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    23 July 2016, Volume 32 Issue 3
    Study on the Mineralogical Characteristics of Natural Bismuth and Natural Silver in Yunnan Dulong Sn-Zn Polymetallic Deposits
    WANG Jinliang,LIU Yuping,LIAO Zhen,SU Hang
    2016, 32(3):  1-7.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.001
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    The Dulong Sn-Zn polymetallic deposit is one of China's three large cassiterite sulfide deposits, which occurs in the outer contact zones of the later Yanshan Laojunshan Granites. Ore minerals such as ferrosphalerite, cassiterite, pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite,were formed in intermediate and high temperatures. Native bismuth and native silver, two kinds of native element minerals, have been discovered recently in this deposit. Their mineralogical features have been studied with an optical microscope, BSE, X-Ray scan, EDS and Laser-Raman spectrum. Both of native bismuth and native silver, most as irregularly shape fine grains occurred in inner and fine pores of sulfide minerals, have high purity with greater than 90%, which co-exist with chalcopyrite and galena, etc. Based on these studies mentioned above, it was suggested that there might be multi-stages during the magmatic hydrothermal mineralization, and native bismuth and native silver might formed in the last stage with low-middle temperatures and poor sulfur condition. This study also suggested that there might find the Ag-Bi mineralization on the outside of the skarn Zn-Sn mineralization.

    Three Dimensional Geological Model and Reserve Estimation of Sareke Copper Mine on the Basis of DIMINE
    HUANG Mingqing,SUN Changkun,TAN Wei
    2016, 32(3):  8-12.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn.1009—0479.2016.03.002
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        To investigate the evolutions of deposit regularity, reserve and mineral grade of Sareke copper mine during miningsoftware DIMINE was introduced to establish the three dimensional geological models and reserve estimations. The results showed that DIMINE successfully and precisely realized the visualization of surface modeldeposit models and underground engineering. The metallogenetic zones were divided to five deposits according to stratiform spatial locations. The reserve reached to 16. 066 million tons in the altitude range of 2 790 m and 2 600 mand the average copper grade was 1 .08 %. Additionally, the reserve estimations by DIMINE were consistent with the results verified by drilling engineering.

    Experimental Research on Beneficiation of a Sulfide-oxidized Copper Ore from Guizhou
    LI Wentao,ZHAO Peizhu
    2016, 32(3):  13-18.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.003
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         A beneficiation test of a sulfide-oxidized copper ore from Guizhou was studied.  Ore milling grade is Cu:1. 27%Ag:3. 80g/tAs 4. 46g/t and the oxidation rate of copper is 23. 87%. It belongs to the mixed copper. According to the ore propertiesa comparative test was performed on the three kinds of copper extraction processes, which are oxygen sulfur mixtureoxygen sulfur separation and flotation tailings acid leaching. The results show that copper concentrate grade of 20.52% and recovery of 73.05%; copper grade of 880.00 mg/L, leaching rate of 14.16% in medium and the total recovery of 87.21% was achieved through the whole closed trial, which was flotationtailings acid leaching.

    Desliming Test on a Weathering Domestic Titanium Ore Dressing Plant
    SHEN Xu,ZHANG Hanping
    2016, 32(3):  19-25.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.004
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         Pilot-plant-scale tests of “desliming-spiral chute re-election” with inclined plane thickener have been conducted in a typical domestic laterite weathering titanium plant. Good test indicators are achieved: 1) amount of clay removal can reach 55%~60%, TiO2 in clay is only 0.5%~0. 9% and the loss rate of metal in mud is only 5% to 8% by using high efficiency inclined plate thickener; 2) after desliming, the same spiral chute was used to gravity separation. The content of TiO2 in concentrate can reach 33.54%, and the recovery rate is 86.58%; 3) the process is simple, the production operation is feasible by using the high efficiency inclined plate thickener; 4) the results of this study can provide reliable technical support for the technological transformation of the mineral processing plant.

    Research on 3d Campus Modeling Method Based on ArcGIS and SketchUp
    LI Dongsheng,LIU Guangwei,LI Yajun,CHEN Zhan
    2016, 32(3):  26-30.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.005
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         Digital campus has become one of the most important content of digital city construction.  In order to achieve information and resource sharing and to promote college education system and daily education management innovation, it uses geographic space information technology to integrate teaching and research, student life and learning service information, other digital information and resources in digital campus. This paper takes Kunming Metallurgy College Anning campus as research object, using ArcGIS geographic space information technology software as the platform and combining cass digital mapping technology and SketchUp modeling technology to establish three-dimensional digital campus system, which realized three-dimensional virtual digital campus model. As to different object that has different data type, so it proposed different modeling methods. After that, it also adds attributes information to construct three-dimensional model. Finally it realized spatial data access, smooth three-dimensional digital campus roaming and three-dimensional campus information inquiring.

    Analysis of Landslide Monitoring Results in Malutang Chengzi Resettlement
    WANG Jianying,HUANG Dewu
    2016, 32(3):  31-35.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.006
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         In this paper, the arrangement of landslide monitoring points was introduced.  According to the analysis of horizontal displacement and vertical displacement data before the anti-slide pile and after, the horizontal displacement rate of anti-slide pile is reduced from 0.65 mm/d to 0.03 mm/d, the vertical displacement rate is reduced from 0.05 mm/d to 0.01 mm/d.  The horizontal displacement rate of the landslide area is reduced from 0.70 mm/d to 0.08 mm/d, the vertical displacement rate is reduced from 0.40 mm/d to 0.05 mm/d. Overall, the displacement of anti-slide pile tends to converge, the implementation effect is obvious, the landslide is stable.  However, from the comparison of the landslide area and anti-slide pile area, there is still a possibility that the landslide is directly cut from the top of anti-slide pile, and it is still necessary to pay close attention to the landslide monitoring.

    The Effect of Low-grade Fly Ash on Fluidity and Strength of Concrete
    HAN Changju
    2016, 32(3):  36-40.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.007
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         To study the influence of low-grade fly ash on the concrete strength and liquidity, three grades concrete of C20, C30 and C40 were prepared by using equal amount of fly ash to replace cement content of 0, 10%, 20% and 30% (mass fraction, the same below). The fluidity and strength of each number of concrete were tested. The results show that low-grade coal ash is advantageous to the liquidity of concrete. With the increase of the dosage of fly ash, 7d, 28d compressive and splitting tensile strength decreases gradually, 56d compressive and splitting tensile strength of C30 and C40 is closed to the reference concrete, but the 56d compressive strength of C20 concrete is different from that of reference concrete.

    Analysis of the Progress Control Strategy of Highway Tunnel Project
    ZHANG Wei, WANG Min, SUN Junling, ZHAO Xia, YANG Ping, RAN Maohua
    2016, 32(3):  41-44.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.008
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        Highway tunnel project progress can effectively reflect the implementation of the completion of the highway tunnel project. In the present highway tunnel project management process, time limit for a project control has not represent all construction schedule management.  The project task cost, technical and economic reliability and other factors were combined to consider. Thus the construction schedule management evolved into another kind of index. This new comprehensive index can more accurately show the progress of the highway tunnel project. It is necessary to integrate some other factors in the use of the new comprehensive index. Specific include: (1) strictly in accordance with the requirements of the contract, writing construction schedule; (2) according to the target control of construction schedule management; (3) strengthen the construction schedule tracking and tunnel engineering acceptance; (4) to continuously improve the quality of accounting staff. Improvement methods of highway tunnel construction schedule control include: (1) to strengthen the supply and management of human resource; (2) to strengthen the supply and management of materials; (3) to strengthen the construction equipmentequipmentthe need for planning and management of the work.

    Analysis of High Slope Stability on the Top of Slope under Uniform Load
    YANG Ping,YAN Chuanxiong,TAN Hui,ZHAO Kuncan,ZHANG Wei
    2016, 32(3):  45-48.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.009
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      Stability characteristics of high slope stability under uniform load were studied by using the large-scale finite element analysis software ABAQUS, combined with finite element strength reduction method. Slope safety factor, the maximum shear stress, slope changes of displacement and potential slip surface were analyzed when high slope of homogeneous clay has a uniform load on the top of the different positions. The results indicate that stability safety factor is linear with the W/H (W is uniformly distributed along the outer edge of the load to the top of slope distanceH is the slope height); the maximum shear stress and W/H is non-linear; the slope has a nonlinear relationship with W/H in horizontal direction. The potential sliding surface is an arc, with the load from the edge of the slope more far, slip surface away from the edge of the slope is also much more.

    Explore the Effective Way to Improve the Efficiency of Construction Management Based on BIM Technology
    JIAO Lili,TAO Fanghong
    2016, 32(3):  49-53.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.010
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      The main work of construction project management includes quality control, cost control, work schedule control, information management and so on, related to many units and departments, such as the design, construction, supervision, procurement and others. The overall organization and coordination play a crucial role in the project management, therefore slight negligence in the process of all the construction project management will lead to a lot of problems, such as: schedule delays, cost overrun, the poor quality assurance. These problems will bring down the efficiency of the construction project management. In this paper, the study was done to improve the efficiency of construction project management, and solve practical problems in this field. Firstly, based on the main characteristics of construction project. The existing construction project management problems were analyzed with the help of BIM technology (building information model) as a multi-sharing platform. Secondly, the study of BIM technology in the project design, construction and operation and maintenance management program optimization design, cost saving, was done to ensure that improve the organization and coordination, and other aspects of the application in the construction period. This article attempts to propose an effective way of solving the existing construction project management problems, and then improve the efficiency of construction project management.

    Discuss of Common Methods of Automobile Fault Diagnosis
    LI Yuan
    2016, 32(3):  54-58.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.011
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       With the development of automobile technology, the car is no longer limited to traditional mechanical concept. With the development of modern electronic technology, network technology, ecological concept, car is getting more and more high-tech and intelligent. The more high-tech automobile has, the more car troubles will appear. As a result, the corresponding demands for motor mechanic has become stricter in daily admissions, diagnosis, repair. Also, they need to master the more knowledge in the field of automobile. The corresponding technology and methods of fault diagnosis of automobile maintenance need to be developing and updating. This paper makes the classification of automobile fault diagnosis methods on the basis of a large number of domestic and foreign research results, which could provide a reference for motor mechanic.

    The Application of Fitting Thought in the Limit Proof Problems
    NIU Huawei,LAN Qixun
    2016, 32(3):  59-62.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.012
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      In this paper, some limit problems in higher mathematics using fitting method were studied. Specific steps are as follows: first of all, the target limit value is decomposed according to the known conditions. Secondly, based on the target limit and proper fitting method, the limit problem is transformed into functional fitting problem. The function fitting reduces the difficulty of the problem and finds a break through to resolve the limit problems. Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed fitting based approach for limit problems not only can simplify complex issues but also provides views for some problems which seem can't solve. This method has an advantage of wide range of application.

    Exploration on Learning Strategies of Advanced Mathematics in College Freshmen
    HUANG Yaqun, LI Haiyan, ZHANG Huaixiong, JIANG Murong, SU Qian
    2016, 32(3):  63-67.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.013
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      According to the problems of college freshmen in higher mathematics learning and combined with many years' teaching experience, this study explored the learning of higher mathematics course from the aspects of clear objectives, build confidence, master the methods and improve the quality, etc. The study was done to help freshmen adapt to the higher mathematics learning as soon as possible, improve the learning interest and learning efficiency.

    Exploration and Practice on the Training Model and Evaluation System Reform of Municipal Engineering Professional Master
    HUANG Xiangyang,WANG Xiangwen
    2016, 32(3):  68-71.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.014
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      The cultivation of high-level application-oriented talents plays an important role in the development of vocational education in China. At present, China is facing a lot of difficulties to be solved in the process of full-time professional master’s training. Taking the professional master of municipal engineering in Yangtze University as an example, this paper discusses the reform measures of the professional master’s talent training mode, and emphasizes that we should focus on cultivating the innovative and entrepreneurial ability of the professional master, cultivating and improving the students’ professional quality and enhancing the ability of competition in employment. Reform the evaluation system of professional master’s talent training, and take the evaluation of social responsibility and professional quality as the main evaluation objectives.  Practice shows that the master's talent training mode of municipal engineering specialty in Yangtze University has a certain practical significance for training high-level professional talents, and it can also provide a reference for other engineering disciplines.

    Exploration of Higher Vocational Teaching Reform Based on Technology of Single Chip Microcomputer Principle and Application
    LI Huihui, ZHAO Heng
    2016, 32(3):  72-75.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.015
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      The change of higher vocational college enrollment must break the traditional form of higher vocational teaching. Reform of teaching mode based on the project, conforming to the times development, suitable for the characteristics of higher vocational students, has great theoretical value and practical significance. Taking single chip microcomputer principle and application technology curriculum as an example, the teaching mode of higher vocational education is reformed from the teaching goal, the teaching content, the examination form, the teaching guidance and many other aspects to explore in the teaching practice of the specific implementation plan. The development of an evaluation system platform, the rationality of the project group, macro-guidance and support aspects are also analyzed. Specific suggestions include: 1) the development of curriculum evaluation system based on a computer platform; 2) group members in the project team should include of the top students, secondary and backward students, in order to promote all levels of students can benefit in the project implementation process; 3) college and department should consider teachers in the teaching reform in their year-end assessment to encourage teachers to participate actively teaching reform.

    Thinking on the Construction of Training Base of the Sustainable Campus in Higher Vocational Colleges
    XU Xingwei,REN Bibo
    2016, 32(3):  76-78.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.016
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      Training base is the main place for training applied talents in higher vocational colleges. It is worth thinking about how to build a training base under the new situation. The existing problems in the training base of higher vocational colleges include emphasis on hardware construction, contempt teacher management, capital management and other issues. In combination with the new social demand, the concept of the training base in the sustainable higher vocational colleges is redefined. On the construction of the training base of the sustainable higher vocational college, it should follow the principle of openness, practicality and authenticity. Some suggestions were given on the construction of this kind of training base. Firstly, it should be fully demonstrated for their practicality and necessity before the construction of the base; secondly, the training base (the hardware) once built, the school also improve the school training base management system (software ) at the same time; thirdly, the training base is built and put into use, the school can set up the corresponding development fund of training base to ensure the maximum use of the base; finally, the completion of the training base in the use and management should consider comprehensive strength, short-term benefits, long-term strategic thinking and other aspects. The construction of the training base of the higher vocational colleges is bound to provide a strong support for the application oriented personnel training and the development of the school.

    Construction and Implementation of the Evaluation System of Vocational College Students’ Professional Ability: Taking the Geography Information Technology Specialty of Surveying and Mapping as an Example

    LYU Cuihua, ZHANG Dongming, MA Juan, LI Yajun
    2016, 32(3):  79-84.  doi:10.3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.017
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      With a new round of deepening of the reform of vocational education, a series of action-oriented teaching methods have been studied and carried out in vocational college. The teaching design based on the whole working process was also conducted. But in the concrete practice, the evaluation of students is mainly confined to the course assessment. In this paper,  taking the geographic information technology of surveying and mapping as an example, it was discussed how to construct the evaluation system of vocational college students’ professional ability, how to carry out the assessment and evaluation, and promote the formation of students’ professional ability.

    Exploration on the Teaching Practice of Surveying and Mapping Engineering Technology Specialty in Higher Vocational Colleges: Taking Kunming Metallurgy College as an Example

    YANG Yongping, ZHANG Dongming, LYU Cuihua, GE Junjie
    2016, 32(3):  85-90.  doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1009—0479.2016.03.018
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      In the excellent policy situation of the development of vocational education, there are still some problems and deficiencies in the teaching of surveying engineering technology in higher vocational colleges. In this paper, Kunming Metallurgy College as an example, the problems and deficiencies existed in teaching of surveying engineering technology are deeply discussed.  Existing problems include that individual textbooks obsolete and new technology courses are not set up in timepart of the majors’ hours less than normal, the insufficient number of equipment, the quality of student decline, young teachers' practical ability is weak. The teaching reform measures, such as the construction of the training base, the training of the double teachers, the cooperation between the school and enterprise, the examination of the standard of the professional skill, were put forward in order to further improve the vocational college of surveying engineering technology professional level and competitiveness.