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昆明冶金高等专科学校学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 20-24.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2021.01.004

• 资源开发与测绘 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 云南德诚矿山工程设计有限公司,云南 昆明 650033
  • 出版日期:2021-04-29 发布日期:2021-06-21
  • 作者简介:牛淑慧(1984-),女,陕西延安人,工程师,工学硕士,主要从事岩土工程安全研究。

Determination of the Thickness of Waterproof and Security Pillars for Surface Rivers in Funing Lead-Zinc Mine

NIU Shuhui   

  1. Yunnan Decheng Mine Engineering Design Co. , Ltd., Kunming 650033, China
  • Online:2021-04-29 Published:2021-06-21

摘要: 为研究确定富宁铅锌矿河流防水保安矿柱厚度合理留设的问题。结合富宁铅锌矿0号勘探线附近的实际工程地质条件,采用导水裂隙带理论计算公式得出了导水裂隙带高度,进而确定出了那郎河床下的防水保安矿柱厚度为30m,以此来切断河水与矿体之间的水力联系;同时为了减少地下开采对地表河流的扰动,井下采矿方法采用分层充填法措施来确保上部那郎河的长治久安。

关键词: 导水裂隙带, 经验公式, 稳定性, 分层充填法, 防水保安矿柱

Abstract: In order to study and determine the reasonable thickness of river waterproof security pillar in Funing Lead-Zinc Mine, and combined with the actual engineering geological conditions near the No.0 exploration line of the Funing Lead-Zinc Mine, the height of water flowing fracture zone is obtained by using the theoretical calculation formula of water conducting fracture zone, and then the thickness of waterproof security pillar under NaLang River bed is determined to be 30 meters, so as to cut off the hydraulic connection between the river and the ore body. At the same time, in order to reduce the disturbance of underground mining to the surface river, the slicing and filling method is adopted to ensure the long-term stability of the upper NaLang River.

Key words: water-flowing fracture zone, empirical formula, stability, slicing and filling method, waterproof security pillar
