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    30 August 2022, Volume 38 Issue 4
    Atmosphere Sintering Process for Preparation of Pure Titanium Based on TiH2
    LIU Jie, SHANG Qingliang, Wang Xiaodong, ZHANG Wenli
    2022, 38(4):  1.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.001
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    With TiH, powder as raw material, vacuum sintering was carried out after cold isostatic pressing. There were pores in the microstructure of sintered billet, whose relative density was 98% , and theaverage grain size was > 50 m. In order to refine the microstructure of sintered billet and improve themechanical properties, mixed hydrogen containing argon with the ratio of H,: Ar = 1:5 was introducedbefore dehydrogenation sintering, and the hydrogen partial pressure was 16 887. 5 Pa. After sintering, thedensity of pure titanium was greater than 99% and the average grain size was  25 pm. Compared withvacuum sintering, the average tensile strength was increased by 47% and the average elongation in-creased by 33% ; compared with ASTM B348-10 standard, the average tensile strength was increased by10% ,and the elongation increased by 20% .
    Application of Curtain Air-Water Spraying Device on the Roadheader
    LI Wanhong , LIU Wei, NIE QiZ, HONG Zhixian , BAO Simin
    2022, 38(4):  8.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.002
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    To improve the efficiency of spray dust reduction and improve the traditional sprays, a newtype of air-water spray dust-reduction system was proposed. The relationship between atomization perform-ance parameters, such as droplet size , spray distance and atomization angle, and air-water flow rate wereanalyzed by experiments, and the range of air-water flow parameters for optimal atomization effect was determined. By establishing a similar model of tunneling roadway, the variation of dust-reducing efficiencyof air-water nozzles under different conditions is studied. The results show that the dust removal efficiencyof gas-water nozzle decreases with the increase of the wind speed, and increases first and then decreaseswith the increase of water flow rate. The higher the gas flow rate is, the higher the dust removal efficiencyis. The dust removal effect is best when the elevation angle of nozzle installation is 30°. According to theactual situation of the site , the curtain air-water spray device is designed. The average dust removal ef.ciency of respirable dust in driving face is more than 70% , and the good dust removal effect is achieved.
    Stability Analysis and Research on the Dam Body of a Tailing Reservoir in Qinghai Province
    LIU Qiyu, FANG Zhongyou, BAO Guangqiong, ZHANG Yao, ZHANG Xiaoliang, HUA Mingliang
    2022, 38(4):  16.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.003
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    Taking the dam body of a tailings pond in Oinghai as the research object, the calculationmethod of the limit equilibrium theory in the software Slide is used to deeply analyze the stability changeof the dump under the action of various influencing factors. The main influencing factors such as thethickness of the surface soil layer of the tailings dam body, the height and angle of the dumping materiaand the groundwater are systematically analyzed, and the safety factors under different working conditionsof the final stacking height of the tailings pond dam body are obtained. At the same time , under the influ-ence of the water level, the possible dangerous areas of the tailings pond dam body are calculated, andpreventive measures are put forward to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the tailings pond.
    Analysis and Research on the Stability of Mined-out Area in a Mine
    ZHANG Jianan, YIN Yu, YANG Shaohua, GAO Ziie, DENG Shurong
    2022, 38(4):  21.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.004
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    The stability of underground mined-out area is generally affected by multiple factors. In addi-tion to the structure and stress of rock mass, there are also external factors such as mining method, fillingcondition of mined-out area, occurrence condition of rock mass and blasting vibration. All kinds of factorsare complicated and changeable and interfere with each other, which constitute the uncertainty of safetyspan of stope roof. Through the investigation, statistics and analysis of the current situation of the minegoaf, the research on the stability of the mine goaf is carried out, and the combination of theoretical cal-culation and numerical simulation analysis is adopted to evaluate the safety of the goaf, so as to providetechnical support for ensuring the safe production of the deep mine.
    Spatial and Temporal Characteristics for Traffic Congestion and Influenceof Road Network Structure in Kunming Based on Big Data
    YI Junhua, XU Quanli, ZHONG Xincheng
    2022, 38(4):  27.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.005
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    Traffic congestion is one of the common urban traffic problems in people's travel. lt is impor-tant to monitoring the traffic congestion situation , analyzing the causes of traffic congestion , and then im-proving the traffic congestion . Taking the main urban area of Kunming city as an example , based on thereal-time road condition data provided by Amap, this paper designs a congestion time-space index to eval-uate the traffic condition in the study area and analyze its spatial and temporal characteristics, and ana-lyze the causes of congestion from the perspective of road network structure. The results show that: 1)The congestion time-space index can effectively evaluate the spatial and temporal characteristics of trafficcongestion in a long time series, and the applicability of the evaluation index is strong. 2) The overalltraffic situation in the study area is good. The average proportion of free passage sections is 72% , and the average proportion of congested sections is 5% , and the overall traffic situation changes more regularly3) The traffic congestion in the study area has significant temporal and spatial aggregation characteristics.There are few road sections that are congested for a long time, and the slow-moving areas are mainly onurban main roads; morning peaks and evening peaks of the day appear between 8: 00-8: 30 and 18 ;00-19: 00; weekends are compared with weekdays. Congested road sections and congestion time aresignificantly reduced, the congestion time-space index change curve is relatively stable, and changes intraffic situation are significantly affected by commuting. 4) Among the impact factors of the road networkstructure , the density coefficient of traffic nodes is the largest and is positively correlated with the conges-tion time-space index. A reasonable control of the number of traffic nodes is an important way to alleviatetraffic congestion in the main urban area of Kunming city.
    Design and Implementation of High Precision Control Network Optimization Program
    WANG Jianying, HUANG Dewu
    2022, 38(4):  35.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.006
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    The design of control network and the accuracy of results are the basis of engineering construc-tion. For large and medium-sized projects, it is necessary to optimize the design of construction controlnetwork, deformation monitoring network and installation control network. Based on the quality criterionof control network, this paper designs a complete set of calculation program. Through the case analysis.the results before and after the optimization of control network are compared with COSA software, andboth of them are consistent, no matter the point accuracy or the weakest edge accuracy; at the sametime , the reliability index is added in this program compared with COSA, and the optimization results aremore comprehensive. The program in this paper has more advantages in use, such as more convenient pa-rameter adjustment, less human intervention, no need of manual calculation, especially more conven-ience for the increase and decrease of control points, direction and side length. According to the comparison with COSA, the accuracy and reliability of the calculation results of this program are explained.
    Measurement Method for Bias Weight Parameters ofthe Balance Wheel Based on Phase Compensation
    XU Liange
    2022, 38(4):  41.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.007
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    In order to accurately measure the bias weight parameters of the balance wheel of watch,anew phase compensation method is proposed to obtain the parameter model of phase deviation in the signal conditioning circuit. Firstly, multisim 14.0 simulation software obtains the phase frequency characteristic curve of the conditioning circuit, then the data in the curve is input into the Excel table, after thatthe trend curve and phase frequency characteristic equation are generated. The bias angle of the balancewheel is calculated and finally the bias weight of the balance wheel is measured by conversion. The ex-perimental platform is constructed and the experiment is carried out according to this method, The resultsshow that this method can quickly and accurately measure the balance wheel bias parameters. The methodis simple with high precision and is easy to be embedded in various signal processing systems. lt has beenapplied in practical engineering and has popularization value.
    Circuit Design of M-BUS Protocol Adapter Based on MCU
    LI Zihong
    2022, 38(4):  50.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.008
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     Aiming at the centralized meter reading system based on intelligent low-power direct reading water meter, a discrete component M-BUS adapter based on STC12C1052 microcontroller is designed to com:plete the data sending and receiving of the intelligent meter connected to M-BUS and upload the data to themonitoring computer through the concentrator, so as to realize remote meter reading. This paper introducesthe working principle of the M-BUS and the adaptor, and expounds in detail the M-BUS signal transceivercircuit, over current and short circuit protection, fault detection and fault signal transmission, remote wakeup and its application in remote meter reading. As the discrete components design is not limited by intellectual property rights, the circuit designed greatly increased the use of M-BUS receiving circuit.
    The Operating System Transformation for A Company'sTechnological Transformation Project
    XING Yupeng, WANG Li, ZHANG Kunxiang, XIE Ying
    2022, 38(4):  56.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.009
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    Combined with the control process, mainstream operation habits, conventional human-machineinterface monitoring control and data acquisition format of the packing line industry , the paper proposed avisual management system for the production process, maintenance status and operation status of the e-quipment, production line, and factory. Combined with the analysis of a company's digital twin screentransformation project,the system is developed based on C/S framework with U3D software. The systemhas been verified in practice and it is proved to meet the technical requirements of the project, so that en-terprises can access to production information more conveniently.
    Research on Intelligent Control and Energy Conservation of Urban Road Lighting
    LI Zhiping
    2022, 38(4):  62.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.010
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    Urban road lighting is an important part of urban infrastructure. It shoull not only meet theneeds of people's travel at night , but also take electric energy conservation into consideration . The intel-ligent lighting control system can control the switching time of street lamps and adjust the brightness ofamps according to the time , weather conditions and the demand of popular traffic volume , and can man-age the operation and maintenance of street lamps, so as to realize the refinement and energy-saving con-trol of street lamps. This paper discusses the structure and control function of an intelligent control systemfor road lighting, and the realization method of dimming and energy conservation. Taking the city streetlamps of a county as an application case , its energy-saving efleet is studied. It is of great significance topromote the transformation of street lamps in small and medium-sized cities.
    Research on Network Performance of D2D CommunicationBased on Interference Management in 5G
    SONG Hao, CHEN Yunchuan, WANG RuiDUO Yunfeng, ZHANG Yao
    2022, 38(4):  68.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.011
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    D2D ( Device-to-device) improves communication quality by reusing cellular users’ spectrumresources, becoming one of the key technology for super-large data processing and massive devices ac-cessing in 5G. Due to load imbalance and co-frequency interference caused by distance change or in-crease in the number of users, this paper introduces an interference management strategy in 5C whereD2D communication and cellular communication coexist. By establishing a up and down link resourcemodel of D2D user reuse cellular communication to measure user throughput, we try to control transmit-ting power and the distance between user and base station to reduce the influence of interference on thesystem. Simulation results show that compared with other traditional algorithms, the network performanceof D2D communication based on interference management is significantly improved.
    Three-Dimensional Protection Practice of IntranetSecurity in Higher Vocational Colleges
    KONG Xiuping
    2022, 38(4):  73.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.012
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    The official implementation of the Cyber Security Act of the People's Republic of China marksthe entry into the 2.0 era of nationally cybersecurity protection , which puts forward higher requirementsfor the network security protection in colleges and universities. To address this requirement, this paper e-laborates a three-dimensional protection scheme for campus intranet security by combining the practice ofYangzhou Industrial Vocational Technology College in network security protection. Through the integratedauthentication of campus wired and wireless network access and exit, the deployment of core switch plug.in firewall, and the new-generation network virtualization platform called VMware NSX Data Center, fine-grained control from network access to intranet communication to the data center is realized. This solutiongreatly improves the security protection capability of the campus network , and can be a reference for othercolleges.

    BIM-based Visualization Approach of Concealed Engineering in Buildings
    SHI Jiyu, HU Ying, ZHANG Wei
    2022, 38(4):  79.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.013
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    Accurately locating the position of the concealed project in the operation and managementstage of the property is a challenge , and some loss of property and incidents of electric shock may occurin the locating process. The visualization of concealed engineering in buildings is proposed. This paperprovides a solution and develops a method to solve the above problems by integrating BIM technology, ORcode technology, and mobile internet technology. A new solution for the concealment of the propertybased on BIM technology is proposed. The new approach could properly solve the locating difficulty andrelated data visualization issue, which could help avoid the economic losses and damages caused by poorlocating of unseen. The new approach will benefit the owners of residences, and also bring great conven-ience during the operation and maintenance management of the property.
    Research and Discussion on Construction Technology of Prefabricated Building Sleeve Grouting
    ZHANG Wei, SHI Jiyu, HU Ying
    2022, 38(4):  85.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.014
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    Prefabricated buildings can quickly improve the project progress and meet the standardizationrequirements of construction projects, which has become a trend of the development of the current con-struction industry. However, the quality control of prefabricated buildings focuses on the quality control oftheir connecting nodes, and the sleeve grouting technology as one of the key technology of the qualitycontrol of connecting nodes, plays a key role in improving the quality and efficiency of engineering con-struction. In order to carry out systematic research on the technology, the principle, characteristics,process flow and construction points of the technology are comprehensively analyzed, and the quality con-trol methods of the technology are discussed and studied in combination with actual engineering cases.
    Effect of Calcium Desulfurization Wastewateron Ammonium Sulfate Crystallization
    LI Rui, ZHAO Peng, ZHANG Yanling, ZHOU Weibo, HUANG Bangfu
    2022, 38(4):  89.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.014
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    In order to give full play to the advantages of the sintering flue gas ammonia desulfurizationsystem to recycle the calcium desulfurization wastewater, this paper adds different volumes of the mainand second-stage calcium desulfurization wastewater to the ammonium sulfate mother liquor. The efectsof different addition conditions on the crystallinity , particle size distribution, C. V. value and morpholo-gy of ammonium sulfate crystals were studied. The following conclusions are obtained. With the increasein the amount of wastewater added, the crystallization amount of ammonium sulfate mother liquor increa-Sulfate ions and suspended solids in wastewater will increase the amount of ammonium sulfate crys-ses.tals. The average particle size and C. V. value of ammonium sulfate crystals changed irregularly afterthe addition of calcium desulfurization wastewater. The crystal morphology was generally more uniformthan that of the original mother liquor, and the particle size was relatively larger. Relevant research re-sults can provide new ideas for recycling of sintered flue gas calcium desulfurization wastewater.
    Redesigning a Multi-level Logistics Distribution Networkin the case of Distribution Center Disruption
    DUAN Limei, ZHANG Jing, LI Yirong, LI Yabin
    2022, 38(4):  95.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.016
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    Logistics facilities in multi-level logistics distribution network may be disrupted in the case ofearthquake, epidemic and other factors. When a distribution center in the multi-level logistics distributionnetwork is interrupted because of an emergency event, the original network needs to be redesigned tomeet the demand of the customers. This paper aims to redesign a multi-level logistics distribution networkin the case of distribution center disruption. A mix-integer programming model is established, and tworules for the network redesign are proposed. The experimental results show that the proposed model cansolve this problem, and the effectiveness of the methods based on the greedy rule and the reschedulingrule is verified.
    Practice and Exploration of the “ Five-in-One”Mining TrainingBase and On-campus Internship :A Case Study of Yunnan Vocational Institute of Energy Technology
    GUI Linbin
    2022, 38(4):  104.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.017
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    Higher vocational colleges call for industry-education integration and school-enterprise cooper.ation to cultivate high-calibres with technical skills. To develop school-enterprise cooperation and en-hance the adaptability of vocational education, it is of importance to build a high-level training base in-tegrating practical teaching, social training, enterprise production and social technical services. In orderto serve the high-quality development of Yunnan's coal industry , this paper takes Yunnan Energy Voca-tional and Technical College as an example, and has designed and built a Five in 0ne" mining trainingbase under the ground of the campus stadium through the cooperation of government, bank, school andenterprise. lt has solved the problems of on-campus internships for school students majoring in miningmajors and job rotation training for enterprise employees, and effectively supported the urgent demand ofcoal enterprises for high-quality technical skills and talents in short supply.
    Practice and Exploration of Immersion Teaching in Higher VocationalColleges Under the Background of “High-Level Higher Vocational Colleges”A Case Study of the Engineering Geological Exploration Majors
    WU Wei, YIN Qiong, LIU Wei, CHENG Yong
    2022, 38(4):  111.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.04.018
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    In recent years, the implementation of “High-Level Higher Vocational Colleges”is in its fullswing in colleges, and the effective supply of talents is one of the key projects. The cultivation of talentsis inseparable from the quality of teaching and training, and the reform in improving the efectiveness ofclassroom teaching method is the new research field. This paper introduces immersion teaching into theteaching process and tries to construct a new teaching model. With online tasks as the main before class.online and offline tasks in classroom teaching, and field practice after class, the teaching model aims tohave students immersed in the simulation environment through the use of modern information technologymeans. Teachers and enterprise engineers play the roles of facilitators and demonstrators in teaching, andthey are supposed to timely correct the students in the learning process, meanwhile infuse the craftsmanspirit of “keeping improving and practicing” in the teaching process, so as to continuously improvestudents’ technical skill for the development of modern enterprises.