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    30 April 2023, Volume 39 Issue 2

    Process overview and development of zinc-containing steel solid waste treatment

    LIN Anchuan, LIU Xiaolan
    2023, 39(2):  1.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.02.001
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    The solid secondary resources produced in the daily production of iron and steel enterprises have intensified the enrichment of harmful elements such as potassium, sodium,lead and zinc to a great extent. In particular, the removal efficiency of zinc element,which has the greatest influence on the blast furnace body damage and smelting technical index,is limited,In this paper, the typical production process of solid waste treatment of zinc containing steel in rotary kiln,rotary hearth furnace,DK, etc.,is analyzed and preliminarily studied. On this basis,the process route of full production of iron and steel solid waste and self-recycling in the plant is put forward. It can not only digest steel slag,dust removal and other solid waste,expand the utilization of resources,and improve the added value of products. It provides reference for iron and steel enterprises with similar resource characteristics.

    Prediction of component activities in the ternary molten slags containing titanium oxide

    SUN Ying, LIU Zhennan, ZHANG Songyuan, LI U Cong
    2023, 39(2):  10.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.02.002
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    Based on the molecular interaction volume model(MIVM) and the coexistence theory model,the component activities were predicted in the ternary slags Fe0-Mn0-SiOz,Fe0-Mn0-TiOz,Mn0-SiOz-TiOzand Fe0-SiOz-TiOz .In com parison with the experiment data,the total average relative errors of the predicted value by pseudo-multicomponent approach of MIVM were 16%,the total average standard deviations were 0. 062. On the other hand,the total average relative errors of the predicted value by coexistence theory model were 28%,the total average standard deviations were 0.  077. The prediction effect of the pseudo-multicomponent approach of MIVM has better stability and reliability than coexistence theory. the activities of component TiOzwere predicted in the ternary slags Fe0-Mn0TiOz,Mn0-SiOz-TiOzand Fe0-SiOz-TiOz by MIVM,draw its isoactivity curve,the thermodynamic behavior tendency of constituent TiOz in different slag systems was analyzed.

    Preparation , morphology control and surface modification of Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles
    TENG Yu, CHEN Fuliang, SONG Qunling, LIU Jie, LI Yuexiwei
    2023, 39(2):  24.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.02.003
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    There are many methods to prepare  Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles , such as coprecipitation,thermal decomposition and hydrothermal methods. In this paper,  Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles wereprepared by three different kinds of methods , and the size, shape and magnetic properties of Fe3O4  magnetic nanoparticles were adjusted , and through surface modification to improve its dispersion and stability. The magnetic nanoparticle materials have potential applications in biomedical felds such as drugloading, magnetic tissue engineering etc.

    Analysis of High-level Dislocation Measures of Toppling Rock Deformation Mechanism and treatment Slope of highway in reservoir area

    WANG Youchang
    2023, 39(2):  32.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.02.004
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    Toppling rock slope is a special rock slope with bending deformation of rock mass to the free face.  With the unloading of rock mass during slope excavation,the stress redistribution of slope,the fracture surfaces of toppling rock is gradually connected,and the time-dependent deformation of slope continues to occurrence,which easily leads to slope deformation instability.  Relying on the example project of toppling rock slope along the highway in Miaowei reservoir area of Lancang River,  the characteristics and evolution process of high-level dislocation deformation of slope are analyzed,and the influencing factors,instability causes and deformation mechanism of high-level dislocation deformation of toppling rock slope are studied;The slope management follows the idea of“locking the slope groove,strengthening the waist and consolidating the foot",and adopts comprehensive management such as cutting slope and unloading,active prereinforcement protection,hanging net spraying anchor,  slag pile pressure slope and water interception and drainage measures to evaluate the stability of the slope before and after reinforcement.  The results show that the deformation of the toppling rock slope is inherited,and the high-level dislocation deformation is the continuation of the original toppling rock mass deformation.  The treatment of toppling rock mass deformation slope is mainly based on active pre-reinforced protection,and both cutting slope and unloading and anchorage protection are used to limit the stress relaxation and creep of toppling rock mass,which can provide reference for similar slope disease analysis and treatment.

    Stability analysis of high steep slope in qingmaishan large Limestone open-pit

    YANG Ze, LIN Huayan, ZHOU Kuoquan
    2023, 39(2):  42.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.02.005
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    Qingmaishan limestone open-pit mine has a large mining depth,and the height of the stope slope formed by the final mining is high,and the slope angle is also steep. As the stability of stope slope directly bear on the normal operation and rational deep mining design of the mine. Therefore,the analysis and evaluation of its slope stability is very important.  According to the engineering geological conditions and rock mass quality evaluation,Limit equilibrium method software are used to establish slope model and calculate and analyze the slope stability of each side slope. The slope safety factors are calculated respectively under three working conditions:self weight,self weight+blasting and self weight+earthquake.  The results show that the slope of open pit mine end boundary is stable with some security reserve,and slope stability achieves the safety grade and meets requirements of codes concerned in all working conditions,which illustrates that the slope structure parameters of the end stope design is some feasibility and rationality.  At the same time,it is suggested that smooth blasting and presplitting blasting should be adopted when the slope is close to the slope design boundary. The research provides guidance basis for the safe mining of the open-pit mine in the future.

    Design and Analysis of Ceramsite Concrete SupportUsed to Maintain Roadways in Coal Mines
    LIU Cong , QlU Yang, GUO Yufeng, WANG Lianxu, TAN Hui
    2023, 39(2):  50.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.02.006
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    As a new type of material, ceramsite concrete has been widely used in civil engineering. Inthis paper, a trapezoidal shed type ceramsite concrete filled steel tube support used to maintain roadwayin coal minesis designed, and its reasonable cross-section size is determined through stress analysis. Afternearly a year of trial use in the return air roadway of Fengming Coal Mine , the steel pipe ceramsite con-crete support is suitable for roadways that are less affected by dynamic pressure. The support has advanta-ges of light weight , high support strength, safe use, and reasonable economic benefits, and has certainpromotional value.

    Engineering Application of Confirming Open-pit Slope Synergistic Stability Based on Stereographic Projection and Sarma Method

    SHI Xiongbin, FENG Juan, ZHOU Xiaochao
    2023, 39(2):  55.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.02.006
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    A specific example of the open-pit slope engineering was taken as the study object, on the basis of field investigation in open-pit slope and the understanding of the engineering geology, the engineering-geological zoning of open-pit slope and preferred joint plane of determining were carried out,meanwhile stereo graphic projection and limit equilibrium analysis method combining qualitative&quantitative, individuals and whole were used to analysis and estimate the safety&stability of excavation mine slope. The results show that:The sliding failure of bench slope in open-pit mine is less likely under the control of structural plane,the part of bench may collapse only under the influence of excavation disturbance, that is, the bench slope shows weak synergism.But mine slope system is in the range of synergistic stability,which is conforming the open-pit mine’s idea of moderate deformation and damage allowed of slope. It has important significance in arranging of construction and production management in mine site in the next stage.

    Design of safety device for large inclination downward belt conveyor in Yunnan and Guizhou coal mines

    Guo Zaiyun
    2023, 39(2):  62.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.02.008
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    Due to the particularity of geological conditions in Yunnan - Cuizhou Plateau coal mine, super large dip Angle down belt conveyor has become the main equipment for underground raw coal transportation, so higher requirements are put forward for the safety, stability and continuity of raw coal calculation equipment. This paper presents a safety protection device for belt, idler, idler, brake and electronic control system of downward belt conveyor with large dip Angle. The device is composed of programmable control box and mine flame - proof power box, and can be combined with motor, mine vacuum switch, signal system all kinds of protection sensors to form conveyor electronic control system.The device can effectively improve the design and manufacturing level of the belt conveyor with large dip Angle. At present, the device has been applied in some coal mines and achieved good results.

    Study on Viscous Flow-Thermal Hardening Transition of Shellac Resin

    JI Haobo, TANG Baoshan, LI Dongli, LI Kun, MA Jinju
    2023, 39(2):  68.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.02.009
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    In order to clarify the viscous flow transition process of shellac resin after heating and the change of its characteristic index after over viscous flow transition, and to determine the corresponding relationship between thermal hardening time and temperature of shellac resin, the viscous flow transition process of shellac resin was monitored by differential scanning calorimetry and heat table microscope observation method, and the thermodynamic parameters of viscous flow transition process were calculated. The changes of thermal hardening time, cold ethanol soluble matter and infrared spectrum after viscous flow transformation were measured, and the thermal hardening time at different temperatures was measured by the method of thermal hardening time of shellac resin, and the equation was fitted. The results show that the faster the heating rate is , the higher the peak temperature of the viscous flow transition of the shellac resin is, the lower the heat transfer efhciency of the molecule is , and the heat transfer will lag, and the viscous lac resinhas a smooth boundary and a water droplet shape. The relation equation between thermal hardening timeand temperature of shellac resin was obtained by fitting, and the significance test was carried out. it wasconcluded that the thermal hardening time of shellac resin decreased with the increase of heating tempera-ture. the trend decreases according to the exponential relation shown in the fitting equation.

    The Treatment of Landfill Leachate by Fe/Diatomite and Fe/ZSM-5 Non-homogeneous Fenton
    2023, 39(2):  75.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.02.010
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    Using diatomite and ZSM-5 molecular sieve as carriers and Fe(NO, ),9H,0 as the Fe sourceIwo catalysts, two catalysts , Fe/diatomite and Fe/ZSM-5 , were prepared to treat landfill leachate withH,0, in a non-homogeneous Fenton system. The effects of solution pH, temperature, H,0, dosage , cat.alyst addition and reaction time on the COD removal of landfill leachate were investigated. The experimental results show that the COD removal rates of Fe/diatomite and Fe/ZSM-5 catalysts can reach88. 78% and 92. 58% respectively under the conditions that the pH value of the solution system is 3.0the reaction temperature is 30 C , the equivalent concentration of catalyst dosage is 1. 6 g/L, the equiva-ent concentration of H,0, dosage is 0. 2 mol/L, and the reaction time is 60 min.
    Effects of Compound Preservatives on Freshness of Dianthus Caryohyllus
    YANG Wenfan , CHEN Simin, HUANG Li
    2023, 39(2):  81.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.02.011
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    Dianthus caryohyllus was used as experimental subject in the present study. Based on the different preservative mechanism of regents , the effect of chemical preservative on Dianthus caryophyllus wasexplored by comparing different reagent formulations and concentration combinations. The results showedthat the experimental group IV with sugar ( SUC) (8 g/L) + quinolin-8-l sulfate (8-HOS) (0. 3 g/L)+ gibberellin A3 ( GA3 ) (15 g/L) + vitamin C ( VC) (50 mg/L) had the best preservation effect oncarnation flowers. Comparing to the control ( CK1 ), the vase life of cut-flowers increased from 10 days to18 days under group IV. Compared with the commercially available flower agent ( CK2 ) , although thepreservation time was similar, however, the dosage of SUG and GA was effectively reduced while CaCl.replaced byvitamin C simultaneously. The new cut-flower preservative recipe reduces the production costwhich has a practical market application prospect.
    Analysis of Influencing Factors of Cement SpecificSurface Area Measured by Boehrig Method
    XIE Yingmei
    2023, 39(2):  86. 
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    The specific surface area of cement affects the activity of cement, which is closely related tothe economic benefits of enterprises. Therefore , it is of critical significance to accurately and reliably de.tectthe specific surface area of cement. In this paper, through a detailed analysis of the factors influen-cing the deviation of the specific surface area of cement measured by the Boehrig method, it is found thatthe main factors influencing the test results include environment, equipment, materials , personnel, etc.The causes of the deviation of the output are analyzed, and corresponding solutions are proposed, hopingto provide reference for improving the reliability of the test results of specific surface area of cement.
    A Novel Method for Image Segmentation Using Pulse Coupled NeuralNetwork Based on Root Mean Square of Grayscale Threshold
    SHI Hongliang
    2023, 39(2):  90.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.02.013
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     In order to improve the performance of pulse-coupled neural network ( PCNN) in image segmentation , a novel method which integrates root mean square of gray-scale threshold with PCNN, name-ly , root-mean-square of grayscale threshold PCNN ( RMS-PCNN) is proposed. In the simplified method.there is only one parameter to be determined. Furthermore, the PCNN threshold is computed only once sothat the image is segmented during an ignition process. Better performance and faster computation is dem-onstrated. The experimental results validate the effectively simplifed method on segmentation.
    Optimized Design of Traction Beam for LargeRailway Maintenance Machinery
    WANG Xiaodong', LIU Jie' , TENG Yu' , SONG Xianda', DUAN Liping' , WU Lei
    2023, 39(2):  98.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.02.014
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    The unreasonable design of traction beam of large railway maintenance machinery of CRCCE isstudied. Multiple calculations and analyses were done by ANSYS software. Finally , three options areprovided for the reinforcement of existing frames, a reasonable structural design for the new frames is pro-vided, which ensure that the test frame can pass the static strength testof the frame.
    Design and Implementation of a Practical Micro DC Motor Driver
    ZHONG Zhixian
    2023, 39(2):  104.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.02.015
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    According to the need of the control system of autonomous mobile competition robot, a 4-chan-nel micro DC motor driver based on C8051F single chip microcomputer, MOS tube and relay control isdesigned and implemented. Combined with the self-defined communication protocol, the driver receivesthe command from the upper computer through the RS422 serial bus to realize the remote control of thespeed and direction of the micro DC motor. The drive has the simple structure , low development and ma-intenance costs , and good scalability and use value.
    Classroom Teaching Design of Architectural Decoration Design BasedOn BOPPPS Teaching Mode : A Case Study of ConvertingMeasured Hand Drawings to CAD Drawings
    WU Guangli
    2023, 39(2):  113.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2023.02.016
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    Students'command of the knowledge and skills of digital room reconstruction in the elementarycourse of architectural decoration design is closedly related to the requirements of the assistant decoratorposition. The course should to be taught in the specific work scenes andit has high requirements for thestudents’practical skills. In order to improve the teaching quality and realize the integration of theoreticalknowledge and professional competences, this paper designs the teaching plan of “ Converting MeasuredHand Drawings to CAD Drawings as a case study, and adopts BOPPPS mode to optimize the teachingdesign, so as to make the teachign aims feasible, boost the interatction between the teacher and students.improve teaching effectiveness and meet the job requirement.