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    31 October 2019, Volume 35 Issue 5
    Research Status and Prospect of Reduction-Grinding& Magnetic Separation Process in Nonferrous Metallurgy
    2019, 35(5):  1-9.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.001
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    The reduction-grinding and magnetic separation technology is an efficient common enrichment technology for nonferrous metals.This paper makes a systematic introduction about the application of reduction-grinding and magnetic separation technology in enrichment of precious metals,recovery of laterite-nickel ore,recovery of vanadium  titanium magnetite,recoveryoftitaniumconcentrate,andrecovery of rare earth elements from tailings and metallurgical slag.The future development and problems of this technology are also analyzed.
    Study on Mining Technology of Inclined Extremely Thin Vein
    XIA Jianbo,LIN You
    2019, 35(5):  13-15.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.002
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    Inview of the problems existing in the original pseudo-inclined working face separately comprehensive mining method in Guihua Copper Mine,the block mining is adjusted to continuous mining.By changing the pseudo-inclined direction of the working face,adjusting the mining sequence of the underground and falling ore,optimizing the layout of the blasting hole to change the blasting direction and other measures,the artificial labor intensity of the stope is greatly reduced,and the waste stone discharging time is reduced.Mining efficiency has been greatly improved,mining direct costs have beeng reatly reduced,mining losses and dilution rates have also been reduced accordingly.The improved scheme has been put into practice in Guihua Copper Mine.The miningcutting ratio of 1000 tons has been reduced by 23.86m/kt,the comprehensive recovery has been increased by 9.3%,the mining efficiency has been increased by4.16t/shift,the production capacity has been increased by 52t/d,and the direct cost of mining has been reduced by27.6yuan/t.The improved scheme has higher practical value and economic benefits. 
    Geochemical Characteristics of Germanium  Coal in Baoshan Mining Areas in Yunnan Province
    LIU Wei,YAO Yingwen,YIN Qiong,FANG Na,LI Wanhong
    2019, 35(5):  16-22.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.003
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    In order to further analyze the metallogenic geological environment of germanium coal in Baoshan mining area in Yunnan Province,and explore its intrinsic regularity and influencing factors,the samples of germanium-bearing coal in this area were taken and geochemical tests were carried out.The ash and volatile matter of germanium coal were positively correlated with germanium content,while the ash index was negatively correlated with germanium  content.The germanium  content was significantly correlated with KO and NaO in ash,with correlation coefficients of 0.702 and 0.907,ΣREE is positively correlated with germanium content,and the values of δEu and δCe are generally negative(<1).The distribution pattern of rare earth is generally slow and left-leaning(HREE relative enrichment).This indicates that germanium coal in this area was formed in alkaline reduction environment.The stronger the reducibility,the easier the formation of germanium enrichment.The activation and migration of germanium are closely related to local hydrothermal activities.
    Fire Prevention and Extinguishing Measures for Flammable Coal Seam  in B Mine of Yunnan Province
    LIU Cong,WANG Fei,LIU Zhennan,LIU Yuxin,SHEN Yuan
    2019, 35(5):  23-28.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.004
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    Mine B in Yunnan Province is a high gas mine.The ten layers of mineable coal seam are all spontaneous or easily spontaneous combustion coal seams.Based on the analysis and prediction of spontaneous combustion of its coal seam,we put forward the comprehensive fire prevention and extinguishing measures with grout in gas the main part and spraying chemical inhibitor as the auxiliary part.The parameters of grouting and inhibitor are determined,and the model of system equipment is selected.The field practice has achieved the desired results,which provides a reference for the similar conditions of other mines.
    Spatial-temporal Evolution Analysis of Rural Residents' Per Capita Net Income in Yunnan Province
    ZHANG Xiaolun,YANG Yongping,CHEN Zhan,CHEN Guoping,WAN Baofeng
    2019, 35(5):  29-36.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.005
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    Yunnan Province is located in the southwestern border of China,which has a multi-ethnic culture and a special geographical location.The economic income of rural residents directly affects of the regional social stability,the unity of nation and border defense and security.The thesis intends to study the spatial and temporal evolution of percapitanet income of rural residents and analyze the differences in regional rural economic development based on the data of percapitanet income of rural residents from 2005 to 2016 in Yunnan Province,and with the help of mathematical statistics and geographic information technology.The results revealed that,in the past 12 years,the percapitanet income of rural residents increased year by year in each region,and the amount of increase also went up year by year.The relative gap is gradually narrowing,but the absolute income gap is gradually widening.The high-income areas are mainly concentrated in the central region of Yunnan Province,and the southern parth as shown an obvious high growth trend,while the pace of development in northwestern is relatively slow.Therefore,it is believed that the key stop romote the coordinated development of regional economy across the province are combining poverty all eviation with regional characteristics to increase the support for agriculture in northwestern Yunnan,effectively improve the agricultural environment,broaden the income channels and raise the income of rural residents.
    Application of Weighted Grey Model under Different Loss Function Constraints in Settlement Monitoring
    WANG Jianying
    2019, 35(5):  37-44.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.006
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    The weighting method and weight value of the weighted gray model directly affect the reliability of monitoring fitting and prediction.In this paper,the settlement monitoring of goaf is taken as theresearch object,and the weights under the four different loss function constraints are mean absolute error(MAE),square sum error(SSE),mean average relative percent age error(MAPE) and mean square relative percentage error(MSPE).The method reflects the contribution rate of each monitoring value to the model and determines different weighting models.Combined with engineering examples,the feasibility and reliability of the weighted grey model are verified,and the time liness of the model is also reflected.At the same time,through the fitting and prediction comparison,the gray models under the four loss function constraint weighting models can predict short-term  data,but in terms of long-term and effect,MSPE is better.
    Accuracy Analysis of 3D Laser Scanning Spherical Targets at Different Distances and Different Scan Densities
    LI Liwei,LI Heng,BAN Yanwamen,GAO Yonggang
    2019, 35(5):  45-49.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.007
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    According to the requirements of field measurement and indoor verification of three-dimensional laser scanner,the spherical target spherical center coordinates are fitted at different scanning distances and different scanning densities,and the scanning accuracy is judged by the distance between two spheres.The characteristics and accuracy of different measurement schemes are analyzed.
    Scheme and Realization of Underwater Cleaning Robot
    XING Yao,XIE Ying,JIANG Shaobo
    2019, 35(5):  50-58.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.008
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    According to the development trend and difficulty of the project,the designing of the underwater cleaning robot is divided into seven sub-systems according to its function and performance requirements,and the scheme design and multidisciplinary optimization design of each sub-system are carried out to form the best overall plan.A set of design theories and methods of wallclimbing underwater cleaning robot is established to shed light on the development of underwater cleaning robot in China.This paper summarizes the development and test method of a climbing underwater cleaning robot,and provides guidance for the development of related technologies in the future.The climbing underwater cleaning robot can be used for applications such as shipde scaling,rust removal,hull detection,welding and spraying,and can promote the advancement of underwater robot technology,and improve the technical level of ship maintenance and cleaning up industry.
    Data Acquisition System  of Remote Weighing Terminal Based on RS485 Bus
    XU Liange
    2019, 35(5):  59-63.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.009
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    According to the requirements of a food processing enterprise,the weight of processed goods is collected remotely.Based on R485 Bus,the data acquisition system of remote weighing terminal between computer and single chip computer is designed.The overall composition of the system  and the design method for software and hardware are presented.The test and practical application of the system show that it can meet the technical requirements of the enterprise and save costs.It is worth popularizing.
    Exploration into the Debugging of S7-1200PLC Based on S7-PLCSIM
    2019, 35(5):  64-67.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.010
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    Three methods on debugging S7-1200 PLC based on S7-PLCSIM  were introduced,namely,Monitor in TIA Portal,SIM table in S7-PLCSIM,and sequence in S7-PLCSIM.The operation and characteristics of these three methods were introduced and analyzed particularly.The most adaptive debugging method will be chosen in according to the different programs.
    A Reversing Lamp Adjusting Brightness According to Light
    LI Yuan
    2019, 35(5):  68-70.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.011
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    If the brightness of the reversing lamp cannot change with the outside world,it only plays a signal role and cannot achieve the effect of illumination.This paper redesigns the circuit of the reversing lamp.When the car enters the reversing gear,if the external light is sufficient,the brightness of the reversing lamp will not increase and the reversing lamp only acts as a signal.When the external light is insufficient,the brightness of the reversing lamp will enhance,which has dual functions of illumination and signal,thus increasing the safety of reversing.
    Application of Dynamic Path Recommendation Algorithm in Urban Intelligent Transportation Technology
    ZHOU Shaojing,ZHAO Fabin,WANG Min,DING Hongwei
    2019, 35(5):  71-77.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.012
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    In recent years,the problem of urban traffic has been widely concerned by the society.The increasing number of cars makes the pressure of urban traffic more and more prominent.Especially in some large and medium-sized cities,the unusually heavy traffic has caused great trouble to people's daily travel.This paper mainly discusses the introduction of the dynamic path algorithm  in addressing the problem and its impact on urban traffic.Through the simulation experiment,the urban traffic condition prediction model exhibits better performance than the traditional model.The dynamic path recommendational gorithm can save travel time largely.We can verify the effectiveness of the algorithm and model when the grid size is of 20×20 cases with constant saving rate.
    Research and Design of Embedded Intelligent Classroom Management System  Based on ARM +Linux
    ZHONG Zhixian
    2019, 35(5):  78-82.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.013
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    In response to the problems of multimedia classroom equipment management in colleges and universities,this paper designs an intelligent classroom management system based on ARM processor and embedded Linux,and carries out a simple intelligent classroom management system by combining embedded techniques,Internet and ZigBee.Users can login and access the main control device remotely on any networked computer to control the devices connected by the terminal node.At the same time,touch screen graphical user interface is designed on the main control device to interact with local users.This design can provide reference for similar system designing.

    Drive Circuit Based on IR2110 Chip Reinforcement
    XIE Jiaming,JIN Jianhui,XIE Heling
    2019, 35(5):  83-87.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.014
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    In the power tube driver chip circuit,when the driving signal frequency reaches the upper limit of the chip's working frequency or under the condition of large load or the chip is strongly interfered,the working state of the chip is often unstable or it may even burn out.Thus,the problems of low current,weak load capacity and weak anti-interference ability of the driver chip are exposed.The input end of the driver chip is connected to the 7414 inverter with adjustable dead zone,the power push-pull circuit is connected at the output end,and the two-level PI filter is used in the whole power system to reinforce the power supply,so as to filter out the interference generated by or transmitted by the powers upply,and enhance the power integrity.The design of a re inforced drive circuit can effectively improve the drive current,and enhance the load capacity and anti-interference ability.This paper takes small and medium power driver chip IR2110 as an example.
    The Archives Management System  of Construction Projects of Vocational Education for Poverty Alleviation and Integration of Production and Education
    MA Juan,DUO Yunfeng,YANG Si,ZHONG Zhixian
    2019, 35(5):  88-94.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.015
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    It is difficult to manage and use the archival data accurately and conveniently because of the large amount of data,multiple sources and complex types of construction data.Based on the actual situation of archives management of construction project,this paper establishes an archives management system based on B/S structure and applies it to the construction project of vocational education as a tool for poverty alleviation about and integration of production and education in Kunming Metallurgy College.
    Shock Absorption Design of Extra-long Reinforced Concrete Frame Structure
    QIAN Shanguang,LI Yun,YANG Peifen,YAO Ji,HUANG Kun,ZHANG Qing
    2019, 35(5):  95-102.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.016
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    Laying metal damper on reinforced concrete frame structure can improve its seismic performance,but how to ensure the effective work of the metal damper is worth studying when the structure is too long.Taking the teaching building project of a primary school in Qujing as an example,this paper studies the seismic response of the super-long reinforced concrete frame with metal dampers.The results show that after the reasonable layout of metallic damper,the super-long reinforced concrete frame structure has good seismic performance,and the safety of the structure of the mainbody can be improved.
    Study on the Cementitious Activity of Glass Powder
    TANG Yue,CHENG Zhongxian,ZHANG Yucai,YANG Xiaojie,LIU Xue’e
    2019, 35(5):  103-106.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.017
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    The cementitious activity of the glass powder was studied by contrasting mortar strength and the lime absorption test.The results showed that the 7d strength of mortar with glasspowder was lower,however the activity index of both 28d and 56d were above 80%  when the dosage was below 20%.The 56d flexural strength of mortar significant improve when mixing glass powder.the fexural strength of mortar increases with the amount of glass powder increases.When the glass powder was added into the Ca(OH)  saturated solution and the cement curing solution.The pH of the solution continuously decreases with age,it show that the glass powder has highly pozzolanic activity.
    Design of Evaluation System  for the Pump Installation and Implementation Course Based on TAFE Model
    WU Yansheng,XIE Rongrong,ZHANG Ruijue,LI Ran,WANG Lin
    2019, 35(5):  107-110.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2019.05.018
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    TAFE is a general vocational and technical education model with curriculum as the focus in Australia.Its evaluation system includes three key factors:knowledge,ability and attitude.This paper,the three-level,namely,goal-element-examination teaching evaluation system was designed based on the concept of TAFE model and in line with the teaching goal of water pump station installation and imple-mentation course.Then the observation inspection table was selected and the field operation was carried out.The third party evaluation report matches the three evaluation tools with the keypoints of knowledge and ability,and finally completes the evaluation of learners.