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    30 June 2018, Volume 34 Issue 3
    Effect of Porous Structure on Compression Property of GASARP Porous Cu-Cr Alloys
    2018, 34(3):  1-6.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.001
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    The effects of chromium  content,porosity and pore diameter on tensile property of GASAR porous Cu-Cr alloy were investigated.The results show that with the increase of porosity,the compression property of porous Cu and Cu-Cr alloys decreases,the yield strength and absorbed energy decrease,and the densification strain increases.The less the stress value of the compressed sample,the more easily plastic deformation could occur.Cr alloying can significantly improve the compressive properties of porous Cu-Cr alloys.Compared with porous Cu,the yield strength of porous Cu-1.3Cr alloys increases from 13 MPa to 32 MPa.The compressive properties of porous Cu-0.8Cr alloy decreases with the increase of pore diameter,and the yield strength and absorption energy decreases,then the plastic deformation is more likely to occur.
    Experimental Study on Acid Leaching of Titanium Slag of NaCO3 Roasting
    YANG Zhihong,SONG Qunling,LI Yongjia,LI Yingjuan
    2018, 34(3):  7-12.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.002
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    The TiO2 is low in content of titanium slag produced by electric furnace melting,and it is not suitable for the preparation of titanium white pigment and sponge titanium.Solid solution of anosovite (Me,Me=Ti,Fe,Mg,Mn) intitanium slag,can not be dissolved by hydrochloric acidic.However,after the roasting of NaCO,the structure of the solid solution of the anosovite is destroyed,and dilute hydrochloric acid can dissolve Fe,Mg,Mn,Ca,Al,Si and other impurities in the titanium slag under certain conditions.The effects of hydrochloric acid concentration,acid leaching temperature,acid leaching time and agitation in tensity on acid leaching of soda roasted titanate slag were investigated with the use of soda roasting-acid leaching-calcination process.Through experiments,the best process parameters were obtained:hydrochloric acid mass concentration 20%,acid leaching temperature 110℃,acid leaching time 1.5h,stirring intensity 350r/min.The content of TiO2 in the calcination product is 95%.
    Study on the Carbonization Performance of Cement Mortar Containing Glass Powder
    ZHANG Yucai,HAN Changju,YANG Xiaojie,TANG Yue
    2018, 34(3):  13-16.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.003
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    The carbonation characteristics of cement mortar containing granulated blast furnace slag powder,flyash and glass powder were compared.The results showed that the carbonation resistance of cement mortar containing glass powder is worse than that containing slag powder and slightly better than that containing flyash;the carbonation depth of cement mortar increases slightly when the admixture content is less than 20% and increases significantly when the admixture content is more than 30%。
    Mineralogical and Gemmological Characteristics of Chrismatite in Dandong
    LUAN Yachun
    2018, 34(3):  17-20.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.004
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    To define the mineral components and structure of the Chrismatite,the gemological,mineralogical and spectral characteristics of the Chrismatite samples are studied by using XRD and infrared spectrometer.The results show that the Chrismatite samples are found orange,translucent,vitreousluste.Its Mohs hardness is about 7,the density is about 2.60g/cm,and RI is 1.55.The results of the comprehensive test indicate that the main mineral component of the Chrismatite samplesisquartz,and the auxiliary mineral is orthoclase.The infrared spectrum of Chrismatite samples was basically the same with the standard quartz.According to GB/T16552-2017 Gems-Nomenclature,the gem-quality chrismatite should be directly named as “Quartzosejade” and explained as trade names of gems:chrismatite in the notes.
    Analysis on Stability of Opencast Slope of a Copper Mine in Yunnan Province under Rainfall Condition
    WEN Yiming,CHENG Yong
    2018, 34(3):  21-24.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.005
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    Stability analysis of slope is the core issue for safe production of open pitmining.Most of landslides occur in rainy seasons or a short time after rainfall.So the effect of rain fall should be taken into consideration in the analysis of slope stability.The stability of the opencast slope of a copper mine in Yunnan Province was analyzed by the simulation of UDEC software based on the physico-mechanical parameters under water-saturated state.Based on the genuine condition of the engineering construction,the simulation analysis was divided into six steps including the original state of the slope and five excavation steps.The results show that the lower slope gradually lost support with the excavation in slope foot,and the overlying strata will slide along the weak intercalated layer when safety factor reduces to less than 1.The strength of the soft interlayer controls the stability of the stope,and rainfall is an important in
    ducing factor of the slope in stability.Therefore,the monitoring of the weak intercalations must be strengthened in later production,and conducted engineering treatment when necessary.In addition,it is also very important to deal with slope drainage appropriately.
    Design of Under ground Hazard Avoidance System of MineB in Yunnan Province
    LIU Cong,CHENG Yong,GAO Yajie,GUO Yunrui,LI Wanhong
    2018, 34(3):  25-30.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.006
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    The Six Systems is required to be established and improved for the safety of under ground coal mining,and it is also an important technique to ensure the safety of employees during emergencies or waiting for rescue.Based on the design of emergency safety system of MineB in Yunnan province as an example,this research built multi-level defense system to ensure its effective operation during the disaster adhering to principles of being scientifically being reasonable,being suitable,being simpleand being safe.Based on the mine disaster analysis of actual production conditions of the mine,position,structure,function of the mine refuge chamber were designed.The basic equipment required for the safe haven system and the number of configurations were also calculated to meet the mineB construction requirements in Yunnan.This design has been reviewed by the local safety super vision bureau,which can be used as a reference for the emergency design of a similar mine.

    Experimental Study on Mineral Processing Technology of Cu-Pb-Zn Polymetallic Sulphide Ore
    NIE Qi,CHENG Yong,LIU Cong,LU Ping,WEN Yiming
    2018, 34(3):  31-37.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.007
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    Due to the low-grade of Cu and Pb,the complicated symbiotic relation and the feature of easy to float yet hard to be separated of a certain Cu-Pb-Zn polymetallic sulphide ore,a flow-sheet consisting of Cu-Pb bulk flotation-Zinc flotation was selected.NaSO+ZnSO4 combined depressant and ammonium dibutyl dithiophosphate+butyl xanthate combined collector were used in bulk flotating copper and lead.In the experiments of the closed-circuit flow,a bulk concentrate with 21.67% of lead and 2.37% of copper can be obtained by a recovery of 75.68% Pb and 75.54% Cu,as well as the zinc concentrate with zinc grade of 55.42% and recovery of 88.12%.And satisfactory results can be obtained.
    Quality Control in the Project of Confirming the Right of Rural Land Contract Management
    NIE Juntang,ZHU Yi,CHEN Guoping
    2018, 34(3):  38-43.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.008
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    The quality of data confirming the right of rural land contract management directly affects the reliability of the certificate.Based on the analysis on the process of rural land contract management rights projects,it can be concluded that the quality of rural land contract management rights project data is mainly reflected in four aspects:position precision,attribute precision,logical consistency and integrality.The problem of logic consistency includes attribute relation logical consistency,topology consistency and time logical consistency.Based on the engineering practice of th erural land contract management rights project in Guangnan county,Yunnan province,this paper summarizes the concrete contents and causes of the problems of data quality,and puts forward some corresponding solutions.
    Design and Implementation of Evaluation Management System for College Graduates' Employment Quality
    WANG Ningbang,JIA Lianyin,WANG Chuanjian,XU Zhentao,XU Shijin,XIANG Tingyu
    2018, 34(3):  44-52.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.009
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    The college graduates' employment quality evaluation has an important reference and guidance effect on the employment work in colleges and universities.This paper presented the design an dimplementation of an valid,secure and well-performing system for managing gruaduates' emoployment quality evalution.It used PHP+MySQL as the Browser/Server solution for the server and developed the front end with HTML5,JavaScript and CSS3. The system applied Ajax,jQuery and other Web application technologies. With XSS verification filtering and session control,we improved the security of the website and introduced the design and implementation in detail in software engineering methods.By using this system,the degree of informatization and auto mation of college graduates' employment quality evaluation will be promoted,which can greatly facilitate the evaluation being carried out normally by evaluation institutions.
    Research and Design of Athletes' Dynamic Data Capture System
    YANG Qing,TONG Yunfeng,LI Guanghui,YANG Guangzhao
    2018, 34(3):  53-58.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.010
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    In order to save manpower for physical training and testing and improve the fairness and reliability of the project,this paper designed an automatic capture system of athletes' dynamic data,which is suitable for long-distance race in stadium by taking radio frequency identification as a core.Based on the 2.4 GHz radio chip with system-on-chip technology,the hardware and software of readers and electronic tags are designed.The effective covering radius of the system antenna was analyzed and RFID anti-collision strategy was introduced.A management software was also designed on PC termina.The experiments have proved that the system has the characteristics such as portability,fast response and low cost,which thus can be used in physical training and competition.
    Performance Evaluation of Near-duplicate Web Image Retrieval Algorithm of Person Images
    LUO Yumei,WANG Rui
    2018, 34(3):  59-65.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.01
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    Recent studies have revealed that numerous near-duplicate Web images can be used as an intermediate step to implement some traditional difficult compute rvision tasks.This paper presents a comprehensive study of the existing near-duplicate image retrieval methods in a structural way.Four representatives of the existing methods,i.e.hash signature,meanSSIM,BoVW  with SIFT features and ARG,are experimentally evaluated using a self-constructed data set containing 24762 images.The experimental results reveal that compared with global feature based methods,local feature based ones are usually more appropriate for the task of person identification in web images,as they can deal with partial duplicate and scene similar images better.In particular,BoVW  with SIFT features is recommended as it provides the best trade-offbetween on-line speed and retrieval accuracy.
    Analysis of Energy Efficiency Protection in Mobile Cloud Computing
    RONG Hui,Qian Shuangyan,HAN Ke,Wang Yanling,WANG Xiaoliang
    2018, 34(3):  66-68.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.012
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    With the rapid development of modern science and technology,a wide range of mobile cloud computing data has been established world wide.Mobile cloud computing is a new data computing method which is widely used in environmental protection.It is very meaningful to study how to optimize energy efficiency protection in mobile cloud computing.This paper studies the energy efficiency protection of mobile cloud computing in mobile devices,communication and cloud infrastructure through experiments and simulations,and puts forward strategies,methods and measures for energy efficiency protection in mobile cloud computing environment.The best methods and techniques for energy efficiency in mobile cloud computing derived from the study of energy efficiency protection in mobile cloud computing can be used to improve working patterns and processes and improve work efficiency in related fields,and create certain economic benefits for the society.
    The Implementation of Website Cluster
    TAN Ke
    2018, 34(3):  69.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.013
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    Thanks to the rapid development of internet technology,the application of internet websites has been thoroughly applied in all aspects of work and life.While the popularity of website has highlighted,the network security is more and more grim.In order to solve the outstanding problems in such aspects as construction,deployment,technology,risk prevention and soon,the Web-cluster system can provide a centralized and unified platform for the Internet Websites,which has the subordinate relations.The system,which based on centralized deployment,unified protection,resource sharing,unified operation and maintenance,can effectively solve the problems above and greatly improve the standard of Website's construction,enhance the ability of security management and protection.The Web-cluster system can provide a platform with ideal development space,reliable operating environment and convenient management.It greatly enhances the ability of the websites to against attacks,tamper and sabotage,to ensure that the Website is more safe,stable and efficient.
    Analysis of Energy Efficiency Evaluation Index System of Cloud Computing Data Center
    ZHANG Lihua
    2018, 34(3):  77-80.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.014
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    The development of cloud computing has led to a large scale of data growth,which leads to ever dispersed energy consumption becoming more concentrated.Therefore,we need to study the data center of cloud computing,propose effective ways to save energy,and solve the problem of big energy consumption.This paper studies the index system of energy efficiency evaluation for the data center with the characteristics of cloud computing,refines the standard of energy efficiency evaluation of cloud computing data,and implement the data center energy efficiency assessment.
    Study on Stability and Development Trend of an Unstable Slope in Bingzhongluo Town,Gongshan County,Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture
    QIAN Shanguang,LI Yun,HOU Kepeng,YANG Zhiquan
    2018, 34(3):  81-86.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.015
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    There are 23 households with 71 people living under an unstable slope in Bingzhongluo Town,Gongshan County,Nujiang Autonomous Lisu Prefecture.It will pose a threat to the lives and property of these residents,and it will be of great danger when the slope failure time comes,about 900000 yuan worth of threatened assets.Based on the field investigation and theoretical analysis,and according to the basic geological environment data,this paper analyzes and studies the basic characteristics and deformation laws of an unstable slope in Bingzhongluo Town,Gongshan County,Nujiang Autonomous Lisu Prefecture.The results show that:BW1 unstable slope has good stability and is in a stable state under natural and heavy rain conditions;BW1-1 has poor stability and is not stable in natural conditions and is unstable under heavy rainfall and earthquake conditions.Therefore,it is recommended that the governance measures should be focused on the BW1-1 section.
    Preparation and Photocatalytic Properties of Nano ZnO/Diatomite Composite Material
    ZHANG Runhu,LI Li,XU Xiaojing,NING Mencui
    2018, 34(3):  87-91.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.016
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    Printing and dyeing waste water contains chemical components that are difficult to be biodegraded,and it is one of the more difficult wastewaters.Decolorization is the first problem to be solved in the treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater.The nano-ZnO/diatomite composite material was prepared by coprecipitatio nmethod.The adsorption and photo catalytic degradation properties of the composites on methylene blue were investigated in terms of dosage,contact time,organic dye concentration,pH value and temperature.The results show that the removal efficiency of methylene blue is better than that of the ordinary diatomite under the light conditions.Experiments show that under a certain intensity of UV lamp irradiation,when the dosage of material and organic dye solution ratio is 0.1g/100mL,the treatment efficiency is the best.The decolorization rate of the material in contact with the organic dye solution for 6h is about 50%,and the decolorization rate of the contact 24h is about 100%.The concentration,pH and temperature of the dye solution have a significant effect on the efficiency of the decolorization rate of the material.
    Treatment of Arsenic Acidic Wastewater by Multi-stage Precipitation
    ZHANG Fan,LONG Xiaobo,QIU Linlin,LIU Yunmei
    2018, 34(3):  92-97.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.017
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    In view of the current acid arsenic-containing wastewater treatment process,a new method for the treatment of arsenicacid wastewater is presented.The investigation consists of pre-oxidation,neutralization,co-precipitation,coppercementation,neutralization and hydroxide.The arsenic acid wastewater containing 8.56g/L arsenic,1.76g/L hydrion,0.35g/L copper was treated by this method.The removal of arsenic and hydrion were more than 99%.The recovery of copper was more than 96%.The concentration of arsenic was under 0.5mg/L in the wastewater after the treatment.
    Design on Emergency Escape and Control System for Children in Automobile
    LI Yuan,WANG Aiguo
    2018, 34(3):  98-102.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.018
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    In view of the situation that children are left alone in the car,the emergency escape and control system for children was designed on the basis of the original car parts of the car.When the car ignition switch is off,the control unit receives each sensor signal.When the car temperature is higher than the threshold one,the car pressure is greater than the threshold one,the vehicle humidity is higher than the threshold one,and the car decibels is greater than the threshold one,it can be judged that there are
    children under a dangerous state.The control unit could power the lifting motor and the blower of car windows,so that all the window glasses are lowered,the blower works,and eventually children could get rid of danger.
    On Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance of Automobile Hydraulic Brake System
    DENG Kailu
    2018, 34(3):  103-105.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.019
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    Hydraulic braking system has a direct impact on the safety of vehicle driving and parking reliability,its fault is a common auto motive fault.It is of great significance to strengthen the research on fault diagnosis and maintenance of automobile hydraulic brake system.This paper introduces the composition and working principle of the auto mobile hydraulic braking system,and on the basis of this,combining with the actual maintenance cases,analyzes emphatically the causes of the ineffective braking of a certain type of Volvo car and its maintenance scheme.And the causes of brake delay of Hongqi car and the diagnosis and maintenance scheme.It is concluded that when the auto mobile brake system fails,it is necessary to try each fault diagnosis method one by one,such as listening,looking,touching and testing,etc.
    And make full use of experience,equipment and instruments and other detailed diagnos is of the fault location,finally determine the fault solution.
    Study on the Application of Mathematical Model in the Comprehensive Scoring Method of Government Procurement Goods
    ZHAO Fabi
    2018, 34(3):  106-112.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.020
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    The principles and steps of analytic hierarchy process(AHP)in setting the weight of evaluation indexes were analyzed.Taking a specific item as example,it analyzed the principles,steps and results of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method in recommending the successful bid candidates in the process of government procurement of goods.At the same time,some suggestions are given through the application of mathematical models such as fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method in the comprehensive evaluation method of bidding.First,it can guide the judges to recommend outstanding “candidates”to meet the requirements of the bidding documents to the maximum extent.Second,the relevant departments in charge of bidding and tendering should suggest developing an evaluation system that can meet the needs of a variety of tende revaluation methods.Third,mathematical models such as fuzzy comprehensivevaluation method and analytichierarchy process are professional to a certain extent,and a genciesor owners should train talents in this field,so that relevant professional scan choose proper models according to the actual projects.
    On Informationalized Teaching Methods Applied in Higher Vocational Education
    TENG Yu,LI Yingjuan,SONG Qunling,LI Yuexiwei
    2018, 34(3):  113-117.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.021
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    Taking the teaching students majoring in carbon processing technology for example,we analyzed the learning characteristics of higher vocational students and the problem soft raditional teaching.This paper put forwards the informationalized teaching mode,and expounded the development of informationalized teaching comprehensively,the application of various informationalized methods in teaching,and the characteristics of informationalized teaching,which could help to improve teachers' teaching skills.
    Using LED Light Strips to Make Reinforcement Model of Simply Supported Beam in Teaching Building Structures
    LU Jinbao
    2018, 34(3):  118-122.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2018.03.22
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    In order to improve the students' ability of calculation,drawing,construction and installation,the reinforcement model of simply supported beam is made.The making can be processed into four steps:exterior design,reinforcement design,calculation of LED light strips usage and model adhesives. The advantages of using LED lights trips to replace steel bars in making simply supported beam model for teaching building structures are as follows:it motivates the students to participate in developing their practical ability;it puts theories into practice;it improves teaching effects through direct visual senses;it makes learning of building structures more interesting.With these advantages,the teaching aims of the course can be achieved,such as the competence of calculation,the ability in reading engineering drawings and building model installation.