhenjiang Based on Information Content Model and Analytic Hierarchy Process
    TAN Yan, CUI Yu, JIN Huali , FANG Longjian, GE Peng, FU Leyi
    2023, 39(4):  7.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.002
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    In this paper, the information content model and analytic hierarchy process are used to ana-lyze the disaster-prone geological conditions in Dantu District of Zhenjiang. Six evaluation factors, inclu.ding topographic relief, slope , engineering geological rock formation , geological structure, elevationand disaster point density, are selected to construct the evaluation system. By calculating the weightedinformation value of landslide and collapse geological disasters in Dantu District of Zhenjiang , the region-al geological disasters are divided into three levels of high , medium and low susceptibility. The calculat-ed results are in agreement with the actual survey results. This method provides scientific and objectivebasic data for geological hazard risk assessment in this region.

    The research of slope stability in Chui mountain

    FU Leyi, TAN Yang
    2023, 39(4):  16.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.003
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    Chuff Shan scenic area of the mouth slope for mining completion,and to cut slope,backfill restoration of the complex type of slope,the artificial fill and natural excavation of the slope deformation and failure mechanism of the study,for the restoration of similar projects in the future has important significance. In this paper,FLAC31' finite difference method and the combination of limit balance method analysis means of painting mountain scenic spot uncompromising slope stability to study,through the establishment of non-homogeneous three-dimensional model analysis of C2,C3,C4 uncompromising slope in natural and rainfall state of displacement deformation and stress distribution,and the stress concentration area using limit balance method to calculate its stability coefficient,In the combination of the two methods more accurate to find the position of the landslide slide zone,and the landslide under different conditions of the stable state,and comprehensive finite difference method and limit balance method calculation results of Chuff Shan C2,C3,C4  mouth slope proposed targeted prevention  measures and suggestion.

    Stability Analysis and Evaluation of a High and Steep Slope in A Polymetallic Open-Pit Mine
    WANG Xiaoyu, WU Shangrong
    2023, 39(4):  25.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.004
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    The mining depth of acertain polymetallic open-pit mine is large , and the slope is high andsteep. The stability of the mining slope is directly related to the normal operation of the mine, so the analysis and evaluation of its slope stability is crucial. Based on the geological conditions of mining engineering, mining status, and rock mass quality evaluation, a slope model is established for qualitativeand quantitative stability analysis using the technical means of on-site rock mass structure inyestigation+ qualitative analysis of stereographic projection + quantitative calculation of slope limit equilibrium meth-od”. The slope safety coefficients are calculated respectively under three working conditions: selfweight, self weight + blasting and self weight + earthquake. he results show that the current slope ofopen-pit mine is stable as a whole , and meets the requirements of the safety level, which illustrates thatthe slope structure parameters of the stope design have certain rationality. At the same time , it is suggested that smooth blasting and prespliting blasting should be adopted when the slope is close to the slopedesign boundary. lt is necessary to promptly clean up the peeling rocks caused by freeze-thaw action toensure mine production safety and reduce risks.
    Hydrogeological Characteristics and Curtain Grouting Water Control Scheme of Maoping Lead-Zinc Mine in Yiliang
    HUANG Guanghong, SUN Bangtao, ZHOU Gaoming
    2023, 39(4):  32.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.005
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     Curtain grouting is the most common and effective method for mine water disaster control athome and abroad , and it is a more mature technology. With the progress of science and technology , thekey technologies such as grouting drilling technology , slunry ratio , curtain deformation monitoring, real.time automatic monitoring of mine hydrogeological information and so on have made great progress andoreakthroughs. lt is urgent to sum up the successful experience in this field and enrich the connotation ofthe traditional technology of curtain grouting for water control. Maoping lead-Zinc Mine is the first bigwater mine in Yunnan province to achieve remarkable results by using curtain grouting water controlscheme. Taking the curtain grouting water control project of Maoping lead-Zinc Mine in Yiliang as an ex.ample , on the basis of analysis and study of mine hydrogeological conditions , the construction conditionsand grouting technology of curtain grouting in Maoping lead-Zinc Mine are introduced, and the qualita.tive and quantitative evaluation methods of curtain quality and water plugging effect are summarized. Thenew technology and method used in grouting curtain water control project are refined.
    Analysis of the Evolution of Urban Landscape Expansion Pattern Based on Multi-Order Adjacency Index: A Case Study of Chenggong District, Kunming City
    YI Junhua , WANG Xiao, XU Quanli
    2023, 39(4):  42.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.006
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    Urban landscape is not only a typical characteristic of urban expansion , but also an importantindicator to evaluate the level of urbanization. Measuring landscape characteristic and analyzing its spa-tio-temporal evolution pattem is helpful to reveal the trend of urban expansion and provide a support forrational urban planning. Taking Chenggong district of Kunming of Yunnan province of China as the casestudy, this issue measured the characteristics of urban landscape expansion with Multi-order AdjacencIndex ( MAl) and analyzed its geographic cluster pattern using spatial autocorrelation analysis methodfrom 2005 to 2020 (every 5 years is a calculation period, and there are three periods in total). Firstly.we measured the characteristic of urban landscape according to the MAl values, and then , based on theMAl value , the spatial autocorrelation analysis method was adopted to detect the geographic cluster patterns and the urbanization trend. The results showed that: l) Sprawl type and edge type were the maintypes of urban landscape expansion in the study area, while the other types were more average and haveobvious gap compared with the above two types; 2) In the early stage of urban development ( the first 10years) , the sprawl type dominated , and then the trend was obviously declining in the later stage; 3 )The high-high cluster areas of MAl showed the trend of urban expansion from the center to the surround-ing areas, and the pace of urbanization was developing towards the direction of “ compact". These re-sults indicated that the combination of MAl and spatial autocorrelation is an effective way to measure anddetect the characteristics of urban landscape expansion and its spatio-temporal evolution process.
    A Method for Automatic Generation of Contour Linesfrom Tilt Image Data of UAVLIU 
    Zhouwei, ZHENG Qinfang, ZHAO Huan, REN Yunru, GUl Haipeng
    2023, 39(4):  51.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.007
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    In the process of topographic map production, it takes a lot of time to collect and compilecontour line, and it requires high experience of operators. To this end, the paper aims to generate tiltedimage point cloud by Context Capture software, extract ground points and critical points by the functionmodule of Terrasolid software to obtain the final ground points, and generate vector contour lines basedon the final critical ground points. After compilation and modification , the contour results can providereliable contour data for the production of topographic maps and improve the production efficiency of con-tour lines and topographic maps.

    Determination and Analysis of Total Phenolic Content in Inula Cappafrom Different Producing Areas in Yunnan
    YAO Bo, HUANG Li, YAN Cuirong
    2023, 39(4):  57.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.008
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    A method for determination of the total phenolic content of Inula cappa was established.andthe amount of total phenol in nula cappa from different production areas in Yunnan was compared. Theextraction technology was optimized through single factor test and orthogonal testand the content of totalphenolin Inula cappa was determined by visible spectrophotometry with thymol as control substance. Theresults showed that the maximum absorbance of thymol solution was obtained at the wavelength of278 nm , and there was a good linear relationship between the concentration and absorbance in the rangeof 9. 8 ~ 68. 6 mg/L (r' =0. 999 2). The precision RSD of the method was 1. 45% , and the average re-covery rate was 98. 62% . The analvsis method was stable and reliable. The content of total phenol in 9batches from different producing areas was different, ranging from 7. 61 ~2. 89 mg/g. The experimentalresults can provide some reference for improving the quality standard and further developing and utilizingthe products of Inula cappa.

    Effect of Ammonium Chloride and Ammonium Nitrate on Crystallization of Ammonium Sulfate
    GU Shan, LI Jun, ZHAN Wei , MAO Xiang, JIANG Qizheng, ZHU Yunbing, GAO Yingfeng, HUANG Bangfu, ZI Gaoyong, XIAO Lan
    2023, 39(4):  63.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.009
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    In order to investigate the effects of adding different proportions of ammonium chloride and am-monium nitrate on the solubility, metastable zone and crystallization of ammonium sulfate, the solubilityand metastable zone of the mixed solution were measured by laser method. The solution was cooled andcrystallized. The thermodynamics of mixed solution is calculated by using Van't Hoff equation. Themixed solution was cooled and crystallized. The average particle size and distribution of the crystals wereinvestigated by sieving method, and the crystal morphology was analyzed by macro. The results showthat NH4+can reverse the hydrolysis of ammonium sulfate, resulting in a significant decrease in solubilityof the mixed solution compared with that in pure water; Cl and NO, also affect the solubility of ammo-nium sulfate, and Cl- has a more obvious effect. When the ratio of ammonium chloride to ammoniumnitrate was 1:2, the width of ammonium sulfate metastable zone became wider, indicating that ammoni-um nitrate could inhibit ammonium sulfate nucleation to a certain extent. When the ratio of ammonium chloride to ammonium nitrate was 2:1, the metastable zone width of ammonium sulfate was narrower thanthat of pure ammonium sulfate. No matter how the proportion of ammonium chloride and ammonium ni-trate was adjusted, the crystallization amount of ammonium sulfate increased. When the ratio of ammonium chloride to ammonium nitrate was 1:1, the crystallization capacity and average particle size were thelargest. The related research results can provide a new idea for optimizing the crystallization of ammonium sulphate mother liquor obtained by ozone denitrification and ammonia desulfurization.
    Research on Intelligent Safety Helmet System Based on Non-coal Mine of Nonferrous Metals
    2023, 39(4):  70.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.010
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    Integrating the internet of things theory, wireless broadband, RFID and other key technolo-gies, the intelligent safety helmet system is designed. Based on the integration and functional decomposition around the safety helmet carrier, on-site implementation of web and mobile applications , it not only improves the safety needs of downhole operators for intelligent safety helmets , but also solves the regu.latory needs of management staff.
    Application of Information Traceability System in Discipline Inspection and Supervision in Colleges and Universities
    YANG Xu, BAI Hanting, ZHANG Yongfan, PAN Hongbin, WANG Haifan
    2023, 39(4):  76.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.01
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    At present, disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels, especially the disci-plinary commissions of colleges and universities, usually use paper accounts or electronic forms to man-age problem clues in the process of handling them. All types of document filling are manually filled out.which makes the document archives unable to be related to the problem clues in an active manner, resul-ting in low management quality and efficiency , which is not conducive to the dynamic tracking and man-agement of the entire process and measures of problem clue handling. This study proposes to utilize thepowerful functions of the WPF framework and adopt the MVVM pattern to design and develop an information dynamic management and traceability system , which can dynamically manage documents and problem clues, monitor and judge the process of problem clue disposal, and further improve the eficiency ofdisciplinaryinspection and supervision organs’ problem clue disposal management.

    Application of Curtain Wall Installation and Construction Technology for Large Unit Plate of Commercial Buildings
    ZHAO Xia
    2023, 39(4):  81.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.012
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    Unit curtain wall is a common form of curtain wall installation through the application of ad.vanced construction technology and energy-saving technology. Although the design and manufacturingcost of the unit curtain wall is relatively higher, the construction is simple and has a good environmentaprotection effect, so the application range is relatively wide. Combined with the specific project over-view, this paper explores the basic process and specific construction technology of curtain wall installa-tion of large unit plate in commercial buildings, in order to provide some technical references for the cur-tain wall installation of large unit plate in commercial buildings.
    Design of Multilevel Logistics Distribution Network with Splitting Order and Consolidating Deliveries
    DUAN Limei, ZHANG Jing, ZHANG Jun, ZHAN Zhihua, WANG Yidan
    2023, 39(4):  86.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.013
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    In order to cope with the characteristics of multipleorders, small batches and multiple ware-house shipments, a new logistics strategy is discussed to design the logistics distribution network. Basedon the design problems in traditional multi-level logistics distribution network , this paper studies themulti-level logistics distribution network design with splitting order and consolidating deliveries, establishes a mixed integer programming model, and designs experiments to verify the proposed modelThrough the experiments, it is found that the proposed model can solve the studied problem effectively.that the logistics strategy of splitting order and consolidating deliveries is effective.
    Exploration and Practice of Empowering Higher Vocational Talentsin the Skills Master Studio:Taking the Intelligent Manufacturing Skills Master Studio of Shanxi Engineering Vocational College as an Example
    YAO Ruimin, CHEN Qingsheng, BAl Xueqing, YANG Yining
    2023, 39(4):  92.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.014
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    Vocational colleges have generally established skill master studios, but there is currently nomature and reference model for how to use skill master studios to cultivate high-quality talents. Takingthe Intelligent Manufacturing Skills Master Studio of Shanxi Engineering Vocational College as an exam-ple, this paper analyzes the necessity of jointly building an intelligent manufacturing skills master studiobetween schools and enterprises from two aspects : adapting to the optimization and upgrading of industrialstructure and improving the guarantee of talent cultivation and teaching staff. This article introduces thepath of implementing vocational talent cultivation through the use of intelligent manufacturing skills mastelstudios, focusing on three aspects, which are innovating institutional mechanisms , building educationaolatforms, deepening the integration of industry and education , innovating talent cultivation modelsand implementing the “ Three Reforms in Teaching”to promote the improvement of professional groupsquality and efficiency. Finally, four strategies were proposed to improve the management mechanism.implement dynamic assessment, strengthen performance management, highlight positive incentives , integrate high-quality resources establish linkage mechanisms, strengthen effectiveness promotion , andcreate brand effects, which will contribute to the sustainable development of the intelligent manufacturing skills master studio.
    Reform and Practice in the Teaching of Higher Mathematics Under the Background of New Engineering
    ZHOU Shaoyan, SHEN Fanqi, ZHANG Chaoyuan, ZHU Xingwen, WANG Pengde
    2023, 39(4):  97.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.015
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    Based on the curriculum concept of the new engineering, this paper studies the current situation and problems of the curriculum from the perspectives of curriculum, universities, teachers andstudents, puts forward some suggestions for curriculum reform and carries out practical exploration. Infinds out that the current curriculum concept is outdated, the curriculum content and system emphasizethe academic and knowledge system , and the isolation from engineering practice is strong , and the curriculum evaluation system is relatively simple. Curriculum reform should emphasize the innovation of curriculum idea, the reconstruction of knowledge system and the multi-dimensional curriculum evaluationmode. In universities , there is a shortage of Higher Mathematics teachers. Teachers' teaching tasks areheavy, and the teaching facilities are outdated. Curriculum reform should strengthen the introduction ofpublic course teachers and teacher training, pay attention to the upgrading of teaching facilities.Someteachers'teaching mode is relatively simple and teaching interaction is less. Curriculum reform shouldadvocate teachers to adopt modern teaching and interaction mode, and introduce engineering cases in thecontent. Students'interest in learning is low, and the phenomenon of playing with mobile phones inclass is relatively common. Teaching reform should guide students to participate in, make the curriculum more suitable for students'needs, so that teaching implementation can stimulate students' interest.
    Reflecting on the Teaching of Design Drawing from Graduation Design: Taking the Major of Environmental Art and Design ofKunming Metallurgy College as an Example
    ZHAO Yang, GUO Yajing, HUANG Wei, GUO Jingshu
    2023, 39(4):  104.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.04.016
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    Design Drawing is an important foundational course in the field of environmental art and de-sign, the teaching effect will alfect students' interest in the major and enthusiasm for learning professionalcourses, and the expression of final graduation design results. The graduation project practice processand achievement display are also a test of students’ comprehensive ability throughout their learning life.Taking the graduation project of Environmental Art and Design of Kunming Metallurgy College as the re-search object, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the teaching practice of graduation design,reflects on the impact of Design Drawing course on students'graduation design teaching achievements analyzes the problems and causes in the teaching process at different stages, and finally forms the think.ing of Design Drawing course teaching reform oriented by graduation design results.