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昆明冶金高等专科学校学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 63-.DOI: doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0479.2024.02.010

• 环境保护与化工技术 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (1.昆明冶金高等专科学校环境与化工学院,云南昆明 6500332.昆明市生态环境科学研究院,云南昆明650032)
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-15 出版日期:2024-02-10 发布日期:2024-10-08
  • 作者简介:朱晓敏 (1986-),女,云南玉溪人,讲师,工学硕士,主要从事环境类重金属污染研究。
  • 基金资助:
    云南省教育厅基金 “云南某钢渣磁选尾砂堆场淋溶液 pH调试及重金属离子溶出特性研究”(2022J1301)。

Study on Leaching Characteristics of Heavy Metals from a Magnetic SeparationTailings Yard of Steel Slag in Yunnan Province Under Simulated Rainfall

  1. (1. Faculty of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Kunming Metallurgy College, Kunming 650033. China;2. Kunming Institute of Eco-Environmental Sciences, Kunming 650032, China )
  • Received:2023-12-15 Online:2024-02-10 Published:2024-10-08

摘要: 以云南某历史遗留钢渣磁选尾砂堆场为研究对象,对钢渣尾矿进行属性分析,采用4种不同酸度的淋溶液,进行为期 42 d的动态淋溶试验,分析Fe、Zn、Cd3 种金属的淋溶释放规律,同时建立释放模型。结果表明:尾砂淋出液的 pH 值呈现淋溶初期 pH 较高,到达最大峰值后快速下降,后期保持稳定的趋势;在同等 pH值条件下,粒径越小,各金属出现浓度峰值的时间较早;Fe 离子浓度的溶出顺序为:酸性溶液>中性溶液>弱酸性溶液。金属 Zn 的溶出情况不同,Zn 的溶出在淋溶初期,淋溶浓度较高,在9d左右达到最低值,并于 21 ~27 d内再次出现浓度峰值,且当溶液中 0H 浓度增加时,溶出浓度略有升高。Cd 的溶出呈现动态变化趋势,表现出间歇性快速释放的过程。二次回归方程以及 DoseResp方程都能够较好地描述3种金属淋出的动力学过程。对于 Fe 而言,DoseResp 方程比二次回归方程的相关系数R 拟合程度更高。

关键词: 钢渣, 模拟酸雨, 重金属, 淋溶中图

Abstract: In this study, the magnetic separation of a historical steel slag tailings dump in Yunnan wastaken as the object of study, and the properties of the steel slag tailings were analyzed. In this experiment, four leaching solutions with different acidity were used to carry out a 42-day dynamic leaching ex-periment to analyze the leaching release of Fe, Zn and Cd, and a release model was established. The re-sults showed that the pl value of the tailings leachate was higher in the initial stage of leaching, and de-creased rapidly after reaching the maximum , and kept stable in the later stage. Under the same pH value , the smaller the size of tailings is, the earlier the peak concentration of each metal appears. The dis-solution order of Fe ion concentration is as follows: acidic solution > neutral solution > weak acidic solution. The leaching of Zn is different. The leaching of Zn was higher in the early stage of leaching.reached the lowest value in about 9 days, and the concentration peak appeared again in 21 days to 27days. When the concentration of OH"in solution increased, the concentration increased slightly. Thedissolution of Cd showed a dynamic change, showing a rapid release of intermittent process. The dynamic process of the leaching of the three metals can well describe with the quadratic regression equation andthe DoseResp equation. But for Fe, the correlation coefficient R’ of the DoseResp equation is higher thanthat of the quadratic regression equation.

Key words: steel slag, simulated acid rain, heavy metals, leaching
