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10 February 2024, Volume 40 Issue 2
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Application of Cross Hole Elastic Wave CT Method in KarstSite Investigation of Pile Foundation
2024, 40(2): 1. doi:
(1446KB) (
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The cross hole elastic wave CT method was used to deteet the cloud map of the rock and soilmass at the bottom of the pile in a karst development area. The geological conditions at the bottom of thepile such as the rock and the soil mass of the karst cave were ascertained and evaluated. The practiceshows that cross hole elastic wave C'T method has the characteristies of data visualization, and can bepopularized and applied in the exploration of underground buried objects such as karst caves.
Treatment of Instability Deformation of Deep FoundationPit in Expansive Soil with Weak Layer
YANG Yuanhong, ZHANG Zhiyun, Llu Yangyu
2024, 40(2): 5. doi:
(1687KB) (
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Expansive soil belongs to special rock soil, and its force and deformation is complex. Based ona deep foundation pit projeet in Honghe Prefecture, this article studied on the collapse instability anddef
ormation damage in the northeast side of the foundation pit during the construction process ; The softsilty clay layer at bottom of foundation pit with the expansive soil pit has been subjected to waterimmersion for a long time , which is the main cause of pit collapse and destabilization through the on-siteinvestigation ; Finally, it carried out the targeted emergency treatment and put forward the comprehensivetreatment scheme of adding row piles at the bottom of foundation pit to reinforce it. The implementation ofthe program is effective, suecessfully preventing the further deformation of the supporting structuredamage , and finally ensuring the safety of foundation pit project.
Study on Stress Wave Propagation and Failure Characteristies ofAnchor Solid Under Dynamic Load
TIAN Min, CHEN Zhiyu
2024, 40(2): 13. doi:
(2128KB) (
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In order to study the stress wave propagation law and failure characteristics of anchor solid un-der dynamic load, separate Hopkinson bars ( SHPB ) were used to conduct impact tests on anchor solidspecimens with different prestress and impact times , and the propagation law of stress waves and the char.acteristics of anchor failure were studied. The research results indicate that as the prestress increases , thepeak value of stress waves in the anchored surrounding rock gradually increases, and the attenuation rategradually decreases. Inereasing the prestress of the anchor rod significantly reduces the peak value of ten-sile waves at the free end of the anchor; As the prestress of the anchor specimen increases , the axial forceloss of the anchor increases faster, and the axial force loss rate shows a quadratic linear increase; whenthe prestress is small, there are more cracks in the surrounding rock at the anchoring free end. Undermultiple impacts, the crack distance is relatively close, and as the prestress increases, the degree ofdamage at the free end weakens; as the prestress increases, the maximum displacement during pullingdecreases. The original specimen that was not subjected to dynamic load does not show significant damageafter pulling. After dynamic load, as the preload increases , a certain degree of spliting failure occurs atthe anchor end , and the degree of splitting failure becomes weaker as the prestress continues to increase.
Study on the Evaluation of the Implementation Benefits of Comprehensive Land Improvement in the Whole Area
PENG Jun, WANG Yuqin, YUAN Wenxin
2024, 40(2): 20. doi:
(1068KB) (
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Comprehensive land improvement in the whole area is a fundamental trend in the developmentof land integration in the new era, which requires whole-area planning and top-level design, coordinatedarrangements for convergence with village planning, increased local policy support and elfective imple.mentation of benefit evaluation and model optimization. This paper overviews the current indicators andmethods for the evaluation of the benelits of the implementation of comprehensive land rehabilitation inthe whole area. as well as the characteristics of the evaluation methods, and summarizes the applicationof emerging technologies such as drone tilt photography, live 3D cloud GIS, Internet of Things and 5Gcommunication in the implementation of comprehensive land rehabilitation.
Analysis of Relative Positioning Accuracy of BDS-3 Bl//B2a
WANG Lishiyun
2024, 40(2): 26. doi:
(1853KB) (
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This article is to study the relative positioning accuracy of Bll/B2a of BeiDou-3 NavigationSatellite System (BDS-3 ). The data of 10 Multi-GNSS Experience (MGEX) tracking stations in Austral.ia were processed by GAMI'T software. The experimental results showed that the maximum standard devia-tion (STD) of Global Navigation Satellite System(GLONASS)G1/G2 north(N), east (E), length(L) baseline vectors reached 8.00 mm, 12. 10 mm and 10. 60 mm , respectively; the maximum standard eviation of up ( U) baseline vector of BeiDou-2 Navigation Satellite System ( BDS-2) B1l/B2I is 28. 70mm. The baseline length was positively correlated with the standard deviation ( STD) of baseline length.The mean square error and weighted root mean square (WRMS) of BDS-3 B1l/B2a, Galileo satellitenavigation system ( Galileo) E1/ESa and Global Positioning System ( GPS) L1/2 are generally small.with high accuracy ; BDS-2 Bll/B2l and GLONASS Gl/G2 are relatively large and low in accuracy. Theexperimental results further show that the positioning precision of BDS-3 Bll/B2a has been greatly im-proved compared with that of BDS-2 B1/B2I.
Research and Analysis on the Applicability of Projection DeformationProcessing Methods in High Altitude Areas
LlU Zhouwei, ZHU Qicheng, Luo Qijie, ZHou Yuchao
2024, 40(2): 33. doi:
(1221KB) (
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The article made the theoretical and empirical analysis and research on the applicability ofhigh-precision GNSS measurement projection deformation method in the construction of coordinate systemsfor water conservancy projects in high-altitude areas. It combines the example of the topographic mappingproject of the water conservancy interconnection project in high-altitude areas of Yunnan Province to analyze the causes and derive formulas for the influencing factors of projection deformation in engineeringmeasurement. The different combinations of projection surface and projection central meridian in projec.tion deformation calculation methods are analyzed and compared. Empirical calculation research showsthat in high-altitude areas, the project takes the average elevation of the measurement area as the projec.tion surface and calculates the central meridian in reverse. It sets up a projection with a central meridianminimizes projection deformation, and establishes the best coordinate system elfect.
Research on the Temporal and Spatial Characteristies of NetworkAttention of COVID-19 from the Perspective of Emotional Geography:Taking Wuhan as an Example
ZHOU Meiqi, LIN Jinping, ZHANG Bowen
2024, 40(2): 39. doi:
(2451KB) (
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Emotional geography research has complex geospatial patterns, complex temporal processesand complex characteristics of time and space. We obtained big data on Weibo through the web crawler.Based on emotional identification and with network attention as the entry point, we utilized Gephi cluste.ring, visualization and sentiment analysis to analyze the text word frequency, semantic network, emotion.etc. , and focused on analyzing the temporal and spatial characteristics of the Wuhan epidemic, networkattention and emotional identification. The research showed that: 1) The Wuhan epidemic showstemporalchanges and spatial characteristics of decreasing from the center to the surroundings; 2 ) The network attention to Wuhan's epidemic in China showsregional differences, “ convex” temporal changes and groupdifferences, and was mainly dominatd by positive emotional identification; 3) The emotional identification vary with the Wuhan epidemic during the period of “early-mid-post”, showing the temporal patternof “ universal emotional identification-positive emotional identification-social emotional identification” andthe same inter-provincial differences as network attention. Counterpart assistance to Wuhan was the main factor to mobilize social emotional identification.
Study on Tourist Satisfaction of Bird-Watching Tourism in YunnanProvince Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation :A Case Study of Western Yunnan
YUE Maowei, LU Min, Ll Yifei
2024, 40(2): 48. doi:
(978KB) (
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Bird-watching tourism integrates various functions such as ecology, sports, aesthetics, andscience popularization, and is one of the most representative forms of ecotourism. In recent years, thescale of the bind-watching tourism market in Yunnan has become increasingly large, and there are moreand more regions engaged in bird-watching tourism development and organizing bird- watching festivals.which attract a large number of tourists every year. At present, Baoshan, Dehong, Dali and other placesin westem Yunnan are the areas with the highest bird-watching heat and the most popular bird-watchingspots in Yunnan Province. Through fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, a three-level index system was established for the satisfaction of bird-watching tourism in western Yunnan , including 1 overall goal, 3 sec-ondary indexes and 13 tertiary indexes. Finally, the conclusion is drawn that tourists are satisfied with thebird-watching tourism landscape, especially the bird resources and characteristic cultural experienee in Yunnan, but they are less satisfied with the inrastructure, and there is much room for improvement inthis aspect. The relevant management authorities should further carry forward the advantages, make upfor the shortcomings, comprehensively improve the satisfaction of tourists, and promote the further devel.opment of bird-watching tourism in western Yunnan and the whole province.
The Glass Transition Temperature and the Effect on Storage Stability of Lac Resin
Jl Haobo, ZHANG Hong, ZHENG Hua, TANG Baoshan, ZHENG Yunwu
2024, 40(2): 55. doi:
(1166KB) (
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Lac resin may possess glass transition temperature ( 7,). The T, and its theory will explainthe instability of lac resin and direct the storage temperature when it is confirmed. Under the polymerglass transition theory, we used X-ray Difraction(XRD), Dierential Scanning Calorimetry ( DSC )and Dynamic Themomechanical Analysis (DMA) to verify lac-resin's 7. According to the XRD graphand its degree of crystallinity of 2. 93% , we confirmed that lac resin is amorphous polymer. The averagespecific heat capacity difference of the five DSC measurements was 0.071 J/(g ·K). The DMA meas.urement showed the inflection point of storage modulus was 36.0 C, the peak value of loss modulus and loss factor were 27.3 ℃ and 36.0℃ respectively. Combining the XRD, DSC and DMA results, wecould confirm that lac resin possess the glass transiton and T,. The T, was 27. 3 ℃ under the DSC measurement and was 36.0 9C under the DMA measurement. The interpretation of the instability of lac resinwith the glass transiton and 7, was: when the storage temperature is below 7,, lac resin could be storedfor a long time even if the physical aging may affect the lac-resin's property; when the storage temperatureis above 7' , the storage time will be shortened because the reactive end-grups could motion which couldcause a chemical reaction. Therefore the storage temperature of lac resin should be below its 7.
Study on Leaching Characteristics of Heavy Metals from a Magnetic SeparationTailings Yard of Steel Slag in Yunnan Province Under Simulated Rainfall
ZHU Xiaomin, YAO Bo, JIANG Xi', ZHENG Jinlong, TAO Lingjuan
2024, 40(2): 63. doi:
(1694KB) (
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In this study, the magnetic separation of a historical steel slag tailings dump in Yunnan wastaken as the object of study, and the properties of the steel slag tailing
s were analyzed. In this experiment, four leaching solutions with different acidity were used to carry out a 42-day dynamic leaching ex-periment to analyze the leaching release of Fe, Zn and Cd, and a release model was established. The re-sults showed that the pl value of the tailings leachate was higher in the initial stage of leaching, and de-creased rapidly after reaching the maximum , and kept stable in the later stage. Under the same pH value , the smaller the size of tailings is, the earlier the peak concentration of each metal appears. The dis-solution order of Fe ion concentration is as follows: acidic solution > neutral solution > weak acidic solution. The leaching of Zn is different. The leaching of Zn was higher in the early stage of leaching.reached the lowest value in about 9 days, and the concentration peak appeared again in 21 days to 27days. When the concentration of OH"in solution increased, the concentration increased slightly. Thedissolution of Cd showed a dynamic change, showing a rapid release of intermittent process. The dynamic process of the leaching of the three metals can well describe with the quadratic regression equation andthe DoseResp equation. But for Fe, the correlation coefficient R’ of the DoseResp equation is higher thanthat of the quadratic regression equation.
Preparation and Properties of Gelatin/Brushite/Gypsum Composite Porous Scaffold Materials
LEl Yun, HU Wen, Ll Yan
2024, 40(2): 73. doi:
(1214KB) (
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Brushite/gypsum core-shell composite spherical particles were prepared by agitating spray dr-ying method using brushite and a-calcium sulfate as raw materials, and then gelatin was mixed with theprepared spherical particles and collected by stacking in a mold. In the method, a gelatin/brushite/gypsum composite porous biological scaffold was finally prepared. The composition , morphology and structur-al characteristics of the prepared composite porous seaffolds were characterized by XRD and SEM. Its internal structure, composition and morphology were studied and analyzed, and its external degradabilitand mechanical properties were analyzed. The results show that the gelatin/brushite/gypsum compositeporous scaffold has a certain pore structure, and the average porosity is 61% , which can meet the re-quirements of the bone tissue engineering for the sealfold material; the composite porous scaffold has goodcompressive strength and average resistance. The compressive strength is (6. 1 ±0. 05)MPa, the com-posite porous seaffold has no cytotoxicity, and the in vitro degradation in SBF solution cyele is about 80days. This material has a broad prspect in bone tissue repair.
A Study on Local Branching of a Model with DensityInhibiting Microbial Effect
XlA Peng, XU Zhenyu
2024, 40(2): 78. doi:
(1073KB) (
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For a type of reaction diflusion model, the rate of material decomposition is considered as abranching parameter, and the conditions for the instability of spatially uniform solutions are found throughlinear theory of differential equations, that is, the conditions for the existence of unstable modes. Then,the local branch theory was used to prove the existence of local branches in the model. Secondly, by u-sing the asymptotic analysis method, the model is expanded near the constant solution and studied usingthe Fredholm principle to obtain a non-constant approximate solution at a certain moment. Finally, usingsimulation analysis , the approximate solution obtained is compared with the actual solution of the model toverify the correctness of the theory.
The Construction of Big Data Center in Vocational Colleges Underthe Background of the “Double World-Class Project”A Case Study of Kunming Metallurgy College
2024, 40(2): 86. doi:
(1249KB) (
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With the expansion of the scale of colleges and universities, the requirements of infommatio
n-ization construction are constantly improving. Although various management systems have been built andused one after another , they are limited by the development time, funds, purposes, etc. , resulting in thebusiness systems of various depariments being isolated from each other, unable to exchange data, thusforming the “'information silo” , which hinders data sharing and application integration, and also leads toredundant data that cannot be processed. A case study of Kunming Metallurgy College, relying on the opportunity of “ Double World-class Prject” construction, closely follows national policies, and builds acampus-based big data center. The construction is to build the overall framework with the concept ofprocessing data as assets, filing data assets with specialization". The overall structure covers the wholeprocess of big data acquisition , processing, govemance , service and application, promotes the deep integration of information technology with teaching and learning, realizes intelligent teaching, management,service and decision-making, and promotes the innovation of talent training mode.
Generation Method of Abstract Fluid in Van Gogh's Style Oil Painting
XIE Wanyu, YANG Ming, WANG Zhu, SONG HaoteRONG Hui, HU Ying, Llu Zhixin
2024, 40(2): 91. doi:
(3386KB) (
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Non-photorealistic Rendering (NPR) technology is one of the most popular research computergraphics in recent years. lt is based on the expression of art, and human cognition, with the help of com-puter digital simulation algorithm to generate hand-painted style images. Its aim is not to show the authen.ticity of the image, but to show the artistic nature of the image, simulate works of art, enhance the ex-change of visual information. It has been applied in many industries, has a wide range of applications andpossesses huge market prospects. Simulation efects can often give people a strong visual impact and endless imagination. By utilizing the adaptive LIC, (Line Integral Convolution) and introducing the abstractE'TF ( Edge 'Tangent Flow) model, abstraet fluid in Van Gogh's style oil paintingis generated, resulting ina good simulation effect.
User Function Block Design and Application ofCascade PlD Controller in DCS
Ll Zihong
2024, 40(2): 98. doi:
(2519KB) (
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In order to study the application of cascade Pl controller in DCS, a self-defined user funetionblock based on ABB -800F software is selected as the research object, and the software comes with itsown PlD universal continuous adjustment control block(CCU), expand the PlD controller panel andprogram design , enhance its function, unlock through password. It realizes a general PlD soft regulatoiwhich can adjust and debug parameters intuitively in graphical interface. It can realize single loop Plcontrol and cascade PID control, and can be used in programming configuration like FBD instruction.'This user funetional block cascade Pll soft regulator has achieved good results through application in theproduction of formaldehyde in a chemical industry, and has the value of reference and promotion.
Exploration of Modular Curriculum System for IntelligentConnected Vehicles Major Based on “Dual System”
WANG Hao, DENG Yuxiang, YlN Zhenhua
2024, 40(2): 104. doi:
(997KB) (
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The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed the requirements ol"vocational-general education integration , industry-education integration, and science education integra-tion” for vocational education. To make the construction of intelligent connected vehicle specialty andmeet the development requirements, this article analyzes the existing problems and proposes a path to explore the integration of industry and edueation through a modular curiculum system based on the “ dualsystem”, and explores the construction of a modular curriculum system of intelligent connected vehicletechnology under the perspective of promoting industrial colleges.
Research on Teaching Improvement of Information Technology Coursesin Higher Vocational Colleges Under the New Curriculum Standards
ZI Yongsuo , SHU Wangjiao, FU Zhengqiang' , ZHAO Yunwei, Cul Meng
2024, 40(2): 108. doi:
(1324KB) (
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The “ Infommation Technology” course in vocational colleges is an upgraded replacement courseof the original “College Computer Basies" course in vocational colleges. The course is a compulsory gen-eral education course for all the enrolled students, and the faculty in charge of teaching remain un.changed. However, the teaching objectives and course content under the new curriculum standards haveundergone significant changes in both quality and quantity, resulting in the problem of insufficient teach.ing ability of teachers, the problem of insullicient classroom time to complete the teaching task, and theeontradiction between the content of the computer rank examination and the course content. Aiming atthe similar problems existing in a higher vocational college in Southwest China, a series of teaching andeducation reform researches from the preparation of teaching materials to the improvement of teaching areconducted and practiced, and effective teaching practices are carried out to meet the requirements of thenew cuiriculun standards of information technology course.
The Dilemma and Countermeasures of Training “Double-QualifiedTeachers for Architecture Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges
XlE Yingmei
2024, 40(2): 116. doi:
(928KB) (
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In order to further promote the efficient, high-quality and targeted development of “ doublequalified" teachers of architecture majors in higher vocational colleges, this paper analyzes the problemsexisting in the training of “* double-qualified" teachers of architecture majors in higher vocational collegesfrom four aspects , namely, management authorities , enterprises, colleges and teacher staff. We also putforward the following countermeasures. First, relevant management authorities can take the initiativeinsetting up college-enterprise management organizations, promote college-enterprise-teacher coordinationand improve the participation of the three parties. Second, the college should improve the training systemfor “ double qualified" teachers , establish a classified and hierarchical training model, improve the as.sessment system, improve the incentive system, and strengthen the communication between enterprisesand industry associations. Third, enterprises should establish the development concept of win-win cooper.ation between schools and enterprises, and make use of teachers’ advantages in scientific research andtechnological application to jointly develop new products, optimize the technical route and accelerate thedevelopment of enterprises while cultivating “double-qualified" teachers for the schools. Fourth , teachersshould love their profession as educators and make reasonable plans for their career. lt is aimed to build a group of high-level " double-qualified” teachers of construction specialties.
Analysis of School-Enterprise Cooperation in Talent Cultivationfor Civil Engineering and Architecture Specialty
XU Xingwei', SU Yuling’, Ll Yuanchun’, A Guangqiang’, XU Xing’ai
2024, 40(2): 121. doi:
(944KB) (
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In order to elfectively utilize the high-quality resources of the construction industry and im-prove the comprehensive quality , problem-solving ability and innovation ability of graduates majoring incivil engineering and architecture, the current civil engineering and architecture majors are vigorouslypromoting the school-enterprise cooperation in talent cultivation. At present, there is not much literaturereview about the school-enterprise cooperation in civil engineering specialty , and most of the studies focuson the exploration of the training mode of school-enterprise cooperation. This paper analyzes the currentsituation and development trend of school-enterprise cooperation and talent training in civil engineeringand architecture specialty from the perspective of the number of international and domestic journals andresearch hotspots , and discusses the innovation path of industry-education integration in civil engineeringand architecture specialty.
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