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    30 June 2022, Volume 38 Issue 3
    Exploration on ldeological and Political Courses Strengthening the Education of College Students’ Responsibility in the New Era
    YANG Kangxian
    2022, 38(3):  1.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.001
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    The historical mission of college students in the new era is to seek prosperity for the country,rejuvenation of the nation,happiness for the people and peace and development for the world. It is thekey task and overall goal of ideological and political courses teaching in colleges and universities in thenew era to strengthen the rational consciousness of college students’responsibility. It is also the funda-mental requirement for the CPC anm the state to promote the integrnation of ideological and political coursesin universities ,primary and secondary schools. It complies with the great changes unseen in a centuryand the overall historical trend of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In practice , the ideologicaland political courses in colleges and universities should promote the mission of all-around integration ofthe education into stulents' psychology from the aspects of understanding ,emotion,itention and behav-iour, so as to internalize it into a kind of ideological , theoretical and behavioumal consciousness,so as tolay a solid spiritual foundation for the geat rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
    Study on the Rule of Law Education in the Ideological and Political Courses of Colleges and Universities
    WANGXue, CHENCheng
    2022, 38(3):  6.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.002
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    This paper analyzes the necessity of strenghtnening the education of the ule of law in ideolog-ical and political courses in colleges and universities ,as well as the shortcomings of the education of therule of law in the cument ideological and political courses in colleges and universities,analy zes the rela-tionship between the quality of the rule of law of the college students and the education of rule of law incolleges and universities ,puts forwal some innovative ideas on strengthening and improving the educa-tion of rule of law for college students ,intends to make a useful exploration on the path of the rule of laweducation in colleges and universities and the cultivation of the legal quality of college students.

    Innovation and Practice of the ldeological and Political Education Model of“Four Dimensions and Four Unities”Under the Concept of "Three-Wide Education”: Taking Kunming Metallurgy College as an Example
    ZHAOYuan’e, ZHAOYafang, ZHANGDongming, JIYongqing, OUYANGZhiping, LUOJie
    2022, 38(3):  11.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.003
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    Kunming Metallurgy College,as a national project of High-level Higher Vocational Collegesand provincial pilot college of “Three-wide education”, deeply implements the fundamental task of culti-vating people with morality , strives to promote all-rpound education throughout the entire process. Fromthe perspective of system engineering theory,it focuses on the four dimensions of“target dimension,mechanism dimension , implementation dimension,and guarantee dimension”, foming a synergistic effectof " concentric thinking,tanget direction,unified action and the synchonization of implementation”, andluilding the"Four dimensions and Four consistences”ideological education model ,which effectively en-hances the cohesive affinity of the ideological work,collaborative force,vitality and effectiveness, and con-stantly improves the quality of college ideological education work ,and provides opportunities for the innova-tion and practice of the ideological and political work system.
    Research on the Construction of the Ecological Circle for theIntegration of Industry and Vocational Education in Yunnan
    ZHOU Xiaxia, WANG Qingchun, LIU Ying, WANG Xiaoliang, ZOU Yaling, LI Yabin
    2022, 38(3):  16.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.004
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    The key to deepening the integration between vocational education and industries lies in a col-laborative talent cultivation ecosphere integrating vocational education and industries. Specifically,effortsshould start with constnucting the top-level governmental guidance and support mechanism , the multi-cul-tural in-depth driving mechanism,the motive mechanism dominated by vocational colleges , the in-depth“ binary”college-entemprise alignment mechanism and the three-dimensional diverse anmd collaborative cul-tivation quality assessment and feedback mechanism to construct an industry-education collaborative culti-vation ecosphere comprised of the core,support and extension circles.
    Research on the Construction of Evaluation Index System of Collaborative Innovation Center in Higher Vocational Colleges
    ZHAO Fabin, ZHOU Hui, GUO Yajing
    2022, 38(3):  23.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.005
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    This paper analy zes the purpose of constructing the evaluation system of the collaborative inno-vation center,redefines the oollaborative innovation center of higher vocational colleges and summarizesthe construction status ,existing problems and influencing factors of collaborative innovation center in col-leges and universities ( including undergrnaduate and vocational colleges). Combined with the actual situ-ation of higher vocational colleges,taking the college level as the observation point and the acceptance ofthe collaborative innovation center as the evaluation point , the evaluation index system of the collaborativeinnovation center of higher vocational colleges is constructed , anmd the weigh of each element is set at thesame time,anm suggestions are made on the scientific natuwe of the system construction anm the applica-tion of the results.
    Research on the New Pattern and Opportunities of "The Belt and Road” to Promote Talent Cultivation in Southeast Asian Countries
    LI Jin, ZHOU Junjun, Guo Jingshu
    2022, 38(3):  30.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.006
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    The Belt and Road”Construction is a long-term national strategy.Driven by the joint con-struction of the“The Belt and Road”, the practical cooperation between Yunnan and neighboring coun-tries in the fields of investment and trade,port customs clearance ,cultural tourism,science , education,culture anx health has become incre asingly in-depth,and has had a major impact on its talent trainingpattern.This article takes the analysis of China's investment in ASEAN countries as the starting point,explores the new pattern and new opportunities for “The Belt and Road”constnuction to promote the culti-vation of talents in Southeast Asian countries , and does a research on the new cormnot ation of “making thebest use of the land,making the best use of talents,and interconnecting”.
    Design and Exploration of Experiential Theme Class Meeting in Higher Vocational Colleges
    SU Ting, SONG Hao
    2022, 38(3):  37.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.007
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    With the development of science and technology, the thoughts of students in higher vocationalcolleges in the network era are becoming more and more diversified. Under the impact of the ever-chan-ging external environment , the traditional indoctrinstion theme class meeting has long been ineffective ineducating students.Long-tegm repeated ineffective class meetings will cause students strong antipathy.Experiential theme class meeting is mainly based on the given theme,with experience games and a varie-ty of experience activities as the main way to provide students with simulated situational experience ,or-ganize students to actively participate in interaction,learn to communication and share ideas in class ac-tivities ,and then put the ideas into action,so as to achieve the education purpose.This paper analyzesthe current situation,deficiencies and causes of the traditional theme class meeting,and then discussesthe significance and advantages of the experiential theme class meeting ,design principles and methods,and believes that the experiential theme class meeting can better play the moral education effect of thetheme class meeting.'The mode of experiential theme class meeting improves students’ participsation, en-richis the channels of ideological and political education for colege students ,and has far-eaching signifi-cance for contimuously improving the depth and effectiveness of theme education.
    Construction of ldeological and Political System of College ChineseCurriculum from the Perspective of Collaborative Education: Taking Higher Vocational Colleges as an Example
    ZHANG Xiaojuan
    2022, 38(3):  41.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.008
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    As a required comprehensive humanistic quality course in colleges , College Chinese is an im-poutant carrier of inheriting excellent traditional Chinese culture.It contains the profound spiritual pursuitand urique aesthetic system of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. 'The content of ideological andpolitical education includled in the course is readily available. It plays an irreplaceable fundamental rolein cultivating students’ humanistic qualities ,inheriting and carrying forward traditional culture and enhan-cing national self-confidence. In order to realize the funlamental goal of monal education and give fullplay to the natural advantages of the collaborative education of College Chinese and ideological and politi-cal curriculum,we ugently need to build a perfect curiculum ideological and political system. This pa-per demonstrates the relationship between College Chinese and ideological and political curriculum systemin five aspects: the teaching system design of College Chinese , the teaching goal setting for curriculum i-deological and political objectives ,refinement and development of ideological and political elements of thecumiculum,the way to realize the ideological and political goal of the curriculum,evaluation and feed-lack of the teaching results.This study constnucts a complete realization path for the ideological and po-litical system of College Chinese.
    Investigation and Analysis on the Practice Teaching of Logistics Major in Higher Vocational Colleges in Yunnan Province
    LIJianquana, ZHANG Qionghua, WANG Yidan, ZHANG Jun, WU Mengqi
    2022, 38(3):  49.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.009
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    This paper mainly investigates the relevant survey results of the professional training facilitiesand teaching practice in logistics management in Yumnan higher vocational colleges,and studies the cur-rent logistics training facilities and teaching practice in Yunnan higher vocational colleges.It analyzes theproblems of professional training facilities and corresponding teaching practice existing in logistics man-agement in Yunnan higher vocational colleges,and discusses the existing problems and the comelation be-tween the training facilities and the corresponding practical teaching and then discusses the developmentstrategy of the teaching practice of logistics major in higher vocational colleges in Yunnan Provice andprovides veferance for the development of logictics major in higher vocational colleges in Yunnan.
    A Research on the Curriculum Design for English Majors in LocalUniversities Based on Needs Analysis: A Case Study of Dali University
    WU Huijua
    2022, 38(3):  54.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.010
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    With 2021 and previous English major graduates of Dali University as the respondents ,localumiversity English major students'English learning needs anmd their satisfaction for major couses were in-vestigated through questionnaire survey and follow-up interviews. 'The study indicates that the cuwent cur-riculum design can not well meet the needs of students and social employers,and the curiculum needsimproving. In view of the above poblems ,the strategy for English major curriculum design is discussedbased on needs analysis.
    The Application of the Flipped Classroom Teaching Mode Based on Research-Based Learning in the "Second Classroom”
    TAN Hao, WU Yiquan, ZHAO Lina, CHEN Li, XIONG Lin
    2022, 38(3):  59.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.011
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    Through the implementation of reading sharing ( flipped classroom ) in the second classnoom,the research le arning group cooperation model is introduced into the flipped classroom. After practice ,students who have carried out reading and sharing ( flipped classroom ) anm those who have not carried outre ading and sharing ( flipped classroom) are randomly sampled to conduct a questionnaire survey to ana-lyze the quantified ability value.The results showed that the average growth rate of the ability of the prac-tice group was higher than that of the non-pwactice group,and after reading and sharing ( flipped class-oom ) exercise,the students’ abilities were improved to varying degrees , and the most obvious impove-ment was the digital ability. It concludes that judging from the pwactice of reading sharing ( flipped class-room ) in the Sino-Geman project of Yunnan Communications Vocational and 'Technical College , studentscan all benefit from it .
    Research on Online Teaching Quality Management and MonitoringMechanism of General Education Courses in Higher VocationalColleges :Taking Kunming Metallurgy College as an Example
    HONG Yinsheng, ZI Yongsuo, SHU Wangjiao, ZHANG Caimeng
    2022, 38(3):  65.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.012
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     In 2020,in response to the crisis of school suspension ,teaching suspension and class suspen-sion bwought by COVID-19,in order to ensue the quality of teaching,various colleges turned the crisisinto an opportunity and launched a comprehensive online teaching work. However,how to ensure thequality of online teaching of general courses in higher vocational colleges? 'Taking the general courses ofKunming Metallurgy College as an example , from strengthening the organization anx implementation toensure the teaching quality , strengthening platform construction to expand high-quality resources ,deepe-ning teaching reform to promote learning revolution,and paying attention to special groups to ensure edu-cation fairmess,the paper studies online teaching management mechanism and provides guarantee mecha-nism of online teaching quality of general education courses.
    A Brief Discussion on the Construction of 'Teaching Materials in Higher Vocational Colleges Under the Backgroundof High-Quality Development Based on the NewVocational Education Law
    GUO Su
    2022, 38(3):  71.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.013
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    Based on the in-depth study and comprehension of the new Vocational Education L.aw,andcombined with the pactice of implementing the new policies and regul ations for the development of na-tional vocational education ,this paper studies three key perspectives to demonstrate the necessity ofteaching materials constnuction in higher vocational colleges under the backgxound of high-quality devel-opment,namely building a skill-based society is the starting point for the construction of high-qualityteaching materials in higher vocational colleges , thoroughly implementing the " integration of industry andteaching and college-enterprise cooperation”is the focal point of the construction of high-quality teachingmaterials in higher vocational colleges,and enhancing the service abilities of higher vocational educ ationof univerties and colleges is the foothold of the teaching materials construction in higher vocational colle-ges.Solutions are proposed to solve the main problems existing in the construction of high-quality teach-ing materials in higher vocational colleges. 'The first is to strive to create" high-quality teaching materi-als”with the implement ation path of vocational education , and the second is to improve the teaching ma-terial constnction mechanism as soon as possible.
    Spatial Justice: Analysis on the Integration of Naxi Dongba Non-hereditary Inheritors Into Urban Space Under the Background of Urbanization
    ZHOU Jing
    2022, 38(3):  77.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.014
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    With the advancement of urbanization , the non-hereditary inheritors of Dongba culture of theNaxi Ethmic Groups in Lijiang have gradually moved from the countryside to urban society. In order to[womote the organic integration into the urban society , through the way of using non-structural interviews,rooted in Marx's though of spatial justice,an in-depth investiation was conducted on the non-hereditaryinheritors of Naxi Dongba culture in urban society ,focusing on the analysis of the real spatial justiceproblems of the sroup in urban society anl proposing the justice reconstruction path in the urban socialspace.
    The Development and Dilemma of Chinese Education in the Wa State of Myanmar from the Perspective of “The Belt and Road” Initiative
    FANG Tianjian, CHEN Xiaodong
    2022, 38(3):  82.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.015
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    As a neighbouring site of the“The Belt anml Road”constnuction,the Wa State of Myanmar ,lbecause of its geographical connection, the same ethnic origin,economic connection,and similar educan-tion with China,making it plays a very significant ole in the process of building China-Myarnmar people-to-people relationship. In terms of euication similarity, due to the influence of various historical and so-cial factors,since the beginning of the 1970s , the Chinese education has been integrated into the educa-tion system of the Wa state.After the Wa State Coalition Party was in power in the 1990s ,which promo-ted the sustainable development of Chinese education through official means,and eventually made it oneof the main fronts for the development of Chinese education in northern Myanmar.However , the currentdevelopment of Chinese language education in the Wa State of Myanmar is facing three major problems,such as lack of school resources,teachers and the scarcity of secondary anm higher education,which isinsufficient to meet the cultivation needs of high-level local Chinese education talents especially under thelong-term development and further promotion of the“The Belt and Road”Initiative. Based on this,thestudy adopts the literature method to comprehensively sort out the chawacteristics and difficulties of the development of Chinese education in the Wa state of Myanmar,and analyze its potential impact , so as to fa-cilit ate the comprehensive and reasonable understanding of Chinese education in the Wa state of Myan-mar.

    An Analysis of the Difficult Problems and Countermeasures of SocialInsurance Management from the Perspective of Reform: Taking Yunnan Province as an Example
    DONG Xu, WEI Weikuan, JIANG Xi, WANG Xing
    2022, 38(3):  88.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.016
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    The management and service capalilities of social security agencies directly affect the realiza-tion of various social insuance systems. 'This paper takes social secunity agencies in Yumnan Province asthe research object. 'This paper analyzes the current situation of social secuity administration services atprovincial level from six aspects; service capacity,progress of pension insurance reform , fumction of col-lection and management , risk pwrevention and control of pension fund,construction of public service plat-form and construction of handling service of pension management,and puts forward countenmeasumes tosolve the problems to adapt to the social insurance system reform requirements of constantly improvementand improve the public satisfaction demand.
    Analysis on the Problems and Causes of Employee Performance Appraisal System in Enterprises : Taking the Sales Staff of x Agricultural Materials Company as an Example
    ZENG Wenxi, CHE Meng, MENG Yutong
    2022, 38(3):  93.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.017
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     Modern enterprises bring performance appraisal into a part of enterprise intemal management ,and take performance appraisal as an important way to divide work responsibilities,achieve enterprise ob-jectives and improve enterprise competitiveness. How to motivate employees to work better through per-formance appraisal is a common problem faced by all enterprises. Taking the sales staff of X agriculturalmaterials company as an example,this paper investigates the implementation,index design and evalua-tion content of the sales staff performance evaluation system by using the methods of questionnaine anwd in-terview. According to the investigation and analysis,it is found that the sales staff perfonmance appraisalsystem of X company has a series of prolems,such as unre asonable setting of performance objectives,excessive emphasis on results in appraisal indicators,one-sided appraisal dimensions and long appraisalcycle.Through the research and analysis of the research results ,it is found that the potential reasons forthe existing problems of the performance ap;uraisal system lie in the following aspects : ( 1 ) a unsubst anti-ated setting of appraisal objectives,(2) ignoring process inlicators ,( 3 ) a relatively single assessmentsubject,( 4) lack of process assessment.'The paper provides a reference for enterprises to build a reasonable employee assessment system and achieve a win-win sitution between employees and enterprises.
    Problems and Countermeasures of 'Technology-enabled Innovation of Yunnan Industrial Transformation and Upgrading
    GAO Qionghua, CHEN Qingyun, HE Hong
    2022, 38(3):  100.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.018
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    Theoretical rese arch has revealed the important role of technology-enabled industries in imple-menting new development concepts ,achieving leapfrog development ,improving economic quality and ef-ficiency,and transforming growth patterns. The investigation and study find that Yumnan Province hasmade outstanding achievements in the policy environment of science and technology innovation ,regionalinnovation ability , industrial science and technology content,and foveign science and technology coopera-tion. However, factors such as low level of industrial structure , insufficient investment in innovation,in-significant iole of the main body ,ineffective transformation of achievements,weak awareness of innova-tion,and lack of innovative talents have restricted the pace of transformation and upgrading of the tech-rology-enabled industry. 'To this end,some countermeasures and suggestions are put forward,such ascreating an incentive innovation environment,establishing a multi-channel capital investment system,strengthening the main body of the enterprise , strengthening the achievement transformation system,andincentivizing innovative talents.
    Impact of High-Speed Railway on Tourism Economy ofCities Along the Line: Taking Kunming-Chuxiong-Dali High-Speed Railway as an Example
    MA Lei, WANG Min, WANG Qionghu
    2022, 38(3):  105.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2022.03.019
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    On July 1 , 2018 , the whole Kunming-Chuxiong-Dali high-speed railway was put into opera-tion,marking the opening of a fast track from central Yumnan to the western Yunnan,shortening the dis-tance between regions along the line.Cities along the railway have unique tourism resources,att ractingmore and more tourists.Firstly , the paper uses the data when there is no high-speed railway,constructsa grey prediction model GM (1,1) to predict the expected tourism economic data,compares it with thereal tourism economic data of the high-speed railway,and analy zes the changes of tourism economic dataof the cities along the line after the opening of Kunming-Chuxiong-Dali high-speed railway and then theurban tourism economic connection strength model is used to calculate the tourism economic connectionstrength between the cities along the line before and after the opening of Kunming-Chuxiong-Dali high-speed railway. Finally,a comparative analysis is canied out to illustrate the impact of the opening ofKunming-Chuxiong-Dali high-speed railway on the tourism economy of Kunming,Chuxiong anml Dali.From the conclusion of the model,it can be seen that the opening of Kurming-Chuxiong-Dali high-speedrailway has a greater impact on the tourism of Chuxiong than that of Kunming and Dali , but it genemally enhances the tourism economic connection strength of the cities along the line.