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    25 December 2017, Volume 33 Issue 6

    An Analysis on Higher Vocational Colleges Students Employment of Yunnan Province:   Taking Kunming Metallurgy College as an Example

    SU Haisha, WANG Yanmin, QIU Linglin
    2017, 33(6):  1-6.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.001
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    Employment is not only the biggest livelihood of the people,   also the most basic economic support. The employment of college students in higher vocational education in Yunnan province is closely related to the economic development of the province and the stability of the rural areas.   This research takes the most representative colleges of higher vocational education in Yunnan  province as samples, investigates and analyzes the employment work situation of higher  vocational college students in Yunnan province, and puts forward corresponding  countermeasures.

    An Exploration on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Vocational Colleges Based on Students Participation

    ZHOU Xiaxia, WANG Qingchun,LI Yabin,LIU Ying
    2017, 33(6):  7-12.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.002
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    Based  on  the  current  condition  of  innovation  and  entrepreneurship  education  in  higher  voca tional  colleges,    and  theoretical  arrangement  on  students’    engagement  and  the  innovation  and  entrepre neurship  education,    this  paper  presents  the  education  pattern  of  the  innovation  and  entrepreneurship  in higher  vocational  colleges  as  the  following  aspects:   the  view  of  promoting  student  participation,   formula ting  target  of  innovation  and  entrepreneurship  training,   creating  cultural  atmosphere,   teachers’   resource cohesion  and  training,   building  in  course  system  and  practice  platform.

    A Research on the Benefit of Higher Vocational Colleges Based on DEA Method:    Kunming Metallurgy College as an Example
    LI Ping, XIANG Guimei, GUO Honghai, HUANG Guanrong, LI Yaqin, YANG Fang
    2017, 33(6):  13-18.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.003
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    The longterm goal of educational reform is to build economical colleges and improve the effi ciency of asset usage.  This paper takesKunming Metallurgy College asan example,  and studiesthe costeffectiveness of secondary schools using DEA method to analysis their technical and scale efficiencies by considering manpower,   funding and material resources as input while school enrollments and research a chievements as output.   In addition,   the paper suggestions to nonDEA effective schools on the aspects of education quality,   usage of fixed assets,   faculty research ability and financing.


    A Study on Method and Path of Career Planning Based on Building Materials Major Students in Higher Vocational Colleges

    JIANG Xiaochuan, YANG Xiaojie
    2017, 33(6):  19-21.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.004
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    This paper analyzes the characteristics of students majoring in building materials engineering in higher  vocational  colleges.  Based  on  the  current  situation  of  career  planning  and  employment  direction  of building  materials major students,    the paper puts forward college students must establish awareness of ca reer  planning.   Focusing  on  cultivating  college  students practical 
    ability,   providing  personalized  evalua tion  and  comprehensive  counseling  service  network,    implementing  career planning  education  in  different stages,    and  other  specific  measures,   so  as to  make  a  better  career  planning  of education  for 
    building  ma terials  major  students  of  higher  vocational  colleges.

    A Research and Practice on Delicacy Management of Practical Training Materials in Higher Vocational Colleges

    MA Qin, ZHANG Lihua, YANG Chunrong
    2017, 33(6):  22-25.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.005
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    To  put  practical  teaching  in  a  prominent  position  is  the  most  remarkable  feature  of  personnel training  program  in  higher  vocational  education.   The  consumable  items  which  are  used  in  practical  train ing  is  the  foundation  of  the  practical  teaching  training.   The  delicacy  management  mode  has  been  applied in  the  training  materials of the  consumablesmanagement for  the  current situation  in  higher  vocational col leges.  This paper presents specific measures and methods to control the training material cost from the fol lowing  aspects:   the  order  of consumable  items,   requirements planning,   purchase,   quantitative  usage,   in formation  inventory  management,    recycling,    practical  results  productization  and  so  on  which  are  carried out  delicacy  management.

    Halo Effect to Implement Applied Aesthetics Education in Higher Vocational Colleges

    ZHANG Hao,YUAN Wei
    2017, 33(6):  26-30.  doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.006
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    Applied  aesthetics  is  the  science  of  studying  the  aesthetics  relationship  between  human  material production  and  daily  life  which  is  closely  linked  to  reallife,   survival  and  life.   Its  essential  attributes  cant do  without  application,   which  happens  to  hold  the  same  view  with  the  aims  of  developing  and  innovating courses  in higher vocational col leges ,  training applied skilled middleend and highend innovative talents. This  paper expounds farreaching significance of implement applied aesthetics education in higher vocation al  colleges.   A  family  tree  is  designed  independently  for  the  select  contents.   Andalso  analyses  implemental strategies,   including teachers,  students,  courses arrangement and guide into practice,  etc.  Taking example by  other vocational colleges which have implemented applied aesthetics education as the advices.  The paper also  discusses  the  Halo  Effect  which  is  generated  in  applied  aesthetics  education  from  different  angles  and analyses  implementation  and  application  of  feasibility  in  higher  vocational  colleges.

    An Investigation and Strategic Research on the Extracurricular Quality Education of Vocational College Students Based on the Second Classroom of Practical Training:   a Case Study of Kunming Metallurgy College

    NA Jia, WANG Lianxu, YANG Binnan, CAO Yong, LI Wei
    2017, 33(6):  31-34.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.007
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    The Second Classroom of Practical Training” besides lecturing in the traditional classrooms has  been established in Kunming Metallurgy College in the September of 2016. Ever since, as one  of the national pilots, it has implemented a comprehensive operation system of “ The Second  Classroom” with college characteristics, which integrates data analysis with definite principles and fixed platform. The program has been trying to explore an efficient system combining extracurricular all round instruction with ideological education. Through the case study, it should give  insight to the study on Big Data and innova tion of ideological education in higher vocational college.


    A Survey of the Demand and Feasibility of English Reading Materials for the Metallurgical Industry of Southeast Asia Learners

    HE Ying, BI Wei
    2017, 33(6):  35-39.  doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.008
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    Yunnan  Province  is the  bridgehead  of ASEAN,   due  to  geographical advantages and  geolog ical  features,   while  the  number  of  Southeast  Asian  students,   which  come  to  Yunnan  and  studying metallurgy  is  growing,   to  master  the  professional  English  knowledge  of  metallurgy  has  been  a  current ly  problem  to  be  solved.   Firstly,   to  analyze  the  need  for  and  feasibility  of  the  preparation  of  reading materials  for  the  metallurgical  industry  of  English  in  Southeast  Asia  learners  based  on  the  Internation al  Linguistics  ESP  (  English  for  Specific  Purposes)    theory,   which  as  a  guide  of  English  for  Specific Purposes.   Secondly,   analyzing  the  characteristic  of English  for  Specific  Purposes ,    Secondly  distilled the  principles  of  English  for  Specific  Purposes  from  common  English  textbooks,   and  reference  to  the principle  of  metallurgy  English.   Finally,   give  some  examples  for  the  conceiving  of  the  designing  of the  textbook.    The  paper  would  be  a  super  ficial  attempt  to  contribute  to  the  further  theoretical  study of  the  preparation  for  the  English  for  Specific  Purposes,   and  it  also  has  a  certain  theoretical  signifi cance.   Meanwhile,   it’  s  valuable  for  the  entire  Yunnan  higher  vocation  education  foreign  language textbook  compilation.

    Discussion on Legal Regulating of the Nonperforming Campus Loan from the Perspective of Campus Security

    WANG Shuang, DOU Jinhuan, SHI Weihua
    2017, 33(6):  40-43.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.009
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    Recently,   with  the  nonstandard  development  of  the  nonperforming  campus  loan,    chaotic phenomena  has  been  coming  out,    such  as  false  advertising,   concealingreal  standard  fee  which  induces students  to  have  excessive  consumption  and  make  involved  students fall into    usury”   trap,   even  caused  a series  of chaos ,    such  as “  nude  loan”  ,     violent collection”   and  so  on.   All those  chaotic  phenomena  has seriously  affected  the  normal campus order  and  security  ,    which  also  have  led  to  the  worst social impact. Involved  students  must  be  educated  and  guided,   at  the  same  time,   how  to  use  thinking  evaluation  of  law and  make  effective  supervision  and  management  about  nonperforming  campus  loan  also  should  be  re thinked.   The  purpose  is  to  promote  its  standard  operation  and  positive  development.


    Study on Identification of Originality in Judicial Practice of Copyright

    LIU Xi
    2017, 33(6):  44-50.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.010
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    Originality is the core issue of copyright protection.  Its requirements include independent creation  and  a  modest  quantum  of  creativity.   The  identification  of  originality  in  judicial  practice  includes  two steps:   first,   whether  the  accused  infringing  work  is  in  the  public  domain.   If  not,   second,   judges  should compare  the  accused  infringing  work  with  plaintiff's  work,   and  the  characteristics  of  specific  types  of works  should  be  considered.


    Research on the Legal Application of Personal Loan Credit Guarantee Insurance

    ZHOU Hui, WANG Jingxian
    2017, 33(6):  51-54.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.011
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    The  personal  loan  credit  guarantee  insurance  is  a  kind  of  new  pseudo  business  in  China.   It  is mainly  used  in  personal  loan  business  to  prevent  and  resolve  the  credit  risk  of  bank.   The  insurance  business carried  out  after  a period of time,  around the insured ( debtor)   malicious fraudulent loans,  intensified evasion of  debts,  insurance companies the risk of a sharp increase,  the emergence of a large number of legal disputes. Clear  personal  loan  credit  guarantee  for  the  legal  nature  and  legal  insurance  to  regulate  personal  loan  credit guarantee  insurance of the parties,  to effectively safeguard the interests of all parties is particularly important. In  this  paper,   under  the  premise  of  the  legal  nature  of  the  insurance  in  the  personal  loan  credit,   insurance contract,   has  carried  on  the  key  analysis on the  legal  issues of  the  implementation of  insurance  claims rights.

    Risk Prevention of Financial Leasehold

    YIN Xiongbo
    2017, 33(6):  55-59.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.012
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    Based  on  the  problem  that  it  is  usually  difficult  to  retrieve  leasehold  and  resist  risks  in  the practice  of  financial  lease,   this  thesis  aims  to  analyze  the  reasons  from  the  perspectives  of  both  financial practice  and  law.   For  the  purpose  of  reinforcing  the  risk  prevention  function,   this  thesis  discusses  how  to ensure  the  financial  leasing  company  to  obtain  the  ownership  of  the  leased  property  before  finalizing  the business  as well as how  to  preve  nt the  third  party  from bona  fide  acquisition  after  finalizing  the  business. It is expected to improve readers’   ability of identification and treatment of risks in the practice of financial lease,   and  promote  the  level  of  risk  prevention  in  the  financial  leasing  industry.


    Capability Structure and County Economic Cooperation: Based on the Empirical Study of Lijiang City

    HE Yanjie
    2017, 33(6):  60-67.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.013
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    The  most  powerful  development  ability  of  county  economy  in  Lijiang  is  the  ancient  city  area, the  last  one  is  Ninglang  County,   its  CP  capability  index  is  only  46 86  percent  of  the  Gucheng  District, and  second  Huaping county is only 55 49%  of the ancient city.  In addition to the significant gap between the  four  counties  outside  the  region,   the  gap  is not great.   As a  whole,   a  score  of four  the  lowest ability  is the  learning  ability,   which  is  a  short  board  project,   and  the  ability  structure  of  Ninglang  county  is  rela tively  the  most  balanced  in  four  counties  and  one  district,   but  it  is  a  weak  state  of  equilibrium.   There fore,   we  should  continue  to  increase  the  input of per  capita  educational expenditure,   attract highend  tal ents  through  policy  supply,   and  stabilize  the  contingent  of  teachers,   so  as  to  continuously  improve  their learning  ability  and  improve  the  ability  structure  of  Lijiang  county.   The  key  of  the  shortterm  policy  is  to shorten  the  distance  of economic  policy,   improve  the  infrastructure  conditions of the  county,   especially  in Yongsheng,   Yulong  and  Ninglang.   At  the  same  time,   we  should  promote  the  construction  of  serviceori ented  government,   constantly improve the investment environment,   and deepen the reform of the econom ic  system,    promote  the  process  of  marketization.


    An Improvement Research about Financial Reports Based on the New Accounting Standards

    ZHAO Na
    2017, 33(6):  68-71.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.014
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    The  new accounting  standards implementation is a  macrocontrol  of  government  departments to  the market  economy which can promote standardized market development.  In the process of promoting Chinas sus tained  and  rapid  economic  development,   the  new  accounting  standards  plays  a  role  that  can  not  be  ignored. Under  the new accounting standards,  the existing financial reporting system has been amended and adjusted in some  degree  but  also has exposed a lot of shortages and problems which can not fundamentally solve the prob lem.  In this case,   based on the requirements of the new accounting standards,   great importance should be at tached to financial reporting system by enterprises which is good for corresponding improving and perfection to the  financial  report  in  order  to  ensure  the  steady  and  healthy  development  of  the  accounting  work.

    The Ways to Strengthen the Internal Audit Work of the Group Financial Company

    QIAO Linyan
    2017, 33(6):  72-74.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.015
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    At  present,   financial  enterprise  internal  auditing  has  been  gradually  improved,   but  internal audit  has  not been  taken  seriously  in  the  group  finance  company.   Strengthening  the  internal audit work  of financial  companies should be done which is to help internal audit play a powerful role in internal preven tion  and  improving  economic  performance  in  finance  company.   This  paper  gives  some  suggestions  on  the ways  and  safeguards measure  of internal audit work  based  on  the  analysis of the  necessity  of strengthening internal  audit  work.


    ResearchonParent-childTourism ProductsDevelopmentStatusandOptimizationStrategic
    CHEN Bao
    2017, 33(6):  75-78.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.016
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    On the Translation of Public Signs in Dali and Translators' Literacy from the Perspective of Ecological Translation Studies

    SHI Hongmei
    2017, 33(6):  79-82.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.017
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    There  are  many  problems  in  the  English  translation  of  public  signs  in  Dali  area,   which  affect the  correct  understanding  of  the  tourists  and  influence  the  image  of  Dali  as  a  famous  tourist  destination. Based  on ecological translation,   the translation of public signs in Dali area is reexamined from “  three di mensional  perspectives”  ,   and  the  translators' literacy  with  readeroriented  consciousness  is  required  to further  standardize  the  translation  of  public  signs  in  Dali,   to  improve  local  language  landscape  construction  and  the  image  of  Dali  city.


    The Desire for Love and Friendship in Solitude:  A Comparative Study of Jane Eyre and Anne’s Orphan Daughter Image

    LI Yumei
    2017, 33(6):  83-88.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.018
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    Two  very  typical  orphan  images  of  Jane  Eyre  and  Anne  are  respectively  portrayed  in  the  novel Jane  Eyre  by  British  writer  Charlotte  Bronte  and  Anne  of  Green  Gables  by  Canadian  writer  Lucy  Maud Montgomery.    They  are  created  by  different  writers  and  grew  in  different  times  and  living  environment, but  the two rebellious heroines have gone through similar sufferings in their pursuit of love and friendship. In  the  journey,   the  two  from  the  dependent  orphan  daughter  have  grown  into  independent  women,   and have  achieved  their  selfvalue.   Therefore,   this  paper  makes  a  comparative  study  of  the  similarities  and differences  between Jane and Anne in order to interpret them from different angles.  The multidimensional analysis  can  not  only  help  readers  understand  the  social  significance  of  the  characters,   but  also  can  make readers  appreciate  the  novels’   artistic  value.


    On Current Situation and Prospect of Yoga Research in China: Based on the Econometric Analysis of Journal Articles from CSSCI

    WANG Lingwei
    2017, 33(6):  89-94.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2017.06.019
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    Based on the samples published on the CSSCI journals,   this paper made quantitative and qual itative  research  about  yoga  research  situation  in  China.    The  development trend  of yoga  research  has been increasing  but  not  stable  and  the  publications  are  mainly  in  the  area  of  sports,   religion  and  philosophy. The  current  research  is  mainly  manifested  in  the  basic  theory  research,   the  exercises  of  yoga,   yoga  medi cal  research,   yoga  education  research,   yoga  industry  research  and  so  on,   but  mainly  using  a  qualitative research  method.   The  subjects  of  research  are  including  philosophy,   education  and  medical,   but  the  re gional  research  level  is  unbalance.   This  paper  also  makes  a  discussion  from  the  aspects  of  research  con tents,   research  methods  and  research  subject,    in  order  to  establish  a  system  of  yoga  research  with  Chi nese  characteristics.